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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:05 am

lol i could never become a hollywood towelboy, i like police squad too much :lol:

if films start copying avp with the black woman heroine stuff then soon we will see ww2 films where jews take to arms and defeat the nazis which of course didnt and would never happen because of course theyre just a bunch of.... gggr dont get me started on jews in hollywood, they run the damn place take a look at the movies u watch, the credits will be 95% full of jewish names, hence why you rarely see a dig at jews in american movies or tv, (also why they support the RIAA and MPAA)

dont get me wrong im not saying i hate anything made by jews, i just hate the way they control everything so that anything nastry said about them is filtered out, they let every race and religion etc be made fun out of but if u try to do it at them then you get branded a nazi or something as bad

oh well, nothing i can do about it... being too lazy to get out of bed if i didnt have to :lol:

i am expecting to notice this post suddenly mysteriously disappear :lol:

im also in 2 minds about whether to post this at all incase ur all more easily offendable then i thought but i dont think u r
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Postby dinky on Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:25 am

well I think we can rest assured that black females (or males, for that matter), aren't in control of hollywood. so I guess my response to that is the same I had over at FH: what demographic should</i> the hero of the picture have been...and why?

while I personally see a (thin) thread of truth to your argument, I find the analogy completely out of place. first off, I think it's perfectly plausible to have a jewish hero during WW2 without rewriting history. But putting that aside, WW2 was an event in the past. you want to talk about rewriting history, ok. you can argue about the american presence at Normandy in Saving Private Ryan or the fine but completely fictious and historically misleading movie, U-571 (or something to that effect), and then there's Braveheart and my particular pet peeve: Troy. but wtf has any of that got to do with the situation in AvP where a black woman is one of the world's most experienced ice climbers and is the only person of any sex or ethnic background to survive the encounter with aliens and preds?
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Postby mw2merc on Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:20 am

dinky wrote:watched AvP again (hey, I had a free ticket for buying the predator CE dvd). second go around made me kinda angry. not spud-caliber. but more how are they going to continue the franchise after this? the character didn't join the preds. this isn't a video game. you can't pull the same friggin' gimmick where a human & pred team-up and the human gets "knighted" into the predator brotherhood after scalping some aliens with a new character </i> in the future - my dog wouldn't watch that again. so in that sense, I think lizard boy is right: Mr. Anderson killed the franchise.

but wtf has any of that got to do with the situation in AvP where a black woman is one of the world's most experienced ice climbers and is the only person of any sex or ethnic background to survive the encounter with aliens and preds?

Ha ha ha ha ha, Spud-Caliber! Now reguarding 'the character didn't join the preds', I don't think you guys ever read the comic series. The MAIN character is a woman. Though she's Asian, so basically they just did an ethnicity spin on her. The 'branding' the Pred gives her is his clan marking (though it should've been done on the forehead) which tags her a Predator of his clan. As lame as some may think about that, she did prove herself in battle killing an alien, just as the Preds came to do. In the comic though, the main Pred is the leader of a clan. I'll have to see about digging it up & reading again so I can give more info about the series.

maxpayne2409 wrote:dont get me wrong im not saying i hate anything made by jews, i just hate the way they control everything so that anything nastry said about them is filtered out, they let every race and religion etc be made fun out of but if u try to do it at them then you get branded a nazi or something as bad

oh well, nothing i can do about it... being too lazy to get out of bed if i didnt have to
i am expecting to notice this post suddenly mysteriously disappear
im also in 2 minds about whether to post this at all incase ur all more easily offendable then i thought but i dont think u r

Heh heh heh. This makes me want to find & watch The Hebrew Hammer. Man, you are lazy. :lol: There's no way this HOT thread will disappear. Offend away, doesn't bother me. I'm one of the most opressed right now, so fuck it, piss away! Only reason I got a new job last week was that they DID base hiring me on SKILLS :beerchug: , not race or sex to fill a fucking :matrix: quota.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:21 pm

Though she's Asian, so basically they just did an ethnicity spin on her.

