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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:04 am

Thx for the suggestion but I think I'd rather embark on a hobby of hammering nails through my scrotem instead :lol:

as for the charmed episode, is that one about heavy periods or the one where one of them nearly gets maried again? Maybe we should stop the charmed bashing?

(Maybe we should cross post some quotes in the charmed thread @ sharetv? :wacky: )
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Postby Bassline on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:18 am

better not cross post you may find my "thanks for the episodes" posts :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:41 am

As long as you don't like Charmed or Dead Like Me, or any other one of those shows...

stick it up your arse roberto :lol: dead like me is good in a its so weird and shit its funny and no1 gets it way :lol: how can u complain about a show where the main star is a grim reaper because she was killed by a toilet seat that fell from mir, and ppl complain theres no more originality left on tv, yet when something original comes along you cry all over it and say its shit, but i agree charmed is a big pile of horseturd, and as far as roswell goes... well im just offended now :lol: that show is so shit it makes enemas look shitfree in comparison

incidently max is back in the flibbety flobbety floo :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:51 am

incidently last movie watched would be monty pythons life of brian again, great film

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Postby dinky on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:59 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:Sci-fi drama shows in the uk? They've always been pretty wank interspersed with some decent ones in my opinion. But my comment was on Tru Calling and it being terrible, and the surprise that people actually like it (i was expecting it to die but then you and max said u liked it :o ), why not watch a decent american show instead? please... I don't want it on sky1 :lol: There's quite a few better shows about anyway, although many are finishing/being cancelled. Hell even Stephen *smegging* King's Kingdom Hospital is better than Tru Calling imo, and they cancelled that :o They go ahead and cancel the best and the go for crappy chick shows like Tru Calling, Dead Like Me, Carmed, etc. Totally drives me nuts :lol: Women must be more consistant tv viewers, its the only thing I can think of that can justify the shows the signon and the ones they cancel. It's always the best ones that go way too early.

I hear Carnivale is starting back up soon, so it won't be nearly as shitty about the place :mrgreen:

what's wrong with Dead Like Me?

Charmed is a Spelling drama. He owns the networks. kinda like Ted Turner and all his civil war/western shit on TNT.

I've seen 2 eps of Tru Calling. nothing to make me wanna come back. so I'm with you there.

but iunno how anyone can take Farscape seriously. a buncha fecking muppets? it was good by cable standards. would have been dumped after one episode if it was on broadcast. it was on par with Herc and Xena. moderately fun but a total joke - like just about everything on sci-fi channel, usually staring Dean Cain. all those shows need a budget and to throw out everything but</i> the story (note I said story and not script). there's some major league cheese factor on that net.

...which is why most broadcast and cable shows are so terrible cuz they have no budget. either you have a really</i> good script, and that's why HBO kicks ass, cuz they really go all the way with limited series, or you sell 20-minute sitcoms and 40-minute soaps. my 2 cents, of course. :wink:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:45 am

but iunno how anyone can take Farscape seriously. a buncha fecking muppets? it was good by cable standards. would have been dumped after one episode if it was on broadcast. it was on par with Herc and Xena. moderately fun but a total joke

OH YES YES YES OH GOD YES OOOOOH what more can i say, there is a god and his name is Dinky :beerchug:

plus we all know the muppets dumps all over farscape, even fraggle rock, HELL even muppet babies dumps all over farscape
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:25 pm

a buncha fecking muppets?

:roll: Obviously either someone with a short attention span or someone whos not listening... how can you get through starwars in one piece? Infact its pretty laughable since practically all scifi shows have prospetics... what's your point?

The problem is, its 100% the top class writing that people go for in farscape, not some asphetics (take note star trek fans). Comparing it to Xena and Hercules shows obviously you haven't even watched it properally since its nothing alike in the slightest. The only time I heard such a comment was when someone who hadn't even seen angel said "I thought it was like xena/hercules" so nuff said.

As far as scheduling goes in the uk, Farscape had a prime time slot on BBC 2 normally occupied by The Simpsons (which is when they had the rights to it) and was also shown on Scifi channel at 9 iirc.

