Thanks for replying those few questions.
This small enquiry will help me to know your tastes and your wishes about what you buy on the web.
My goal is to help you to get rare second hand books, rare DVD’s and hard to find geeks objects.
Please, a single answer per question.
- 1.0 Do you buy second hand books or rare objects on the Internet in connection with:
- Horror ? YES or NO
- Fantasy ? YES or NO
- Sci-Fi ? YES or NO
If no YES at all, no need to answer the rest of the enquiry except 1.1 - 1.1 If not, why ? (not advised enough, afraid of the unknown…)
___________________________________________________________ etc. - 1.2 If so, which is your annual budget?
- less than 50€ (£ 35 – 65 USD)
- from 50€ (£ 35 – 65 USD) to 100€ (£ 70 – 130 USD)
- from 100€ (£ 70 – 130 USD) to 150€ (£ 105 – 200 USD)
- more than 150€ (£ 105 – 200 USD) - 2.0 Do you use eBay :
YES or NO - 2.1 If you don’t use eBay services, where on the Internet do you get your rare and second hand objects?
___________________________________________________________ etc. - 2.2 If you do use eBay, do you go to merchants personal websites?
YES or NO - 3.0 Except eBay, do you visit other Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror merchants websites?
Which ones?
___________________________________________________________ etc. - 4.0 Are you enough advised when you go on those merchant websites?
YES or NO - 4.1 If not, what do you expect from a web merchant ?
___________________________________________________________ etc. - 5.0 Gender:
- less than 15 years
- 15/25 years
- 25/35 years
- 35/50 years
- more than 50 years
Thank you very much for helping me with your answers directly here or by PM'ing me.