The last movie you saw...

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Postby dinky on Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:15 am

Closer. I found Alfie to be a far better treatment of similar material. This one was funny, but its attempts at any serious meditations on life and love were shot to shit by the outlandishness of the character's choices. I mean, self-destructive and sado-masochistic can be done and done well - this was like watching The Village and not hearing a single contraction: wtf talks like that? wtf acts like these people? It's funny, but not very smart for all its pretensions..
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Postby El Mariachi on Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:16 am

UHF, always laugh my ass off with that movie.

Especially the commentary on the DVD is funny, actually funnier than the movie ;)
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Postby dinky on Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:51 am

Blade Trinity
not sure if I just didn't get it or it was plain dumb. dumb in a 'you can definitely see this is a comic book movie.' the plot is seriously anticlimactic.

<spoilers> The whole premise is that the vampires go back to awaken dracula who was the first vampire and voluntarily went into hibernation in mesapotamia because the world bored him and lacked honor. if this all seems familiar, you've probably read the Anne Rice vampire series or at least the Lestat/Queen of the Damned movie with that dead black singer in it. It is also eerily reminiscent of the first Blade movie with the Blood God. Now slap me silly and call me sally, but isn't "the uber vampire number one" kinda the same thing as the blood god story? the way they kill him is almost exactly</i> the same. ho hum. I was also quite annoyed that the vampire dogs (a silly creation in its own right) and dracula, when he wasn't concealing his appearance, all had the mouth structure of the crazy creatures created in Blade 2. the way the mouths and tongue looked, it had to be intentional, but why? what's the point? it just looks stupid to do it w/o any apparent reason.

jessica biel is pretty. I'll give her that. and ryan reynalds is funny. I'll give him that. the movie is kinda funny. often on purpose. often not. the fact that it tries so hard to be funny makes it incredibly hard to get into on any serious level or give a shit about the action. the range of all actors involved is pitifully limited as well, but I have to lay most of the blame on the narcississm of David S. Goyer, the writer of all three movies and the director of this, supposedly the last movie. (nothing more is resolved in this than in the first one, however.) all in all, it's worse than the second which was worse than the first which was pretty good. the "science" of each movie gets progressively dumber to the point that it feels like a 30-minute saturday morning episode of the spidey or x-men cartoons from the mid 90s. of course, it's pretty much exactly what it looks like from the previews, so if that looks appealing to you at all, you'll prolly at least enjoy the full movie. I wasn't involved in the action, but it's not like I was dying to gtf out of the theater.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:00 am

watched escape from L.A a couple hours ago and its still as good as i remember (altho i seemed to notice more bluescreen this time around) to be honest i prefer this film more then escape from N.Y but that could either be A. a better movie, or B. when i first saw them both escape from l.a was on sky movies and escape from N.Y was on uk gold a few years back full of advert breaks
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Postby dinky on Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:37 am

Ocean's 12
not a big SS fan to begin with. also not one who dislikes clooney and pitt. but the movie was really blah. a few belly laughs. I much prefered the first (remake). this one does a lot of "pull the wool over yer eyes" kinda storytelling, which isn't exactly difficult to do if the person telling the story is the guy who decides what you do and do not see.
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Postby dinky on Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:04 am

Dog Soldiers - cute. would be better if ED & Predator weren't already so well known. think the Alien connection is really stretching it.

Aladdin - this movie rocks! Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio got writing credits too! and pixar did animation on it! blows my mind man (shit I never would have cared about when I saw it as a tween)

Robocop - nuff said

Vampires Anonymous - I need help.

RE2 - expected much worse. can't say I was disappointed.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:16 pm

*Mild spoiler*

I watched Lord of the Rings: Return of the King extended edition.
Changes were welcomed and I much prefered it to the cinema version, looks great too on the DVD. Loved that the Mouth of Sauron was back in it, if a bit of a comic.

One line still cracks me up in that film, when legolas says...
"A diversion..."
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Watch the movie and wait for it, tell me if you don't crack up laughing (or if your the reserved type, crack a smile :) ). Its just so awkwardly scripted and out of place (and obvious) it just does me in :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:38 pm

just watched star trek IV - The Voyage Home, easily the best star trek film, and anyone who disagrees can go die, but its amusing watching films u saw as a kid when ur grown up and how different things in it seem
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:02 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:just watched star trek IV - The Voyage Home, easily the best star trek film, and anyone who disagrees can go die, but its amusing watching films u saw as a kid when ur grown up and how different things in it seem

that better not be the one with the blue whales in :lol:

First Contact was the one that seemed to be on top of that pile of manure I always though :)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:51 am

no its the one with humpback whales not blue whales, and first contact started ok then drifted off into a bad imitation of Die Hard in Space
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Postby dinky on Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:41 am

I kinda thought Nemesis and Generations were the bad</i> ones. nemesis felt like an episode (not a compliment). and generations was so fecking sappy, I wanted to ted kasinsky the theater. was first contact the one centered around Data? cuz that felt like just another episode also.

anyway,..spud reminded me. how couls I forget: RotK Extended Edition. was good. would have enjoyed even more expanded fight scenes. didn't really care to watch munchkins running around screaming. would've really liked Gandalf and the Witchking to drag out longer before he got distracted by Theoden. I mean, the girl put up more of a fight against him with nothing but a wooden sheild against his 'I-raided-Sauron's-WARdrobe-and-stole-his-MACE'. the 'love scene' in the infirmry where eowyn and faromir fall in love seemed more contrived than the aforementioned legolas moment. but as I recall, tolkien himself was terrible with that episode as well. dude writes women about as well as I understand david lynch movies.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:26 pm

lol Tolkein, to write a woman, you must become a woman....