The fact that farscape has come back is testiment enough to the following it had, muppets is the worst arguement I've heard for it being crap, and I've heard a fair few of them... this is the internet afterall :)
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Postby dinky on Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:41 pm

I watched most of the first season. it was a showcase for puppeteers. and like most stuff that the sci-fi channel airs, it's B-TV all the way...just like herc and xena (both series spent their entire runs in syndication). I was also under 10 when I fell in love with SW. If I saw it for the first time today, I'd prolly laugh at it (c'mmon: "chewbacca"?).
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:01 pm

As I've repeatedly said, series one is not what you should judge the series by since its the worst series by far... I mean that blue Zhan character was terrible, she got on my nerves so much, I was very happy they killed her off. Watch from Series 2 onwards if you have to make a serious comment on what people love about Farscape, else you won't have any idea what they are talking about to be fair. Series 1 doesn't accurately reflect the series, just like... well series 1 of anything. But as you mention now your judging from the first series... yeah it was a bit ropey and the writing was sketchy. It also has practially nothing to do with the worm holes and has a loose low-budget lexx feel to it. Some of the episodes struggle with the budget at this point. Until Scorpious comes in, it feels more like a Pilot... but even then it maintains an decent enough standard. I struggled with the first several episodes, the pilot was excellent, one of the best I've seen for a show, but the others seemed a bit too character exploration, and lets look at the weird society on this planet.. Then after nearly a series it found where it was going, and it went straight into huge story arcs, great writing and dumped the somewhat lingering direction it had in the begining.

To be honest, we are talking about a scifi series, muppets or some form of prospetics is going to happen, its the same on B5, star trek or anything set out in space. As far as farscape goes, I always the prosphetics were pretty good.. its just to portray the weird and wonderful which you have two options with, you use a puppet or u use cgi. Personally I'd go for the puppet and I'm damn glad they did too.

As far as the writing go, it was a refreshing change to see something that wasn't some crappy Star Trek style crap-festival. Something without a command structure or moral agenda... something not seen in scifi very often at all. But when the initial scifi-particular expected episodes (as said, almost completely at the begining of series 1).

oh and Dead like Me was some shit comedy without any laughs, following some depressing deformed lass on her oh so quirky morality trip as a... yawn... no more of that :) Charmed seemed actually more like xena/hercules than Farscape ever was to be honest, but I've only ever seen it twice and it was going on about gods and crap like that.

Seen as though you are judging from a quarter of Farscape and at that the worst part, I can see where some of your comments come from (except the Xena one, where I think someones really trying to stretch for a feeling :lol: ).. it was a bit ropey at that point. But tell me a scifi show that wasn't, hell tell me a show that wasn't... there aren't many I'm aware of.

I suppose you could say the same about Tru Calling (hey its only in its first series too)... problem here is there is no story arc, its going absolutely nowhere, the stories are poor ... well teen drama I'd say. Which isn't what I'm into but it seems other people are. Dead Like Me was just drivel (sorry max, I loathed that one :lol: ) I watched the first 3 episodes and I thought 'this could be cool', which then went down to, 'well they've fumbled now, this is boring' and then it started out as some crappy 'oh I can't be a reaper... oh I'm dead... boo-hoo'. The only thing that was mildly enjoyable was the deaths, but then again, from watching movies for umpteen years, you've seen them all before they were stolen anyway :( Which is why I never liked that one.
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:36 pm

When you allow yourself to get into Farscape you can actually forget Rygel is a puppet and he takes on a life of his own especially when it's combined with his dark and sarcastic sense of humour. Farscape has been the only episodic Sci-fi I've had any admiration for since B5.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:55 pm

hes a puppet? :mrgreen:

Anyway, I just looked at the Topic Title:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1-3

Same puppeteers as in farscape I believe :lol:
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Postby dinky on Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:15 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:Dead like Me was some shit comedy without any laughs, following some depressing deformed lass on her oh so quirky morality trip as a... yawn... no more of that :) Charmed seemed actually more like xena/hercules than Farscape ever was to be honest, but I've only ever seen it twice and it was going on about gods and crap like that.

well I think it's great. no matter what the characters do. no matter what they discover. they don't really "know" or "solve" anything. it' I am. how should I be? just be. but of course, nobody can "just be," we need a cognitive understanding (read: emotional buffer provided by rationalization). so everyone's trying to "figure shit out" like they'll be able to mathematically explain their being in the world...or put the "world" in a nice neat little box or understand the big boy who gives them their orders. and there's this kinda cynical "don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out alive" mood to the whole thing (heh - I just poached Van Wilder!).