Yup, I wasn't aware at first, but I did some checking after I saw how lame the lead was.... seems there definitely was some ethnicity to play which is a shame, I was hoping I was just finding another reason to find the film sad.

well I think we can rest assured that black females (or males, for that matter), aren't in control of hollywood.

lol, no you still are skipping the comment, and are way off. I'm saying the choice of lead comes from some liberal guilt rather than a honest/sensible choice, which is just acknowledgement of playing up the ethnic issue in the movie.

so I guess my response to that is the same I had over at FH: what demographic should the hero of the picture have been...and why?
Well it has been answered several times over there, so I'll just copy and paste:

Is there any race / culture combination that wouldn't get me offended? Yes, any that don't play to demographics to get the point across, and relies on strength of character. In this case, that would be none of them. But then they needed something to follow the predator round. :roll:

spudthedestroyer wrote:
mrdinky wrote:
spudthedestroyer wrote:I do also, but did Romero choose a black character for that very reason, to make a statement? I think you'll find he did play the race card, but for reason ;) That isn't racist since there was some serious development behind the character. Here though it seemed nothing but playing steroetypes and the demographics, whether as a result of poor scripting or not.

Okay. I'm still not seeing your problem. ok. they did some demographic study and decided a black chick fits best. and cast the lead based on that. so what</i>? name 2 actors in that movie you recognized. Hendrickson begins and ends that list for me. it's not like they passed on <insert-name-of-actor/actress-you-think-would-fit-the-part-better-here>. name one human who is a physical match for a predator or alien anyway? like it matters.

What's the actors I recognise got to do with anything? My comments are merely about the type of character scripted, not any greivances with any member of cast... is that what you were thinking I was getting at? No, sorry to mislead you. I am talking soley the choice of character here, its trademark hollywood.

xenon wrote:
spudthedestroyer wrote:
mrdinky wrote:Okay. I'm still not seeing your problem. ok. they did some demographic study and decided a black chick fits best. and cast the lead based on that. so what</i>? name 2 actors in that movie you recognized. Hendrickson begins and ends that list for me. it's not like they passed on <insert-name-of-actor/actress-you-think-would-fit-the-part-better-here>. name one human who is a physical match for a predator or alien anyway? like it matters.

What's the actors I recognise got to do with anything? My comments are merely about the type of character scripted, not any greivances with any member of cast... is that what you were thinking I was getting at? No, sorry to mislead you. I am talking soley the choice of character here, its trademark hollywood.

Sorry if I jump in your (quite interesting) discussion... The fact that the actors are not famous only aggravates the problem. It shows that casting (at least for some characters) wasn't made with the script or the actors' talent in mind, but by tokenizing roles to demographics. That's the problem!

xenon wrote:I'll step out of the debate with just a few more mords: not being a purist/fanboy, I have no particular interest in bashing this movie. This said, no one has a problem with a female black main character, the problem is when you have the feeling she's there for marketing/pseudopolitical reasons.

spudthedestroyer wrote:it really is very simple dinky, I'm surprised you really can't see it at all :o

but let's explore those feelings a bit, shall we? do you feel that way because she's a black female character? cuz that's what it sounds like to me.

The problem here is that its a typecast role, chosen purely because she is black (and hence 'racist'). It has become apparant that she was written as a female because the comics had a female lead... I wasn't aware of this, I thought this choice was to appeal to a female crowd, since AvP was very obviously more of a male thing. It just seemed like a lame clone of Ripley, that help none of the grace of Ripley. I guess the reasoning here wasn't as shallow as I expected.

But to do with ethnicity, she was most definitely chosen because she was black, which is a shame, since well xenon said it best, I can't shake the feeling that the character was writen this way for marketing or some kind of liberal guilt. And for me, that's not how your write or cast a character, you choose the best actor for the job, or you write a character that fits in the movie. :(

But judging by your post, I don't think you really want to change your mind, so there's no use repeating ourselves on the matter, but i think I made my point pretty clear anyways. Its not something I haven't seen in a movie before or anything, its just something that I thought they'd be over doing by now. I'm glad i'm not the only person who picked up on it on one level, but another its very lame, since it means maybe there really is something to it and creating a role because of liberal guilt/marketing or whatever it is is just sad. :roll:

There's nothing big or anything sinister behind any comments, just a complaint about type-casting. The feeling is that this character on screen is there to be black and a woman probably stems from a terribly weak script, but its there nether the less it does seem a questionable choice, and something I would have thought we would be over by now.

lol@ the hollywood jews comment. Some german immigrants explored an area of the market untouched in the states and as a result, they now own most of hollywood. Got to respect a keen business sense there :beerchug:

Hollywood is structured like it is due to a 100+year history behind hollywood and all the pioneers were jewish-german immigrants and hence due to the profitability of the film industry, it just seems that way now. The fact that they moved out to LA is due to the fact that they were indeed skipping owing royalties to the Eddison company (who owned the rights to projectors). Ironic really, hollywood was founded on piracy and now they get pissed when someone copies their films :o
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Postby dinky on Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:09 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:
well I think we can rest assured that black females (or males, for that matter), aren't in control of hollywood.

lol, no you still are skipping the comment, and are way off. I'm saying the choice of lead comes from some liberal guilt rather than a honest/sensible choice, which is just acknowledgement of playing up the ethnic issue in the movie.
iunno. I think that's a perfectly valid response to "the Jews are running the Hollyworld! it's the jews! blame the jews!"

spudthedestroyer wrote:
so I guess my response to that is the same I had over at FH: what demographic should the hero of the picture have been...and why?

Well it has been answered several times over there, so I'll just copy and paste:

In this case, that would be none of them. But then they needed something to follow the predator round. :roll:
hmm...I'm not following you. you're saying there is no person/ethnicity that you wouldn't find offesive. yet you readily admit that some</i> choice had to be made because having a person follow the predator around is fundamental to the movie (having nothing whatever to do with sex/ethnicity). so wtf does it matter so much</i> that the person is black when you just admitted that any</i> ethnicity or sex or human being whatever is wrong (because the plot is lame) but necessary (because the plot depends upon it)? your explanation, afaik, is a criticism of inept writing/direction/editing rather than liberal guilt. - watched LXG again last night. no reason. it was on.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:51 pm

iunno. I think that's a perfectly valid response to "the Jews are running the Hollyworld! it's the jews! blame the jews!"

Sorry I thought you were some how tying that into AvP somehow and if you were, then you really were skipping everything I was trying to say. Obviously you weren't.

Well I have answered over at, best keep the converse over there since now we are covering the same ground at two forums ;) I am aware that you haven't been following my points, but I have replied over there anyways.

you just admitted that any ethnicity or sex or human being whatever is wrong (because the plot is lame)

I think you might notice I was joking when I said that, I was taking a pop at the expense of it being so bad ;) The answer I've posted is any, but not like it seems it was done here... that's incredibly lame to play the race card.

so much

I'm merely commenting on its presence, 'seemed' and 'did anyone find' ;) And since you answered pretty much 'no', i am going to reply :lol:

Anyways, since its a thread dedicated to it at (at least it is that now :lol:), I have posted more over there, pick up on what I've said there and I guess we can carry on if you still don't understand my points :)

I have now (ok last night) I have completed the entire series of B5. Just a couple of movies to go and I'm done. Very impressive series in the most part, all the more when you read about all the difficulites it had being made. I have to say that the end of Series 5 extends the 'downer' quite far, its like 5 episodes of goodbyes :lol:
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Postby Bassline on Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:07 pm

AvP was a fantastic movie now please stop dissing it :P

/me throws can of worms then runs for cover :lol:
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Postby dinky on Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:55 pm

The Garden State
I thought it was great. it got really predictable and kinda like I, Robot in that it doesn't exactly break the mold, but I am impressed by Zach Braff's first effort. it's a solid film.

I also saw this hillarious preview (same existential material as TGS) call I <heart> the hucabees or something similar. It cracked me up:

"you can't handle my infinite reality."

"no! that's not it. I <pause> what does that even mean?"

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Postby Blade Runner on Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:39 am

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:53 am

i saw along came polly the other night, a friends sister rented it on dvd and i was jsut too lazy to get up off a comfy sofa to leave the room
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Postby Blade Runner on Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:15 am

Not even a piss, distracted you >>>... Shazaaaam! :wink:
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Postby mw2merc on Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:30 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:Ironic really, hollywood was founded on piracy and now they get pissed when someone copies their films

LOL yeah, that's being a 'Jew' alright.

Blade Runner wrote:Click repeatedly if necessary

LOL! Ack ack, ack ack!!!

Blade Runner wrote:Not even a piss, distracted you >>>... Shazaaaam!

OMFG NO!!!!!!