That would be an evil sight :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:12 pm

I wanted to ted kasinsky the theater. was first contact the one centered around Data?

ted who? and first contact was the data one with the borg, which was a load of horseshit jsut like all the next gen movies, except insurrection which is ok purely for the HUGE amount of overacting and cheesey dialogue in it from everybody involved
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Postby dinky on Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:32 pm

kasinsky? kazinsky? the "unibomber" he targeted seemingly random people and mailed bombs delivered via the US postal service. I think the social commentary in the act had something to do with the irony of the federal government agency delivering death to citizens. at least, that's what I found entertaining about it.

insurrection! that was the stupid thing where data goes of and acts crazy as part of some ploy or something or other. it was like a 100-minute episode - and just an ok episode, nothing to write home about. that was worse than first contact! at least the borg are a respectable villian(s).
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:04 pm

that was worse than first contact!

what you talking about? They're all worse than First Contact! :wacky:

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:34 pm

first contact is a shit film, i could pull a better, more well constructed entertaining plot out of my nostrils, it was ok to start with, but then as usual with next generation riker turned up and then from there it all went downshill, until it turned into a VERY bad clone of die hard but set in space, replace john mclane with picard, replace teh terrorists with borg, replace the nakatomi plaza with the enterprise and hey presto die hard in space done badly and name it first contact
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:54 pm

wat and the rest are better? lmao! seriously, there' nothing like arguing over table scraps.

First Contact is okay, and for star trek thats a bloody miracle :o

The latest two were flat out shit morality tales, even worse involing the robot, generations was baaaaaaaaaaaad, we're talking worst one maybe, most of the ones before that aren't worth mentioning, kahn was okay but wasn't that just a followup episode to one of the original episodes? Boring movie, but okay too. The first film WAS an original episode :lol: Search for Spoc was flat out wank, the one with the whales was okay... were they the same movie? They all tend to blur into one hideous mess, enjoyable, if your like two... and well, I can't even remember how mundane the rest were.

First Contact at least had the borg in, that's about the only reason it wasn't as flat out wank as the rest. Period :lol:

What they need to do is nuke the enterprise, get Picard and some guys from Huddersfield Tech in red shirts, get shaft from DS9, and the foxy Terry Farrel, and go pistol whip some borg.
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Postby dinky on Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:17 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:First Contact at least had the borg in, that's about the only reason it wasn't as flat out wank as the rest. Period :lol:

What they need to do is nuke the enterprise, get Picard and some guys from Huddersfield Tech in red shirts, get shaft from DS9, and the foxy Terry Farrel, and go pistol whip some borg.

pistol whip some borg. that's classic! going in my repitoire.

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:29 am

search for spong was st3 and voyage home (whales one) was st4, altho i do agree on teh whole terry farrel is hot thing
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Postby bobbystills on Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:41 pm

closer and alfe were okay
i liked closer better cause i still want to face fuck jroberts, she looks so good still imho i dont care how nasty her nipples look. Id hit it. I was kinda pissed portleyman had her little strip scenes taken out!!!
blade trinity sucked ass. :evil:
lotr rotk extended was cool as fuck, i like a big black mouth too spud :wink:
alexander sucked ass. :evil: *no pun intended*
saw manchurion canidate (2004) again its okay
reverend billy and the church of stop shopping was okay but nothing special reminded me of another doc i just saw called the yes men which was a little better.
tried to watch The Ring of the Nibelungs *dumb as fuck* had to turn it off around 25 min in - ireally tried to watch it too! :evil:
apple seed was cool but i was hoping it was going to be more 4 adults - i thought i remembered their being some nipple in the comics :?
been watching battlestar glattica series its pretty cool. Im also really getting into the lost series!! I'll be watch that new ep tonight!
saw conan the barbarian again the other night - i saw a bit of it on tv but it was so edited i had to tap the archive, I didnt remember conans mom being that hot, im going to check mrskin for her stats here in a min.
I also grabbed a pretty cool porn yeasturday ... ed+dvd.htm YES IM CAPPING IT.

still waiting on the brown bunny & 2046
also waiting on cheching out the secon season of carnival - ive been seeing previews hbo so it cant be 2 much longer, they left alot of that shit all unexplained so they need to hurry up

might watch the village again this weekend but i doubt it
I'll definatly be watching garden state again as soon as i finish the proper. Its a quaint and funny fim imho
also want to see the terminal and |EvidenceThe Case For Nasa Ufos and gremlins 1 and 2 b4 the weekend

BTW anyone having probs using emule 44.c & 44.d
it wont take links :(

anyhow someone please recommend something recent good an rare WTF
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