Seen as though you are judging from a quarter of Farscape and at that the worst part, I can see where some of your comments come from (except the Xena one, where I think someones really trying to stretch for a feeling :lol: ).. it was a bit ropey at that point. But tell me a scifi show that wasn't, hell tell me a show that wasn't... there aren't many I'm aware of.

s'like the extras dvds for Resurrection and A3 - why on god's green earth would I sit through that? why would I keep coming back to a show when I don't like it</i>? Actually, it's not that I had a real aversion to it - and here's where the herc/xena comparison comes in - it's so f$*(ing disposable. like if there's nothing else to do and I'm vegging on the couch. that's one less hour to labor through before bedtime. and I have seen a couple episodes with scorpion - you're talking about the guy with the S & M mask, right?

btw - 2-3 eps of dead like me? how can you judge the entire show based on less than a quarter of the episodes? hehe :P
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:02 pm

I haven't, i've judged the episodes I've seen, but no1 has argued that isn't what the show is about and that its changed in any way (because it hasn't, and it can't of.. what one season on?). I'm always hopeful that soemone will come along and say it gets better, and then I'll watch and see if it does... but with Dead Like me it doesn't lol. Its just crap all the way through the series and they've only had one right? Tell me if it improves, but i've got an incling its not going to, just get substantially worse then axed.

As for A3 extras, it really is your loss (a documentry is a documentry, subject doesn't always reflect outcome), its actually the best extras disc by quite a bit in the set, because it was the one with the most happening behind the scenes, and the most significant changes in plot and production :mrgreen: That makes for the most interesting insights into a film, something with smooth production often leads to crap documentries.

The reason you'd (or at least I) want to come back is because of what you miss because you are unwilling to give a show a chance. And with tv series, they have the space to change dramatically. I hated family guy, if i didn't stick with it I wouldn't have seen it was probably the best animated comedy out there. Take B5, that went from poor, to alright, to semi-decent and then to great. If you didn't give it a chance, you'd never get pass The Gathering ;) But if you really have to love it from one episode in the first series, then I'm glad you've found at least anything that you actually like... especially with the amount of shit networks put out nowadays :(

I always keep an eye on series to see if they improve. Hell the only reason I watched farscape from the begining in the first place is because I saw some f*cking awsome episodes of Series 4 on BBC2 first. I went back to see what the show was all about, watched the pilot which was great, then the next 3 or so episodes were crappy, but by the end of first series it had picked up significantly. And it was just getting better and better as the show progressed. This way when I say something shit, I normally mean it really is shit consistantly :lol:

I personally think Tru Calling is gash atm, and that's in its first series. Dead Like Me was crap but that was in its first series... still is i think (?). However, the premise of those shows I see no future but repeat and die, without any story as such, I don't know how they can continue personally, although it does happen all the time of course. Which is good or bad depending on if you like em or not.
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:10 pm

Shall I change the title of this thread to "Whats crap, in your opinion" :wink:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:14 pm

It was inevitable, Mr Runner, if you ask what people have been watching, you also get the opinion of whether it was good or bad, or even worse Tru Calling (low blow :D ), you also get the counter arguements/opinions to why the other disagrees.

Or at least that's the plan anyway.

I notice you haven't got involved (/me crosses fingures)... Blade Runner sucks! :wacky:
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:19 pm


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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:45 pm

dead like me has jsut started its second season and season 1 i believe has sold very well on dvd, i watched all of farscape season 1 on bbc2, i know you said you shouldnt judge it by its first series but surely the first series of anything should grab your attention enough to make you want to keep watching, like..... Murder she wrote *stifles incredible laughter* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:55 pm

i believe has sold very well on dvd

What can I say... women like shopping!
/me hides
j/king btw before I get lynched :mrgreen:

the first series of anything should grab your attention

Should do, granted, but shouldn't be used to reflect the entire show. In the case of Farscape and B5 inparticular, its a crime to think they do I'd say, both improve significantly, and their first series are both pretty weak in terms of what the future holds.

I'm a great fan of the weird and wonderful rather than moronic treks (literal and descriptive :lol: You know how I feel about star trek and that describes it to a tee) that don't go anywhere, which I tend to ditch asap, so I stuck with Farscape even though they were only 2-4 star episodes till the end of the first series.
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:10 pm

I'm watching 'Stakeout' at the mo and I must admit Madeleine Stowe looks gorgeous. :P
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:27 am

D'oh i forgot stakeout was on tonight :?
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