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Postby bobbystills on Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:09 pm

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:55 pm

erm are u sure that picture link is of julia roberts hehe :twisted: :wink:

but that porn looks sounds good hehe might have to grab it
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Postby dinky on Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:29 am

bobbystills wrote:sig test

that a movie or "reload" wasn't working for ya? :P

wimbledon - liked it. crushing kirsten so more than a little bias. also liked chaucer though. is "right then" entertaining when an englishman says it if you're already english?

king arthur unrated - liked it. also crushing keira knightly, so more than a little bias. WAY better than Troy though.

i'm thinking sex, lies, and video tape tonight

....might watch a movie as well <insert drum roll here>. it's that or Born Free. haven't decided.
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Postby bobbystills on Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:15 am

dinky wrote:
bobbystills wrote:sig test

that a movie or "reload" wasn't working for ya? :P

no movie, reload works, just thought of it 1 post too late :(

dinky wrote:king arthur unrated - liked it. also crushing keira knightly, so more than a little bias. WAY better than Troy though.

Troy rocks imo :rock: brad spitts :happy: :spank:

havent seen king arthur unrated yet. i will have to check it out.

I cant wait to see this
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Postby dinky on Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:40 am

:o I do love those 2-sentence plot summaries on imdb that tell you absolutely nothing</i> in regard to what the movie is about or what kinda movie it is. judging by the write up, I'm guessing anywhere from Evil Dead to Mystic River to Uncle Buck to Stand by Me.
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Postby bobbystills on Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:59 am

dinky wrote::o I do love those 2-sentence plot summaries on imdb that tell you absolutely nothing</i> in regard to what the movie is about or what kinda movie it is. judging by the write up, I'm guessing anywhere from Evil Dead to Mystic River to Uncle Buck to Stand by Me.

yeah the peeps writing that stuff have way too much time on their hands. thank god for trailers
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:37 pm

King Arthur is a contrived bag of shite, its absolute bollocks and not even historically correct, jesus christ its so bad it makes me want to kick the shit out of everybody involved with it
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Postby bobbystills on Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:40 pm

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Postby dinky on Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:50 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:King Arthur is a contrived bag of shite, its...not even historically correct


you're kidding me! king arthur isn't real? next thing you'll tell me is achilles isn't real either? what? and I suppose the tooth fairy isn't real either? how about santa clause?

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Postby bobbystills on Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:11 pm

dinky wrote:
maxpayne2409 wrote:King Arthur is a contrived bag of shite, its...not even historically correct


you're kidding me! king arthur isn't real? next thing you'll tell me is achilles isn't real either? what? and I suppose the tooth fairy isn't real either? how about santa clause?


lmao @ MaxEpad2409
I saw a show about mid evil weapons yesterday, they said how old the oldest European shield found was but i cant remember a date. they did mentioned that in like 1550 their was something written forbidding the use of goat skin in the making of shields. They didn't say why tho? maybe goat hide makes for a weaker shield compared to rawhide from cows & deer? or it could be superstition? :?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:27 pm

dinky are you american or did u have to teach yourself to be such an idiot? obviously you know nothing of the arthurian legend so ill just not even bother trying to educate an idiot, you can believe your little american bullshit instead as it pleases you

god i hate american films that dont even attempt to stick anywhere close to historical fact, like U571 for instance is a prime example, americans taking credit for things the british did and died for
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:18 pm

Don't forget that the the disney version of Robin Hood, with a talking Fox as Robin Hood and a Bear as Little John, was more 'story accurate' and also far better than a live action version starring Kevin Costner.

Dink, I think he's referring to the fact that, like Troy isn't a accurate representation of Homer's Oddysey, and thusly its story sucks in comparison, King Arthur is so far off its laughably absurd to claim what they did on the movies poster, and its not even entertaining on the level of representing the legend, since it does a piss poor job of it. Incidently they have been trying to press charges against the makers for false advertising, since they use the phrase "the real story" on the poster, whereas it is even less accurate than the proper 'legend'.

Anyway, Its just plain silly to assume they are going to even remotely 'real', or stick close to the established legends or fables, but when they are shown up by disney cartoon's with talking animals you know that its going to be tosh, and unfortunately in this unentertaining crap tosh I hear :lol:

Not even my Mum liked King Arthur. I've not seen it myself, and I sure as hell don't want to, but she, who tends to not mind all this crap hollywood churns out, thinks it was utterly crap.... which isn't a good thing at all. I certainly don't want to see something she thinks is crap, it will be terrible :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Dec 17, 2004 8:43 pm

See dinky, spud gets it, i was unfortunately forced to sit and watch (well laugh, point out inconsistancies and generally ruin the experience for everyone else, altho the film did that pretty well itself) king arthur as i went to my friends house and his mum was watching it, and i wasnt forewarned by txt or instant messenger before i got there, so i know its a load of old crapola, and i want all that time back, what made it worse was the fact my mate wanted to watch it because thinner then ally mcbeal keira go lightly knightley was in it.

in fact the old 80s/90s cartoon "King Arthur & The Knights of Justice" was more accurate and that featured an american football team getting zapped back in time and becoming the knights of justice to help king arthur defeat some evil wrongdoers :lol:
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Postby dinky on Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:53 pm

you do realize it's french, right?

