by mw2merc on Sun Jun 27, 2004 7:18 pm
What was the last few games you've played or recently, and what platform.
Right now I'm playing Namco Museum, Pikman (29 parts in 27 days), & AD&D Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Act III, currently in the swamp) for the GameCube. After I beat BGDA, I'm gonna play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest). There's also tLoZ: The Wind Waker & Metroid Prime for me to try out.
I'm also finishing up the final part to StarCraft (Protoss #8 of 10) on the PC, again. Then I'll put on the BroodWars expansion set & play that all the way through. Will probably play WarCraft 2 all the way through, than the Tides of Darkness expansion set as well.
There's also the occasional MAME playing. Some of my favorites are Rush 'n' Attack, Bank Panic, GaPlus, Black Tiger, & when my comp works ALL Metal Slug games.
"I put the KILL, in SKILL!!!"
"faecs occurrere"
"Better you, than me!"