The story begins just outside our solar system as a massive alien cruiser arrives from the Thalian Zone, destroying an Earth scout ship without provocation. The year is 2999, and the solar system has just seen the end of Space War 3. The alien cruiser sweeps through Earth's defences and, hovering directly above Star Fleet Command, issues an ultimatum - hand over the F Zero One (F-01) or face destruction.
season 1-6
file size 2 x 700mb
runtime 96mins
video codec Xvid
Video Dimensions 528 by 400
Video Bitrate 1515 kb/s fps 29.97
Video Source DVD
Audio Codec embedded 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate 128 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) VBR L
Sub Languages NA English Dub
Year 1980
ed2k: StarfleetX-Bomber1-3.avi [699.29 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: StarfleetX-Bomber4-6.avi [699.64 Mb] [Stats]
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