The last movie you saw...

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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:35 pm

i would guess because comics are still concidered nerdy and so on, whereas super hero games/movies etc are usually gonna make quite a bit of cash back.

Also if a fan of say superman enjoys the movies i can see how they may be put off bothering with the comics when they realise there's 70 years worth roughly of back issues, i know they reboot it every so often so new fans can jump into a fresh retelling of the character etc, but even so they still don't come along that often.

That's why i don't really collect any major superhero series, and usually just go for minis or newly started/starting ones, for instance DC Comics recently started an ongoing reboot of their 1940s captain america-esque character The Shield, i've enjoyed the first few issues so i'm getting that monthly, aswell as their recent reboot of the flash character, there was a 6 part mini where Barry Allen returned from the dead unknowingly as the black flash after sacrificing himself in the 80s to stop the antimonitor during the "crisis on infinite earths".

There was also a reboot of green lantern about 2 years back and i've been getting those.

Other then that i just get interesting minis like Agon, Buck Rogers, Chew etc, chew and buck rogers being on going but rather then a continuous story, they have 5 or 6 episode minis then the next month starts another story for 5 or 6 issues then so on.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:46 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:i would guess because comics are still concidered nerdy and so on, whereas super hero games/movies etc are usually gonna make quite a bit of cash back.

yes...and no. comics themselves are notoriously difficult to run a business on. you basically have to sell current issues and write off what doesn't sell as a business loss (only stock particularly valuable back issues - which, btw, takes up a shitload of space). but most comics shops are also gaming shops. so they run (and sell) various game related events. yu-gi-oh night, magic night, warhammer night, etc. it's a lot like the movie (theater) industry though: the profit margins on the merchandise itself is pretty crap (35%-45%); and big box stores will always undercut you on merchandise that they can also get their hands on. but you charge entry fees for the tournies and sell snacks! original reply was simply to say that there are more than enough geeks to support a comics & games shop. however, the comics themselves are really tough because fewer people (i.e., geeks) are starting to read them, and almost everybody stops reading them at a certain age. meanwhile, the market is saturated with hundreds of titles each month that the shop can't afford to stock but can't risk not stocking lest their clientele want something and go elsewhere with their weekly/monthly check. I haven't been in the anime business too long, but the population seems a bit more stable in my area. and with deeper pockets.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:33 pm

the recession probably isn't helping either, also kids these days don't care for reading, when they can shoot people online, ungrateful bastards, lol i realise i sound about 60 despite being 27
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:41 am

dinky wrote:
Jynks wrote:Twilight is nothing like true blood.. but imo true blood is a total fail... though I stopped watching during season 1

girl in love with vampire? uh huh. nothing at all like twilight. girl can't decide on romantic relationship between vamp or wolf/vamp? nothing like twilight. vampires dedicated to preservation of human life in conflict with those who want to drink us dry? nothing like twilight. turning into total drama island? nothing like twilight.

it's a lot smarter than twilight, but they're of the same mold. true blood is turning into an r-rated twilight. fyi: the show is said to be aligning with the book for s3 in which sookie can't decide between erik and bill. fucking twilight!

you've just proven you've never seen it, certainly not beyond episode 1. You're just brushing over the entire content of the show to revel on a very weak comparison.
Sure the content revolves around Vampires integrating themselves into society (ie. racism/homosexuality), and the core plot normally revolves around sookie and Bill, but that's about it.

I've never seen twilight, but your descriptions just don't fit the show that I've watched two seasons of. It could turn into Twilight sure, but that involves ditching all of the plot, characters, setting, and tone, and well... its just a tad over the top. I think you've probably never seen the show right? :)

But then Star Wars is just like twilight, so is buffy the vampire slayer, so is lord of the rings, and batman, and near dark, and dracula, and underworld, and anything i choose to warp into a fit :)
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby anarchoid on Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:31 pm

i finished the Supernatural S05


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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:59 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:you've just proven you've never seen it, certainly not beyond episode 1. You're just brushing over the entire content of the show to revel on a very weak comparison.

every episode of s1 and s2 actually. and it is turning into twilight. lovey dovey romantic triangle between sookie, bill, and erik. the producers have said as much themselves. I also said it was smarter than twilight and far more explicit. oh, and yes...buffy turned into total drama island as well. not exactly sure how you turned central love triangle between girl, vamp and wolf-now-vamp into sw incest triangle, but whatever.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby Jynks on Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:20 pm

I can see were you both are coming from. True Blood defiantly has that amazing nauseating soup opera crap that Anne Rice introduced into the genre. Twilight is just a extension.. so in that respect they are similar. Though to say Twilight is "like" true blood is a bit ridiculous.. Twilight is an entire new level of soup opera melodrama. The thing is Vampires have been butchered in my eyes.. I just can not stand this modern take on vamps that started around the 80s. What happened to vampires being .. you know .. MONSTERS... I just have no patience for this bullshit of vampires just being humans that drink blood.. all that cliche crap of their secret societies and standing around in groovy night clubs and sexy clothing drinking blood from wine glasses... VOMIT. You know that the horror and scifi specialty bookstores now have a new entire section called "paranormal romance" THIS is what twilight AND true blood is... and it sucks ass

Even though I wasn't a fan of the film at least 30 days of night had vampires that were more monsterish.

