Ripping Made Easy

Verified - Quality retail DVDRips. Xvid or DivX. If its non-retail, poorly mastered or if the rip is low-q, please post in low-q section. Lower quality DVD-rips may be moved to ensure high quality in this section. No VCDs or unverified releases in this section please.

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Ripping Made Easy

Postby Blade Runner on Thu May 27, 2004 2:52 pm

Ripping Made Easy

Use this link below to convert you dvd's to xvid in one very easy to use programme no crazy settings :D :D

Auto GordianKnot DVD2Avi Converter Get stable release v1.0

Tutorial for above app very very simple to use :D :D

AutoGK Tutorial

You will also need DVD decrypter

AutoGK will convert to Divx or Xvid in various sizes eg
1CD 700MB rip,
2CD 1400MB rip,
3CD 2100MB rip,
1/4 of a cd 175MB
1/3 of a cd 233MB,
1/2 of a cd 350MB,
All with either MP3 VBR or AC3 audio. And it splits the files automatically for you if it's a 2 or 3 CD Rip :D and it never makes an oversized rip that wont burn to CDR eg 703MB wont burn to cdr this never happens with this app =D|

Oh and it makes all the settings for u including bitrate and resolution :D hence the name AutoGK it's a dream for DVD2AVI conversion. Basicalyy u can convert from DVD to a 2CD AC3 Xvid rip in honestly about 5 clicks of your mouse. Now thats quality :D =D| And so are the copies it makes give it a go guys :D 8) You will not regret it and never look back.

Hope this helps some people who dont know the full in's and out's of dvd conversion to start ripping and releasing :D )-0

Ed2k Links:
ed2k: AutoGordianKnot.1.0.Setup.exe  [5.89 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: AutoGordianKnot.1.19.beta.Update.exe  [1.33 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: AutoGordianKnot.1.25.Setup.exe  [6.05 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: SetupDVDDecrypter_3.2.2.0.exe  [770.8 Kb] [Stats]

Direct Download ... load&cid=1

[ Add all 4 links to your ed2k client ]
Last edited by Blade Runner on Fri May 28, 2004 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Bassline on Thu May 27, 2004 5:12 pm

yup i use this 99% of the time and on the odd occasion FairUse

makes em good enough for me as i can't quite get my head around normal GK :wacky:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu May 27, 2004 7:35 pm

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Postby Blade Runner on Thu May 27, 2004 10:22 pm

There is also a good easy to understand guideHere for using GK
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu May 27, 2004 10:49 pm

yeah, thought that was odd that another gknot guide was made to replace the guide made by the guy who made the program. I don't follow any of the guides though, just read through doom9 once or twice and its easy to pick up what to do. Have tight control over AR and cropping, required size of rips, multiple audio streams done properally, compressability tests and spec refinement, vobsub ripping, etc. and of course the all important avisynth script tweaking options :)
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Postby mw2merc on Fri May 28, 2004 9:11 am

AutoGK: New version 1.25, May 22 2004

Does it support/require AviSynth, CinemaCraft Encoder, or Nero Recode???
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Postby mw2merc on Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:22 pm

Also, does this support multiple Audio and Subs?
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:06 am

CCE is a mpeg2 encoder, why would that be needed for MPEG4? Gknot is just for best quality, so there's no option for mpeg2, just ripping to mpeg3. For svcds, a gui isn't really needed, make a avisynth in notepad, then load it into cce change a few options and hit encode :) Nero Digital is propriety, it only works in nero Recode, which is a shame, I hear its quite good.

AviSynth, multiple audio, subs have been supported by gknot since the first few versions, dunnno about autogk, but imo autogk, is just for those that don't want to get the best rips, just the fast ones,
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Postby Hell_Spawn on Mon Oct 11, 2004 7:16 pm

can you give me the right specs for a high quality rip.
i have tried but the comment suck so tell me please.
so i can post some more high quality dvdrips thanks already.

Hell_Spawn !! :D
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:26 pm

You mean the criteria for producing a high quality rip? They can not easily be summarised in spec form since it varies from rip to rip, therefore the way to ensure how to get the best rip, is ensure you follow a correct ripping method. Follow gknot guides, and then use some very simple 'guidelines' below:

The major thing you need to do is drop AC3 unless needed..., its a very, very poor codec thats hardly compressed and still lossy at that! It should be reserved for at least a 2cd rip, never a one cd rip (barring act of god circumstances). Hopefully AAC will take off and we'll get a surround sound codec to rival mp3 :)

You should aim for 90mins = 1cd, don't go below 512x resolution, try and keep the bits/pixel as high as possible.

It's all about maintaining the balance between video and audio, video takes the focus of affection, 128 VBR mp3 is sufficient and will provide a quality 1cd rip.

Reserve AC3 only when a) the movie actually has a good AC3 track, full channel usage/soundtrack/sound effects b) you are doing a 2 or 3cd rip.

However, read this:
and the sticky above this.
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Postby elanze on Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:00 am

AutoGK does detect mono audios from dvds, but I always put x2, in case of mono 64 kbps i put 128 kbps on Autogk.

Anyone has tested this?
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Postby Screwface on Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:57 pm

The Tutorial link is dead
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Postby freddyzdead on Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:55 pm

I use ancient tools; DVD2AVI, VFAPI codec, VirtualDub Mp3, dbPowerAmp for the audio, etc. and I get excellent rips and quick as well. ANYDVD does all the decrypting, so I just copy the DVD files to HD and go from there. I threw away GK years ago as it takes forever and is mind-numbing. AutoGK is ok for n00bs, but doesn't give you nearly enough control.
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