Anyways, I saw most of Something About Mary again, most of Event Horizon, and parts of about 3 other movies, but not enough to call watching.
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Postby El Mariachi on Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:09 am

My science project (1985)

I didnt like it so much anymore... probably because I was like 11 years old when I first saw it. And now, being almost 28 it looks and plays bad

I'm still gonna keep it stored somewhere though.
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Postby dinky on Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:59 pm

Open Water respectable but completely unengaging. the wife is hot though. looks like charlize theron. and there are some nudy shots (for maximillions :wink:)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:52 pm

but charlize theron isnt that hot, theres so many more hotter women about, but id use me skills on her in a competiton to choose her or bloody 25foot forehead woman Christina Ricci

altho i do like nudy shots, so nud me up :lol: (not litterally me but feel free to send nud pics of hot women to me, anyone who sends any ricci ones will be dragged into the street and publically flogged :lol: :lol: )

incidently on the subject of jews i found a very funny definition that had me howling with laughter in the homer simpson style "its funny because its true"

Dictionary Jew (hook-nose) 3% of the american primate family (superfamily moochymaximusthecoidea).
Hopped boats to the United States in the mid 1900's, these greedy creatures now roam freely--while destroying the economic and social infrastructures of America and various other nations. These flamboyant sub-humans love to brainwash large quantities of the population and avoid a real job at any cost. One can find these lazy sub-humans infesting areas of Hollywood.
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Postby O.G.N.A.N.O. on Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:20 pm

I , and guess some of you , watched the TS of Excorsist:the beginning this/previous week...

Say'allright I'suppose... :?

A few weeks from now and I'll have forgotten about it... :P
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Postby dinky on Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:18 am

it seemed a lot like crouching tiger hidden dragon. a bit closer tie-in with reality in terms of being a work of historical fiction. I didn't love tiger, and seeing the same tricks here didn't make them anymore appealing. plot tries a bit too hard to be uber philosophical. I'm not a fan of this decentered narrative(s) trend that has been making the rounds the past decade. it's not as disorienting as mullholland drive by any stretch of the imagination, maybe a little more "connected" than swimming pool - but close. there's a difference between memento and pulp fiction, which fuck with narrative delivery but don't alter story, and then there's this little sub-genre fetish, which strikes me as pure indulgence or maybe something a person does to "have taste" (like observing the proper ritual at dinner) rather than actually developing a sense of one's own taste.
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Postby bobbystills on Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:25 pm

dinky wrote:Open Water respectable but completely unengaging. the wife is hot though. looks like charlize theron. and there are some nudy shots (for maximillions :wink:)

the copy i had fell short an froze in @the end when they were *SPOILER* cutting up that shark, i was hoping they were going to find a piece of her in its bell??? did they?

dinky wrote:Hero
it seemed a lot like crouching tiger hidden dragon. a bit closer tie-in with reality in terms of being a work of historical fiction. I didn't love tiger, and seeing the same tricks here didn't make them anymore appealing. plot tries a bit too hard to be uber philosophical. I'm not a fan of this decentered narrative(s) trend that has been making the rounds the past decade. it's not as disorienting as mullholland drive by any stretch of the imagination, maybe a little more "connected" than swimming pool - but close. there's a difference between memento and pulp fiction, which fuck with narrative delivery but don't alter story, and then there's this little sub-genre fetish, which strikes me as pure indulgence or maybe something a person does to "have taste" (like observing the proper ritual at dinner) rather than actually developing a sense of one's own taste.

imho this film is almost a masterpiece.
i loved it and have seen it about 2dozen times
and if i get a hold of sum money this week i will definatly be traveling to one of the many unkept unclean noisey theaters in my area. i gotta see it big screen. just about every aspect of this film fits together seemlessly imo. & 50 years from now it will still be as popular :D

me gives Yimou Zhang, Christopher Doyle and all their designers and actors involved w/ the making of hero mad props
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:57 pm

watched Say it isnt so last night, was quite funny, it pretty much followed in the pattern of most romantic comedys with the exception that in this one the guy and girl shag and then find out they might be brother & sister who were split up when they were babies a pretty funny film in total, worth watching if u wanna laugh

incidently ive not seen Alien Vs Predator yet but i downloaded the soundtrack of BT and the soundtrack rocks, so i think i may jsut structure my own AvP movie around the soundtrack so i get a good movie
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Postby dinky on Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:02 pm

bobbystills wrote:
dinky wrote:Open Water respectable but completely unengaging. the wife is hot though. looks like charlize theron. and there are some nudy shots (for maximillions :wink:)

the copy i had fell short an froze in @the end when they were *SPOILER* cutting up that shark, i was hoping they were going to find a piece of her in its bell??? did they?

find a submersible camera? yes.
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