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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:10 am

what? i obviously do remember the combing the desert bit as i said i remember the entire film except for the bit with the camp guard who captures the stunt doubles, which i was referring to from someones sig
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Postby bobbystills on Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:33 pm

F spaceballs!

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:03 pm

not seen that i dont think
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:12 pm

Watched Ginger Snaps 3, comment i made about it that I'll post here:
I watched this third one, imo. they shouldn't have kept the same cast members for the lead roles. It was totally pointless and it kind of broke the mood.

That was my original fault, I didn't mind much after a while, but at first it really put me off watching (especially as in terms of role acting, they still seemed to be playing their 20th century characters and seemed very out of place). I thought it was kind of a weak choice, since IMO this franchise is very stylish and can very easily survive without them.

However, after a bit you can over come this I think, as said the movie is very stylistic and as far as werewolve movies goes is very modern and one of the better ones (Dog Soldiers it is not however). Visually this is a ripoff of Ravenous, but this is probably due to similar setting and the monolithic view everyone has of the "pioneer days". It is a highly enjoyable movie, you overcome the greivances with the casting and the Tremors 4 style "actor playing relatives of their modern character" but unfortunately, a lot of the themes in the characters is also the same as in the first movie so that does spark deja vu. However, since the subject is somewhat different, with the whole ancient evil feel, the movie is very much different to the others, and the werewolves are in their element in a seige.

Recommended viewing, as long as you watch the first 2 first. ;)

Then I watched Exorcist IV: The Cheese Festival. The very first scene looked really cool, with the battlefield, I though maybe this will be okay. Then urggghh , everyone seemed to be british, which isn't a bad thing but even the african tribesmen spoke like that... then again, I thought, it is after all a british controlled region (birmingham in the olden days perhaps? ;) )... shrugging that off I then started loathing the over indulgance in CGI... I mean those hyenas just looked stupid, whats wrong with using a smegging puppet or hiring some wild dogs? Then it just turned boring for a while, oh we gotta put some jews and nazis in, acceptable I guess,... this is hollywood after all. Then the cgi hyenas ate that kid, that was kind of funny, but the CGI just ruined it. Anyways on we go, crap... crap... couple of nice scenes, liking the british setting up the turrent, and the subsequent slaughter was cool. Church consiparcy, lucifers death, unconvincing father gets killed... then I nearly wet myself laughing when Jar Jar Possesion arrived.... oh my god, it was like being at a cheese festival.
The total lack of understanding of horror was overwealming, how can a director have such little understanding of scares? Its like.... what a tosser! The whole ending was appauling, lol @ the kid reading the bible, and the bendy cgi possesion victim.

William Peter Blatty and William Friedkin will be crying somewhere if they ever see this :roll:

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:18 pm

1. i heard dog soldiers was supposed to be a really really ace film groundbreaking suspenful etc??? (ive not seen it yet)

2. if your gonna badmouth tremors be prepared for a knuckle sandwich me laddo...unless its tremors 3 then badmouth it all u want :lol:

3. erm..... well i had a number 3 but.... erm... CGI SUCKS BALLS, there thatll do for number 3
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:36 pm

1. its a damn good film. Groundbreaking? Not really... Suspeceful? Na, its just really, really good. Its gorey as hell and is one of the best british horror films for a long time. Way better than 28days later

2. I didn't:
and the Tremors 4 style "actor playing relatives of their modern character"

That's prescisely the same, but termors is more light/comedy, like Back to the Future and other films that use this, so you can let it go easier. I was merely commenting that Bert plays his great grandfather, and in GS3, the two sisters play er... i dunno what, but some relatives or other. Ginger Snaps 3 relates to Tremors 4 because they do the same thing :)

3. yes it does.
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Postby O.G.N.A.N.O. on Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:37 pm

CgI killed tremors.....

I'll never forgive it for that.....

In theory , Cgi is just what is needed for a worthy sequel of "the thing"....

The "resolution" is already's just the expertise in animation that's lacking.......
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:43 pm

In theory it would be, but not yet. The Thing was made in the absolute perfection of the art of old style, hands on special effects, whereas CGI is still in an infancy.

