by dinky on Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:55 pm
CGI CLONE WARS series was new again. watched it. was fine. watched another few anime series:
BASILISK was a decent story bogged down in retarded anime conventions and terrible leaps in narrative. it's an archetypal story, as you would expect from the genre, but could've been good.
CLAYMORE was a surprisingly good "action anime" (I'm almost embarrassed to know what that means now, but there's a clear difference between this and, e.g., TWELVE KINGDOMS, which is fantasy/epic). anyway, this series is quite good until the end when it becomes another retarded anime where mosters just get bigger, sprout more horns/wings, then have contests to see who can grow more and faster. lame, predictable, and unfortunate given the well-constructed first 3 quarters of the series. Actually, it was just the last 2 or 3 eps that really irked me in the "oh. here we go again." way.
don't have any money, so haven't been to the theater in a few weeks. don't expect to return until march or april either. who knows. february sometimes shows something interesting (action/sci-fi/fantasy).
Life ducks, and you sigh.