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Postby Gorehound on Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:50 pm

I did some fansubbing a while ago on the german "Premutos" Gore-o-rama.
For the timecodes i used the "Koalaplayer" which has an inbuilt subtitleeditor.
It´s not hard to use at all (just mouseclicking till your fingers bleed), but it´s time-consuming like hell.
I´ll never do such a job again, i promise! :D
Took me almost 2 afternoons to set the i wish u good
luck and strong nerves with this!
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Postby hagbard on Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:44 pm

John_Doe wrote:ok, tt's from 'Forbidden Planet'. At the very begining. :wink:

Thanks. I may check this one out, even the 50´s scare me off quite a bit ...

The only sad thing would be that I'd kinda ruin the movie for myself, as I'd watch it without undrstanding much..

Well, yeah. I had thought about that, too. Listen: If we can find an easy way (fool-prove & easy-to-handle), I will give it a shot.

Just will take some time. As I already mentioned: Not much free time in the moment ...

I will check out Gorehounds "Koalaplayer" - Thanks for the tip, pal ! :D

As for the animated one

Which one are we now actually talking about ? First priotity for subbing, I mean ?

I must admit: I´d rather go for the "not-animated".

Just how stupid can you possibly get?


Gorehound wrote:I´ll never do such a job again, i promise! :D

:roll: You have not done some kinda course in motivation skills, have you ? :wacky:

i wish u good luck and strong nerves with this!

And once again: Thanx a lot. :D
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Postby hagbard on Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:51 pm

Hehe ...

Question to the expert: Subtitles by "Koalaplayer" can be played on Direct Vob Sub ?
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Postby John_Doe on Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:32 am

Koala Player has been the player I've always used anyway, for the past 2 years. But still, as far as I can figure out, you have to imput the timecodes yourself. ie You have to set the timer to 1:20:45 then press 'Insert'.

What I thought about was a player where you could just watch the movie regularly, then press SPACE each time something is said, and that creates a timecode. This would be the easiest way to do it.

Don't know if these subs can be read by Vob Sub, but if not, they are easily converted to .srt or .sub or whatever...

I would also go for the non-animated one first. And don't worry about the 'ruining of the movie'... I understand a tiny bit german, and I HAVE read the book (15 years ago) so it wont be that bad. I'd only be glad if I could also be a part of doing this fansubbing. =)

Which reminds me, didn't Michael Ende also write some other story about a wizard of some sort stealing time (or something) at new years eve...? And there's a fat cat, and a crow that's set out to stop him...?
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Postby John_Doe on Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:37 am

I have found the solution: ... tails.html

I'll start to make the timecodes sometime next week.. It's rather easy. Just pressing different buttons. Only using the keyboard. Read the help!!!!!
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Postby hagbard on Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:39 pm

John_Doe wrote:I have found the solution: ... tails.html

I'll start to make the timecodes sometime next week.. It's rather easy. Just pressing different buttons. Only using the keyboard. Read the help!!!!!

Fine then. In this case, I will go ahead with the translation and leave the rest to you. :mrgreen:

Please let me know, if you want it done in a specific way ?

I would do it like that:

"Scene: In the barber-shop
Barber: bla bla bla ...
Grey Man: bla bla bla ..."

That should be all right, I guess ? Or anything else to consider ?

I could actually also add the times, since I will have to stop, play, stop, move back, move forward, stop, play, all the time ...

"Scene: In the barber-shop (0:47:12)
Barber (0:47:20): bla bla bla ...
Grey Man (0:47:40): bla bla bla ..."

Just let me know ...
Last edited by hagbard on Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby hagbard on Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:51 pm

John_Doe wrote:Which reminds me, didn't Michael Ende also write some other story about a wizard of some sort stealing time (or something) at new years eve...? And there's a fat cat, and a crow that's set out to stop him...?

I don´t know that one, but I just had a look at amazon and found it: "The night of wishes" by Michael Ende.

I take it, that you know "The neverending story" ?
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Postby Gorehound on Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:34 pm

hagbard wrote:

I would do it like that:

"Scene: In the barber-shop
Barber: bla bla bla ...
Grey Man: bla bla bla ..."

you won´t have to write a new screenplay hagbard.
just write down every spoken sentence from the beginning of the film until the end, numeration wouldn´t be bad. if you use johns mentioned subcreator which has an texteditor in it u could roughly set the timecodes by yourself already and leave the "finetuning" to john.
good luck!

p.s. i really didn´t wanna kill your motivation with my previous posting.
i often express myself in a much too drastically way. :D
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Postby John_Doe on Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:10 pm

yhagbard, yeah man, like gore said. If you're gonna do it that way, you might just as well use that subcreator. It has a very easy way to make subs. you just watch the movie, make a mark when something is said, and write it down. Very simple!!!

What I had in mind was that I first made the timecodes, then sent it over to you, so that you had all the times SOMETHING was being said.. Then you could just type in what it was, send the finished thing back to me, and I'll do the finetuning....
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Postby hagbard on Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:30 pm

John_Doe wrote:What I had in mind was that I first made the timecodes, then sent it over to you, so that you had all the times SOMETHING was being said.. Then you could just type in what it was, send the finished thing back to me, and I'll do the finetuning....

All right, all right. I just downloaded the subcreator and played a bit around. I must admit: It is quite easy to handle - but taking a lot of time, and - I am sure - after a while a lot of nerves, too ... :wacky:

Well, I can do it either way. But to be honest: I would rather take your offer, and we do it the way you are proposing. The choice is yours ... I would happily offer you a part of doing this fansubbing ... :mrgreen:
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Postby hagbard on Sat Oct 02, 2004 6:43 pm

Hej John.

Forget about it. I have started today, and I am going through with it. Will take some time though.

I will let you know, when I am done. Then you can go over the finetuning and maybe have a closer look on my English ... hehe ...

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Postby John_Doe on Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:02 am

how's it coming along?
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Postby hagbard on Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:34 pm

It is almost done. I finished translation & rough time-setting last weekend. Then converted it testwise to srt -format, so I could watch it on my video-player (fullscreen), and had to realize, that I need to do more line-breaks.

Have started to work on that. Doing a bit every other day when coming home from work. I think, it will be finished by the weekend.

If you PM me your email address, I will send it to you, as soon as I am done. It should be good enough, that you can convert it directly to srt or sub-format and watch the movie.

The rest is then up to you: Fine-tuning of time-settings & duration, maybe change line-breaks now and then, correct my English ... :mrgreen:
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