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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:05 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:
maaxpayne2409 wrote: but seriously, can anything other then buffy and angel really get to the depths of sick depravity that is Josh whedon style???? if it can i dont wanna know

He was the only an idea man most of the time for those (although he wrote the buffy movie... now that was what I was talking about). The tv series were just based upon his ideas and written by other people... I'm talking about the monstrousity that was alien freaking four! Take a look at his writing credits on imdb! Absolutely shocking. I'm so glad someone rewrote Toy Story after he got his hick hands on it.

iunno. I certainly could be mistaken here, but I read Joss' mark all over the dark tone of Toy Story. The kid who blows up the toys and the frankenstein toys. I think he adds the "tragic world view" that Nietzsche lamented. there's something sublime about the grotesque.

anyway, he wrote and/or directed most of the really great episodes of buffy. and not all of them were in seasons 1 & 2. which brings me to...
mw2merc wrote:And fall as far as Buffy & Angel did as good gone crappy series?

I do certainly agree that the buffy series lost its momentum and the bulk of the great eps and story arcs were weighted in the beginning, but I also feel compelled to throw in two caveats:

(1) every show is constantly changing, ala life. static images and idealic memories are the ultimate fiction</i>. S2 was a high water mark. no doubt. but...well...things have to keep moving, and once you're at the top, there's only one direction to go. I think the rate of decline was slow with a few spikes each season (literally and figuratively) approaching S2 and a testament to the series' quality. It wasn't until S6 that I found myself saying "wtf" at a lot of the episodes.

(2) I (obviously) won't argue that series don't change, but I also firmly believe that one's attitude toward a series changes, perhaps not more, but more significantly. For my part, I come in and there's Xander. A HS kid at a particular time who says and does particular things. He was ace - the reason I kept tuning back in. but you know what? he's only in the 10th grade once. the 11th grade once. 12th grade once. he cannot stay the same, but paradoxically, I become nostalgic for his awkward, 10th-11th-12th grader insecurities and outlook. You could say the same for the entire show: High School is Hell - literally. Ok. so what do you do after year 3? well the scoobies have to go to college and have different experiences and yada yada yada. but hey, I'm still nostalgic about the HS experience. it doesn't really matter how good the college years are if I draw my emotional connection, first and foremost, to the HS setting. So on the one hand, yeah, of course the show changes. it has to - or you're stuck with the same show each week, month, year. On the other hand, and here I think is the more important change, I insist that the show not be same each week, yet I try to maintain the same emotional attatchment that was established at a point in the past and then lament the fact that the show, which changed because</i> I demanded it, is no longer the same</i> show I was originally drawn to.

Add to this the SW effect, whereby my aesthetics simply change. I would really scoff at E.T. if it was in cinema for the first time today. And SW...well...I have to admit, there are some really stupid lines in all three</i> movies. I mean really really dumb. And the names? Chewbacca? C'mmon. Skywalker? umm. Tauntaun? *me shakes head* Everything C3-PO says? yikes! much as I love</i> the original trilogy, I know for a fact that I wouldn't like it nearly as much if it premiered today.


won't even address Angel. although I liked it and particularly liked 2 seasons, it wasn't ever really in the same class as Buffy.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:51 pm

buffy was well crappy next to angel... whatcu talking about dink :lol:

Anyway, note Ii said bad writing, not bad character names or dialogue. His whole stories just dribble shit most of the time imo, bar toy story and the odd occasion I guess. Then again, a lot of people seem to bum Firefly, so I dunno what to think. I think he's done far more harm than he has good, that's for damn sure :(

On to Buffy's early series were unwatchable for me to be honest so I won't comment on them, and to be honest, the latter series were naff too... and infact, so were the ones in the middle :lol: I think the middle ones were probably the worst, but even then the series was so boring and samey to start off with.