In retrospect, CGI is in a state where it really shouldn't be used still, it has a good 10 years until it reaches an acceptable level of accuracy. Even experts are held back by technology, like ILM on the new star wars films, looking good, but too unreal and fake.

The problem is that, although its not ready, directors use it for sequences "we'll get it in edit", whereas they really should have a hands on and do it their and then,. or at least have it all storyboarded to the fullest extent. CGI is a great tool, when its used in post production to clean up mistakes and add sublties, its used in practically all films now... hell, did you know that League of Gentlemen (series) uses CGI? The local shop is digitally added to the hillside, different parts of royston vasey are added... their even a seen where a prop soft stick is replaced with a cgi poll in post. The difference here is they use it for little fixes and improvements, its just not ready to be used over hands on effects... and even in scifi, they should be mixing real and cgi, not just relying totally on cgi for the thrills.

As far as CGI goes for tremors, well if you look at the tongues in tremors 3 (that are real) you can see that they are shockingly poorly made, even next to the crappy ones in the original. They are all fake and sock puppety, so i think it was overall budget that was the 'downfall'.. Thats just the movies though, the tv series is really, very good, and the cgi in that is perfectly acceptable for me. It isn't overly used, but is used for shots that aren't achievable.. So I can't agree that cgi killed tremors, when the series is that good ;) The CGI may have made the tremors sequels look crappy, but the series proved the franchise is very much alive :)
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Postby O.G.N.A.N.O. on Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:26 pm

Somehow I just can't help feeling George Lucas plotted this all along....

You see ...

CGI can be updated and repackaged in another "ULTRA NEW EDITION" tm....

And collectors can go take a bite on their keyboard for having to buy YET another new $100 boxset... :twisted:

This is a fascinating discussion :lol:
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Postby Blade Runner on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:16 pm

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Not bad for Jim Carrey
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:16 pm

spud, i thought u hated and despised tremors the series because it replaced farscape on scifi?

what annoyed me about tremors wasnt the cgi, it was those fucking gay ass blasters
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:17 pm

i also jsut watched Monty Python Holy Grail again, comedy genius at its best
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:26 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:spud, i thought u hated and despised tremors the series because it replaced farscape on scifi?

WTF, are you on crack? Firstly, wtf, and secondly It didn't replace farscape; farscape cost too much and got axed. Tremors costs about 4 dollars to make ;) The only thing that could have 'replaced' farscape in terms of scale would be Stargate Atlantis, but that wasn't planned when farscape got axed so I'm not sure what your talking about...

it pisses me off that they cancelled their best show though, and pick up some of the crap they have... but tremors the series was pretty good, so I'm not sure what your talking about. I'd much rather see shows like stargate get the axe in favour of farscape though.

what annoyed me about tremors wasnt the cgi, it was those fucking gay ass blasters

Yeah, stupid crappy creations.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:57 pm

im refering to a slight argument we had once a couple years ago on sr forums lol, when i thought id wind u up by praising the axeing of farscape :D (ive got a good memory for certain things)

i loved tremors the series too, nealry every episode was great (just like seven days which over 3 entire seasons of 22 eps each had only 2 dodgy episodes)
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Postby dinky on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:57 pm

I kinda liked the first movie (Tremors). think I saw the series once. there were these things that had almost nothing in common with the giant wormies that could fly around, and they caught one kinda like the way they killed their first dragon in Reign of Fire. kind of bugged me that they called it tremors. more like mutant beasts from the lost world of jurassic mimic.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:29 am

i believe they are assblasters your refering too, first seen in tremors 3 the worst of the quadrilogy
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:38 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:im refering to a slight argument we had once a couple years ago on sr forums lol, when i thought id wind u up by praising the axeing of farscape :D (ive got a good memory for certain things)

So do I actually, I think your mistaken, I most definitely haven't said anything regarding tremors series being anything negative in relation to Farscape, although I may have mentioned scifis scheduling and cancellation. I have said a comment in regards to Stargate Atlantis very recently to which you sound to be mixing up with, if you look around (either in the thread here or in the thread about series recommendations @ fh) you've probably read that and got your wires crossed ;) I aint said anything about not liking tremors the series (because if it comes out, I'll probably buy the dvd I enjoyed it that much) though for definite, so your most certainly getting mixed up.

