Was It Only A Paper Moon (Apollo hoax) (1997)

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Was It Only A Paper Moon (Apollo hoax) (1997)

Postby red_gonzo on Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:58 am

This is James M. Collier's shocking video documentary Was It Only A Paper Moon (1997) which provides startling evidence that NASA's Project Apollo was in reality filmed in a television studio rather than on the Moon itself. Did we really go to the Moon or was it only a paper Moon? Did America really go to the Moon. . .or were taxpayers just taken for a ride? This 2-hour report by James Collier, author of "VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America", includes new evidence taken in the Johnson Space Center in Houston - and questions whether NASA was guilty of spending billions of taxpayer money - to stage the greatest theatrical hoax of all time. This video demands answers from the U.S. Government before America goes to Mars. Find out how the hatch between the Command Module & the Lunar Module was too small for the space-suited astronauts to pass through no matter what contortions they could go through to try, how the front hatch of the Lunar Module opened inward making it impossible for the astronauts to exit the cramped LM, how there was actually no NASA manual instructing the astronauts how to get out of the LM, leaving it up to each individual to figure that out for himself (as told on camera to Collier by Frank Hughes, Chief of Astronaut Training at NASA) and how the 10-foot Rover was simply too long to fit into the 5-foot side of the LM. Collier challenges NASA to disprove the above in a public demonstration to American taxpayers! This investigation and that of others, including investigator Bill Kaysing, who is now suing Astronaut James Lovell for slander, cannot be ignored. 90 min. long. A must see for everyone.
Note: The version is in really poor quality, if someone gets the original DVD or VHS tape please rip a better version. The sound however is completely audible.

ed2k: Was.It.Only.A.Paper.Moon.(Apollo.hoax).(James.M..Collier).(1997).rm  [17.28 Mb] [Stats]

Also see other similar videos:
ed2k: Astronauts.Gone.Wild.-.An.investigation.into.the.authenticity.of.the.moon.landings.(2004).avi  [315.94 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: A.Funny.Thing.Happened.On.The.Way.To.The.Moon.(Expose.of.moon.hoax).avi  [436.73 Mb] [Stats]

Please share this video with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.

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Postby red_gonzo on Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:57 pm

A much better quality version:
ed2k: Was.It.Only.a.Paper.Moon.(Apollo.hoax).(James.M..Collier).(1997).avi  [528.63 Mb] [Stats]
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Postby Jynks on Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:18 am

This is the biggest freakn joke I have ever seen.. man you have to be FUCKN NUTZ to believe a word or this crap.

Every major country has a large enough telescope, they are always looking for money those research people, go to an open day and look at the moon and see the falg yourself. I have done this. I have looked though a scope and seen the moon with the flag on it, SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES.

People who do not believe this are just freakn mornons you are unable to think for themselves. They simply watch, read and take for fact. GO DO SOME REASERCH YOURSELVES IF YOU THINK THIS IS REAL. The thing that weirds me out is the idiots that believe this kinda crap honestly believe that they have intrepid minds seeking out some kind of deeper truth. When most, if not all, are just sheep quoting the by lines of someone they have never heard of until they saw the said doco, or read the said book.

Go and do your own research.
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Postby richrich on Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:07 am


Every major country has a large enough telescope, they are always looking for money those research people, go to an open day and look at the moon and see the falg yourself. I have done this. I have looked though a scope and seen the moon with the flag on it, SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES.

Simple question, where are the photographs.

A set of photos, taken by a well known telescope, observed by an impartial group of people would solve the problem.

So, where are the photographs.
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Postby MyK on Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:36 am

Simple question, where are the photographs.

This site should explain a lot: http://calgary.rasc.ca/moonscope.htm
I have looked though a scope and seen the moon with the flag on it, SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES.

You were most probably coned for that dime, see link above.

There is also other material evidence of moon landings, such as radio contacts that - if triangulated - all pointed to the moon and not some close orbit satellite or something like that, moon rocks, even a camera that was sitting there for more than a year and showed all the fingerprints of lunar environment. There's more evidence to debunk such ridiculous claims than to support them. I do believe however that there was more to it and we weren't told everything that happened up there and/or on the way there-- as for that docus you've posted- rather see "Capricorn One" and at least enjoy a good movie :mrgreen:
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Postby Jynks on Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:18 pm

What a load of bullshit MyK. My wife is a astronomer, and i can assue you that it was not a "con".

You response is a perfect example of what I was saying in my post before. You have no idea what you are talking about and constantly quote and source other people who are talking bullshit who are quoting and sourcing people you have never heard of and you never bother to check out. Instead of simply swallowing what you are given like a good little boy, go out and do some research for yourself. Research that is tenable. Like for example LOOKING AT THE MOON LANDING SITE THOUGH A SCOPE.

I am not going to say anything more on this it just really sandens me that you and so many others are so mindless and have such unenquiring minds that you will believe any drivel that falls your way. Really sad, and the true conspiracies, the ones that are really out there just slip by with out comment. Really distressing.
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Postby MyK on Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:10 pm

My mistake & I didn't want to upset anybody, just thought that link could provide some input into this matter-- guess I was wrong. Than again, as I pointed out previously, I'm on your side Jynks regarding debunkers of one of the most difficult and arguably most important achievements in human history of exploration. So all that ranting (no pun intended) about being mindless and all that wasn't really necessary. I take pride in being well educated and proficient in what I do for living, astronomy is just not the field of my professional interests, nor has ever been, and I never said it's not possible I'm writing total bollocks regarding this matter. I've just expressed my personal opinion that I took was entitled to-- That's all!

Cheers :beerchug: and sorry again if it really (so I take it) offended you-- will do my homework properly next time :oops:

EDIT: Perhaps a better link: http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm
(Well, at least it's a good read ;) )
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Postby Jynks on Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:11 pm

sorry to jump at you man it just really upsets me.
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Postby MyK on Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:40 pm

No problem, really. It was a slow Monday anyways so I took upon reading some more on this-- never realized it's so much a debatable subject. Have always thought it's a legit part of our history that's just a tad mysterious, mostly due to the fog of cold war. Besides, how come Russians never doubted Americans went there?
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Postby barry on Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:27 am

MyK wrote:No problem, really. It was a slow Monday anyways so I took upon reading some more on this-- never realized it's so much a debatable subject. Have always thought it's a legit part of our history that's just a tad mysterious, mostly due to the fog of cold war. Besides, how come Russians never doubted Americans went there?

Possibly because it might encourage more attention on their own program and it's mistakes.


And, yeah, as a qualified astrophysicist, I find this kind of crank stuff offensive and an insult to the work and lives that went into the space programs.
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Postby Jynks on Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:53 am

I find this kind of crank stuff offensive and an insult to the work and lives that went into the space programs.

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Postby MyK on Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:39 pm

Damn you guys all having more interesting jobs than I have :) All either astrophysicists or married to one! Not so lucky here-- best I can do is stargazing and wondering if I'll meet my deadline :mrgreen: And I thought I was lucky working in R&D :lol: Thanks for the link @barry! Say, you might know-- what was that documentary on Soviet space program that was called "Red Space" on Discovery when it was last aired some two years ago early mornings? I'm searching that one for years now without any luck ;( Any link would help!
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