Your clearly a buffy fan so I won't comment further, but beyond the initial idea (which was infact "stolen" of course :lol: ), the only thing was the cooky highschooly 'hip writing' which is what established the series. Problem is, I think that's also the problem with his writing, it seems to be his only writing style... he applied it to Alien ffs :o

Toy Story, I guess he did a good job on though. I was positive most of his 'edits' were ditched, but it would be from recalling a review :)

As for falling shows, its inevitable (bar a few cases), hell even Red freakin' Dwarf's last two series were crappy (incidently Rob Grant left the writing crew ;) ). It just happens, they've established success and then there's the risk of characaturing their characters and going for the cheap fix. The only series that end on a high note, it seems, are those that are cancelled midseason or before their prime.
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:00 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:buffy was well crappy next to angel... whatcu talking about dink :lol:


speaking of...forgot to throw this out there: watched The Order last night for the first time. It was neat. Better as a limited series than a movie, imo. But it wasn't the waste of film I was prepared for. the projector up on the ceiling and running. fyi: Benq pb7100 does throw 1280 x 1024 with good color (not sure if it was 16bit or 32bit). not as crisp an image as 800x600, but plenty usable for the light duty of a comp on the projector.

only got through Alien DC and the Alien bonus disc so far. Ought to finish off the whole set by the weekend. :P
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Postby El Mariachi on Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:02 pm

Around the world in 80 days

was a bit of poo, but it was fun to see Arnold Schwarzenegger as a turkish prince :D
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:28 am

dinky wrote:only got through Alien DC and the Alien bonus disc so far. Ought to finish off the whole set by the weekend. :P

You go...erm... dink!

A mixed bag, but hopefully you'll enjoy Alien3's new form. :)
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Postby mw2merc on Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:06 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:A mixed bag, but hopefully you'll enjoy Alien3's new form. :)

Always trying to convert! :twisted:
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Postby Blade Runner on Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:59 am

El Mariachi wrote:Around the world in 80 days

was a bit of poo, but it was fun to see Arnold Schwarzenegger as a turkish prince :D

I quite enjoyed it, quite a lot of funny moments and better fight sequences than most of his hollywood films.

Also watched Troy last night and found it to be gripping stuff and got weirded out especially by Achilles' first kill.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Jun 25, 2004 12:03 pm

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Jun 25, 2004 12:44 pm

rewatched ghostbuster 1 & 2 last night, classics :D
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:12 pm

The original is the better of the two of course, but I liked the second one two... they should have made a third! :)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:00 pm

i agree they shouldve but theyre all too old now, and harold ramis is mega fat too lol, id rather they dont make a third now then make it with a new set of ghostbusters ala extreme ghostbusters, i think they didnt make a third because of money and also bill murray doesnt like being in sequels, he was only in ghostbusters 2 as a favour to the harold ramis and what his name who plays ray, which is why he wasnt in charlies angels 2 (tho that was probably a good career move)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:52 pm

indeed, which is why i was careful said should have instead of should :) They should have made the last one a bit after GB2, and even that could have been made sooner..

Didn't know that about murray and sequels, I take it its something he said in interviews or something? The second one wasn't as good of course, but I still love GB... they really should have made a third. Just like they should have, infact should make a third gremlins film. The first two were excellent, taken as a double act, its a classic!

what his name who plays ray

/me stabs max repeatedly in the eye

Lets pretend you never said that shall we, we all know its Dan Aykroyd :D
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:54 pm

btw what did you think of Evolution, another reitman movie?

I fair enjoyed that film, had a kind of GB sheen to it (although no where near as good mind :( )
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Postby El Mariachi on Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:42 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:btw what did you think of Evolution, another reitman movie?

I fair enjoyed that film, had a kind of GB sheen to it (although no where near as good mind :( )

yeah I liked that one too.

then again, I like any monster movie with convincing monsters :D

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Postby mw2merc on Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:46 pm

Re GB: Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, & Ivan Reitman do have scripts for GB 3 & 4, but never made them due to production problems, mainly rights I believe. Same characters though.

OK, if their too old/fat to reprise their rolls, what about the supposed Indiana Jones 4 (2006)? I think that'd be a mistake too.
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Postby dinky on Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:21 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote: The second one wasn't as good of course, but I still love GB... they really should have made a third. Just like they should have, infact should make a third gremlins film. The first two were excellent, taken as a double act, its a classic!

eh...I wasn't all that enamoured with GB2, but the first one was kind of hard to follow. instant classic in my book. with something like that, you kinda have to throw away the original recipe or get sucked-up in the original's wake. I'd just as soon watch Ghostbusters and Gremlins back-to-back than one plus its sequel.

