Are you ready for some more resident bashing ?
Bought Resident : Outbreak yesterday.....Yes it finally came out in PAL territory .....without online mode....
And my god what remains is a :censor: catastrophe......
I'll refrain from final judgement here and now......
But here's my played-it-2hours-preview then:
There's no built up - story arc inconsistancies - :censor: awfull graphics...Also , there is a 60 hz mode but if you hook it up on a older telly that doen't have that ,you've got black borders the size of the berlin wall.....and wrong AR as a bonus.....
Animation sucks....THE BOTS ARE just HIDEOUSLY bad.....steering them thru (obviously obsolete now) verbal communication is a nightmare...puzzles are sometimes void of logic....bash bash....
gotta save some for later.....but ressie is really sinking fast in respect over here......