anarchoid wrote:i finished the Supernatural S05

I really like supernatural but just like X-Files I hate the entire "main plot" all that religious bollocks was painful to sit though.. especially that ep were the "devil" kills all the other gods... I found it truly insulting and typical of the American attitude to religion. Still the show is awesome even with this crap going on and now that this entire thing is over.. I hope they get back to the old school "monster of the week" stuff. It was so much better when it was all light and funny and cool.. instead of that melodrama it turned into. Also as a guy who has a close relationship with his brother I found the brother's in that show really funny and amusing to watch. The main guy that started the show has left now and he always said it was a 5 year arch.. so the next season will be awesome. I just hope they do not start some lame NEW mega plot.. alla Stargate SG1 the Ori ... just do some cool monsters
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:04 pm

Jynks wrote:I can see were you both are coming from. True Blood defiantly has that amazing nauseating soup opera crap that Anne Rice introduced into the genre.

I actually had to read the first two vampire books for a class my first year of grad school. great class, but my gawd, that was painful. read the first book. gave up 20 pages into the second when lestat was some sort of rock star or some shite. (queen of the damned movie hadn't come out and is actually a mash of LESTAT + QUEEN OF THE DAMNED). to be fair, the uber vampire, Dracula, was more human than monster (psychologically speaking). but yeah...anne rice type stuff just goes overboard with the horse shit. I thought it was great that vampires were demons in buffy and there was only one exception that proved the rule (i.e., soul restored). much as I loved spike - he was a great character, great lines, highly entertaining - turning him into a "friendly" was just fucking nauseating. he still had good lines on occasion. it, it said some disappointing thing about where my beloved show was going.

anyway...gonna give s3 a go after a few eps are in the can. still need to dl tudors.

saw THE KILLERS (2010) the other day. it's rom com ala mr and mrs smith...except ashton kutcher and that chick from knocked-up. absolutely no chemistry. I've seen everything else in the theater and felt like a show in one. absolutely not worth seeing. don't do it. the milk duds were decent.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby Jynks on Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:37 am

narr.. Buffy was still teh same problem.. as they were just humans, with fangs. But it is a kind of comedy farce in many ways so this was ok.

As for Dracula... sure he was physiologically a human.. but he was also cursed and a pitiful figure.. not something to eveny and stuff. Dracula was a torchered soul.. same with werewolves.. werewolves now are going the way of vampires ... lost is the feeling with these two awesome old monsters that it is a terrible horrific fate to become one.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:47 am

Jynks wrote:narr.. Buffy was still teh same problem.. as they were just humans, with fangs.

no. they were demons who took over human bodies and were pure evil. that's cut and dry (in the mythology of the show for at least the first 4 seasons).
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby Jynks on Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:03 am

yea.. but they behaved exactly like humans... there was little downside... I kept wondering why Angel just didn't make all his mates vampires and then cast that spell on them that they knew how to do....
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:37 pm

like the more wishes from the genie? :lol:

(answer: having a soul was torture to him because he had to live with what "he" had done to everyone he'd ever loved or cared for. not something you'd wanna other people to feel...unless you're evil :2cents: )
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby Jynks on Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:33 pm

narr that is just as angel is pussy.. having a soul nvr worried spike.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:16 am

yeah. when the series went to shit and spike got his soul back or whatever the hell he did in that cave. all part of the total drama islandification. :fruity:

in s2 he's a wise cracking, sadistic punk badass. or...pure evil. :twisted:
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:17 am

i think he got anally raped by a bear in that cave....
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:20 am

i'm sure this is posted on the horror site but i only come here so i don't care.

The first images of the walking dead series based on robert kirkmans comic series has emerged, i was very worried that with it being TV the zombies would be toned down almost alive looking cuntrags


Needless to say i'm actually suprised how good they look for a tv show
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:36 pm

my "review" from FH:

The A-Team (2010)
Confession: I thought this was a terrible idea for a terribly cheesy franchise (much worse than, say...making a MIAMI VICE movie). However, I also grew up watching THE A-TEAM on TV, so I know it very well, and there's a kind of love/hate relationship where I know it's terrible and ridiculous and the fact that nobody ever gets hurt is a running joke, but...well...there's some nostalgia as well. I was shocked at how well they translated the old series into this movie. It's not high art by any stretch of the imagination, and it's not a cut 'n' paste of the series either. Even Liam Neeson as Hannibal didn't bother me and Jessica Biel's inability to act doesn't actually matter here. She's hot and that's enough. Bradley Cooper's Faceman was tremendous. The guy playing Murdoc was on the money. B. A. was ok. And the way they handled his relationship with flying and whatnot...ha! completely forgetable, but a fun romp. Prolly wouldn't have this reaction if I wasn't very familiar with the source material.

Max, this one could be right up your alley.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:22 pm

i have mixed emotions with the a-team movie, i want to see it because i love the original series, but that's also why i don't want to see it.

One question, this tank fight in the air scene i keep hearing of.... is it as gay as it sounds?
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:14 pm

I don't know what you heard about it, but it fits well with the movie. it's physically impossible, but's the A-Team movie, so....
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:01 pm

i basically heard it was gay and silly and just looks stupid, but like you say, that would fit with the a-team lol
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