I remember bitching about scifi when the news broke that tremors was canceled, then I will have almost certainly talked about studio executives cancelling their best shows and referred to tremors and farscape in the same breath. But as said, I liked the series and posted links and news, in the threads at here, fh and SR... your probably mixed up with me bitching about scifi channel axing their best shows when they cancelled it.

I think that the money they spent on stargate atlantis, should have been spent on farscape though, but stargate has a bigger marketability. I don't particularly like that series. Then again on that level, hypothetically I'd prefer any current series i can think of, or tremors, or whatever, to be axed if it would mean more farscape, since imo farscape is a lot better than a lot of the crap on tv... that doesn't mean I have a strong disliking of something, it just means farscape would be a damn sight more preferable :)

:roll: @ use of quadrilogy. I hate that word, it insinuates some kind of continuity or bigger plan between the movies. Only the first two are really related to any significant level, the other twos only link is Burt.

@dink, the show is more of a 'scifi freak of the week' with the linking recurring lifeform being the grabboids and gestations
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Postby dinky on Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:58 am

spudthedestroyer wrote::roll: @ use of quadrilogy. I hate that word, it insinuates some kind of continuity or bigger plan between the movies. Only the first two are really related to any significant level, the other twos only link is Burt.

or the fact that tetrology is A) grammatically correct, and B) easier to pronounce.
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Postby mw2merc on Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:51 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:i also jsut watched Monty Python Holy Grail again, comedy genius at its best

:lol: The assistant MGR at work doesn't understand why I quote MP/HG so much. It IS one of the best comedies EVER!!!

maxpayne2409 wrote:1. i heard dog soldiers was supposed to be a really really ace film groundbreaking suspenful etc??? (ive not seen it yet)

2. if your gonna badmouth tremors be prepared for a knuckle sandwich me laddo...unless its tremors 3 then badmouth it all u want :lol:

3. erm..... well i had a number 3 but.... erm... CGI SUCKS BALLS, there thatll do for number 3

spudthedestroyer wrote:1. its a damn good film. Groundbreaking? Not really... Suspeceful? Na, its just really, really good. Its gorey as hell and is one of the best british horror films for a long time. Way better than 28days later

2. I didn't:
and the Tremors 4 style "actor playing relatives of their modern character"

That's prescisely the same, but termors is more light/comedy, like Back to the Future and other films that use this, so you can let it go easier. I was merely commenting that Bert plays his great grandfather, and in GS3, the two sisters play er... i dunno what, but some relatives or other. Ginger Snaps 3 relates to Tremors 4 because they do the same thing :)

3. yes it does.

1) I didn't think it was very good at all. I'm still waiting for a GOOD WereWolf movie. Along the line of the awesome TV series.

2) The ONLY good Tremmors is the original IMHO. Everything else was CRAP!!! The series was interesting at first, but not enough to get me to take any effort to watch it. Poor storyline mostly.

3) I agree that CGI is overused. CGI definately has it's place. B5 proved that. But like in Blade 2, Spider-Man 2, Catwoman, & many others, it's just way overused & looks, well, campy.

spudthedestroyer wrote:@ use of quadrilogy. I hate that word, it insinuates some kind of continuity or bigger plan between the movies.

Actually, in HollyCrap, all it means is 4 related films. Like by ST4, it was a quad.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:04 am

ah maybe i am getting confused spud, id also buy tremors the series dvd, as i would also buy all 3 seasons of 7 days as as a series its the best thing ever out of 66 or so episodes theres only a couple of not so good ones which i think is a pretty good record for anything.

i also hate the word quadrilogy but i figured as everyones heard of the use of the word through the recent aliens dvds then id use it so there was no confusion, i myself prefer Quadology for 4 films, like trilogy for 3, duology for 2 films, octology for 8 films, decology for the star trek films.

so its not worth me seeing dog soldiers then?

and merc.... i think your asst mgr is..... a scottish git, i too also quote MPHG a lot, along with life of brian, the monty python team are comedy legends

incidently spud, from what i read of your mini review about ginger snaps should i download the trilogy and give them a watch?
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