"historically accurate" implies HISTORICALLY accurate. so what you're really bitching about is that it wasn't faithful to the arthurian literature canon? ok. that's for sure.

and given the attested presence of elite sarmation calvary in roman britain and the drawn out roman withdrawl combined with the on-off-on saxon raids/invasion, the movie is a HELL of a lot more historically</i> accurate than anything I've seen/read before.

and the use of "real" in the advertising campaign is obviously geared at this 'historical truth' (inference, really) - you really couldn't figure that out? or it just annoyed you? I assume you know that Colchester was actually Roman Camuldunum (actually a pre-roman, Celtic name), and it was the seat of power in S. England until the Boudican revolt, at which time the city was sacked and London grew into prosperity). So there's some seriously compelling (if only to a romantic historian/archaeologist) to locate Camelot as Camuldunum after Rome left Britain - return to a native strongpoint, etc., etc. but that makes about as much sense as believing The Iliad and The Odyssey are historical accounts. :lol:

so far, I've seen/read shit that focuses on arthur, or merlin, or arthur-lancelot-guwenevire(sp?). anything that tries to merge them into one whole narrative tends to do so very badly. (imo)

anyway, I love Homer and think they sucked all the story</i> from the Iliad and created a big pile of shite called Troy. so if I can be pissed about that, then I see no reason to begrudge you your disillusionment (there's actually better evidence for Troy in the archaeological record, but it's also certain that there was not grand Trojan War - the city simply wasn't very impressive at the level of catastrophic destruciton)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:22 pm

Hey don't drag me into this. ;) My comment refers to the fact that its all bullshit anyway, and I'm all for deviating from established literature if it results in good story telling and film (aka. not Troy), but it is my understanding that the movie really sucked balls, so by deviating from a decent enough story they've just made a mess.

As for merging stories into one narrative being bad, I didn't think the Disney movie "Sword in the Stone" was bad, I actually think that's quite a good film concerning the Arthur myth, but that takes the begining bit, which is the problem. The problem is the Arthur legend lasts for ages. So its all obviously not going to make a single movie, not a good one anyway. Maybe Paul Anderson has a trilogy in mind? :mrgreen:

Same deal for Robin Hood, Prince of Theives... all the changes were just stupid. If they'd have stuck to the legend it would have had a lot more going for it since the legend is a lot less stupid :lol:

Same goes for anything to do with the Bible too, except that isn't particularly interesting so maybe its better changing it :lol:

I haven't seen the film you guys are talking about, and really don't want to, it looks awful to tell the truth :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:54 am

oh it is awful dont worry lol, of course for robin hood legends you cant beat... men in tights :lol: :lol: :lol:

on the subject of anderson films i saw avp yesterday... wheres that horrified and sickened at paul anderson icon again on here hmmmm, i really pity paul anderson, he must be the most hated man in teh world now, forget sodomy hussein or osama bin raped by a goat, paul anderson is another who should be hunted down and shot,
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Postby dinky on Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:35 am

it may be awful, but it's a hell of a lot better movie than what they did with Troy or Alexander (fairly historically accurate, btw), which was the worst of the three this year. the saxons were supposed</i> to be barbarians (in the literature). the greeks weren't.

of course, I was fine with Saving Private Ryan, U571, First Knight and Braveheart, prolly cuz I don't give a shit about the actual source material for either but liked the movies as movies (stop laughing cuz I just said I liked Braveheart! :oops: ).

yet studios keep hiring mr. anderson. was I the only person surprised they made a sequel to RE? :?
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Postby lakotnyk on Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:36 am

and what did he do? who is that paul anderson anyway?!

btw... sticking with the topic... i've most recently seen underworld...

and ofcourse, i'm a new user here, hope you accept me in time... a refugee from sc btw
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Postby dinky on Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:44 am

do you or do you not like Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and (especially *grin*) Army of Darkness?

Be forwarned, your response to this question will determine your fate on this board to infinity and beyond!!!!!!

er...oww. me mum just whacked me with soup spoon when I said that out loud. :oops:


back on topic as well:

Hidalgo. except for the "this is a true story" shit at the end, I thought it was pretty entertaining.
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Postby bobbystills on Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:28 am

maxEpad2409 wrote:dinky are you american or did u have to teach yourself to be such an idiot? obviously you know nothing of the arthurian legend so ill just not even bother trying to educate an idiot, you can believe your little american bullshit instead as it pleases you

:lol: :lol: :lol:
omg thats funny

i really do live for rants like that
its been working flame wonders on some of the other forums I pasted it to :beerchug:

Solaris - still my fav
Galaxian - very cool
subSilver - boring

oh yeah i almost forgot why i logged in
I just watched the doc called My Flesh and Blood (2003)
I havent balled like a baby in probably 15+ years

MaxE whens the last time you had a good cry :lol:
I mean b4 today :oops:

still trying to get thru the brown bunny and 2046.
2046 from what i seen b4 i took a nap seemed really cool. I think i'll try it sober saturday afternoon. The brown bunny which ive made it about 1/2way so far is fuckin dumb, and is probably the most boring movie ever made. something is definatly wrong w/ gallo, he fuct that C.dennis film up too imo anyhow i'll probably finish it just to see the Bj scene in context but i dont see how it could of a sudden start making scence.
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