Definitely think Gremlins 2 was a better follow-up (enjoyed GB2 also, btw). same problem though. G3 has a lot more possibilities. And it would be a good thing, I think, to pass Gizmo onto the next generation rather than turning it into the Chronicles of Billy, which is a major problem with any Ghostbusters sequel.

Re: Indiana Jones 4
I could go either way on that one. Indy doesn't have to look like (or be) a guy in his 30s or 40s to still be Indiana Jones. So that doesn't bother me so much.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:06 pm

@ spud, i was having a memory block about dan aykroyd, and i thought evolution was ok (good enough that i bought it on dvd), yeah it was an interview i read about bill murray i think it was an interview around the time he was in wild things and they asked him about ghostbusters.

But gb3 wouldve probably been good had they made it on the back of 2, but too longs passed now, theyre way too old/fat etc to do all the running around ghostbusters do, but perhaps a revival fo the cartoon would be good with them actually doing the voices to theyre characters, i love the original gb cartoon hence why i downloaded all season1 off BT, austin316gb hasnt released 2nd season yet but 1st season is amazing quality to say its a tvrip.

gb1 is definately the best one, ghostbusters 2 while still being great doesnt have as many good moments as the first, the titanic bit & the statue of liberty bit are my favourite parts in gb2.

with indiana jones i dont think it really too much matters about his age as i personally really like the young indiana jones series with sean patrick flannery as indy set around ww1.
Infact a couple of episodes featured harrison ford as an older indy into his 50s as the story was told in flashback.

i love gremlins aswell, luckily those films could be brought back anytime just aslong as they dont replace the gremlins with FUCKING CGI (pardon my language :lol: ) :evil: that would piss me off incredibly and it wouldnt be gremlins anymore.
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Postby dinky on Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:58 pm

yeah. I don't think they need</i> cgi. I can pick the movie up today, and they look authentic enough. I mean...they're gremlins! that's how they look. 8)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:03 am

hehe yeah but thats what we in the know...know, but hollywood execs know differently of course wrongly but theyre ignorant
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Postby bobbystills on Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:01 pm

decoys sucked imo i couldnt finish it &
i was expecting something way different when i started watching die mommy die, wasnt prepared for a man in drag errr i might give it another shot at a later date but it doesn't seem like its going to live up to the title imho :evil: also tried to watch Connie And Carla (2004)
:evil: :evil: but decided to recycle it after 10 min. tried to watch the keeper 2003 but turned it off as well - still might give it another go :?
tried to watch crimson river 2 but the dubb was killin me :evil: :evil: :evil: had to recycle , tried to watch shadow of fear but the lighting sucked and made the one side of robin tunny's face look like it'd been slashed by an angry pimp :evil: :evil: :evil: i was way too distracted by it to finish
fh is down :evil: :evil: :evil:
vcdQ wont connect :evil: :evil: :evil:
cant find 3 way or f911 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
so far all i have lined up 4 this weekend is silent running and technolust
and im dying to c f-911. i could use a few suggestions :(
oh but i did see the Andromeda strain again last night on tv, havent seen that in years :D im gonna have to grab one for keeps

that brazil commentary sounds really cool
do u have a link for an mp3?
ive been trying to find one w/o luck

i liked ginger snaps II better than one
3 looks like its gonna suk

i agree that gremlins 2 was a better follow up than GB2
but they both still kinda blew imo
gremlins is one of my favs for the holiday season.
gremlins the burbs and fright night I always seem to watch them back to back sum saturday just b4 xmass

angel sukz ass
buffy was cool up in till that whole key bullshit
although i did really like the ep when zander got hi eye ripped out or poked out cant remember exactly but they should of slowly tourtured all the cast to death that last season :evil:
btw i saw and recycled this film
:matrix: of the worst films i ever sat thru
avoid it
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