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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:31 pm

dinky wrote:
maxpayne2409 wrote:in the words of south park style jennifer lopez "Wa? Oh no you di'ernt" :lol:

yes Jubilee does suck but still, shes a woman so she is allowed to be a shit superhero, aquamans just a faggot, gay, uphill Digger, fudge packer,farscape fan, chuffter, butt monkey, justin timberlake, backdoor thief, arse bandit, bumrusher etc etc i really don't like aqua at all lol

still watching my way through MacGyver season 2, my god does that episode with the eagles suck dinkyballs or what?


Todays secret word is IRONY!

Either for the repeated references to gay, only topped on the gayometer by the gay programmes he's watching, or the fact that the only non-gay reference was Farscape :lol:

Max easily wins the "gayest gay with the gayest tastes in the gayest programs of the thread" award. :lol:

"Now max is in the closet.... now max is in the closet toooo" :mrgreen:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:32 pm

stealing the award of 5 year streak winner... spudthedestroyer :lol:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:39 pm

weren't you called captain fragpuss, own loads of gay programmes on dvd, and watch some of the universally gayest programmes known to man. MacGyver ffs? :outsider:

I know you like to think your 1uping dinky, but dinky, even in his most flamboyant princess bride mode aint no match for your outburst... not even barrymore, who i remind you had a buggered, coked up corpse floating in his pool wouldn't take a single vote away from your life long gayest gay in the village award. And that's a pretty gay award :googley:

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:59 pm

no i was never a captain thankyou very much, i don't own farscape on dvd so i will always be better then you in any way imaginable quite frankly, simply because of how utterly shit and abysmal the program really is, i mean it rips everything off left right and centre and the actors simply couldn't act better then jamie theakston who couldn't act his way out a toilet
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Postby dinky on Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:05 pm

well...max has a point with the blatant ripping-off of everything else ever made.

but then again, spud won some serious bling for the macgyver highlight. you be likin' space balls and think princess bride is gay?

edit: I believe it was gunnery sgt. fragpuss. (my hero)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:37 pm

good boy, see dinky remembers my status :googley: which hasn't actually changed for god knows how long due to the fact i got fed up of bf2 and have no inclination to play the new game aka mod bf2142 but it's nice to know my legacy lives on in the hearts and minds and pisstaking glands of all forumers..... or dinky at least

seriously though, what i hate most about farscape fans (and trekkies are just as bad, actually no trekkies are worse because they actually live the show in real life) is the way they can't accept the show is over so campaign and bitch and whine little mardy schoolboys until it gets back on air, like those annoying brat kids you see in the supermarket who want sweets and cry and bawl and whine until the parents give in.

but anyway moving on.....
in all fairness though dinky is right we both do have points, i appreciate macgyver to some can be seen as shit, and it is kinda the same every episode, but most series are, but its enjoyable escapism, god knows if you work at argos u need all the escapism you can get. But i can accept others opinions about MacGyver and my shows/games etc, spud appears not to be able to, what a shame, what a shame
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:19 pm

if you'd have ever watched the show you know it had ended, just like you'd have known when people were bitching and campaigning, and got their miniseries, it ended with the big fuck off words TO BE CONTINUED... Its not unknown for people to get pissy when they are messed around.

You know what i hate most about people who have never watched enough farscape to know their ass from their elbow; it is how they presume to know everything about the 4 series and a miniseries and have a perfectly neat and complete picture of every facet of its nature, completely void of the knowldege of the vast amount of enjoyment its many fans have of it. And then get off at making statements which stand out as a bullet point of how retarded they sound when talking about a show to the fans. The fact that people enjoy it so much pretty much explains why they wanted more ;) Don't be an ar-tard, fans of all shows want more of what they have deeply enjoyed ;)

You need to get down off your big pink horse before you fall off on your purple velvet suit and get it all dirty. :wacky:

spud appears not to be able to, what a shame, what a shame

yesterday wrote:Todays secret word is IRONY!

Todays secret word is HYPOCRITE!

I find it quite amazing you have the ability to make such statements, and the ability to judge what is gay or not, what is crap or not, and then be completely unable to grasp the concept that your just as bad if not worse. I also find it quite sad your unable to differentiate someone stating an opinion over the laws of reality, when someone says something they think is good or crap, that would be opinion, you know, like someone says somethings crap on a forum... they are talking about what they think is crap. There's absolutely no reason to say "its crap but other people might like it".... well duh! That's a waste of kb :?

Get overyourself max, your not better than anyone here ;) :outsider:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:27 pm

if im honest i just like getting you riled really :lol:, like i've said many times i watched the first season of farscape, didn't like it, so i'm not gonna bother with it anymore ever, and that would be personal taste's really.

I find it funny how you can tell me to get down off my high horse when you are quite easily the same with regards to farscape or infact when anybody ever disagrees with your ideas of what is good or not, you get all defensive and just generally talk down to people and act like you are the only one who can be right about anything.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:33 pm

That's silly, what's the point of forums at all if not to state opinion, argue the virtues and disagree? :?

No, it would be sad if people were expected not to argue their points. Would make sites suck badly. I never act like i'm right or the only one with opinion, but most people don't bother explaining themselves and make silly little one line comments without any intention of elaboration. If it seems like a one way dialogue, then its probably because one party isn't standing up for their opinion beyond one line comments without the all important "because". ;)

That would just be pointless, a forum without a dialogue isn't a forum :?
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:36 pm

Watched the latest heros. I'm still not sure about it, i didn't like the ending too much and fear its going to fall off the deep end and become a crappy villain of the episode, without a strong story. However, its clearly the best of the new shows and well worth watching if you haven't.

Jericho, well jericho has got the same problem as lost (just got it a lot worse)... too much dramary filler, with maybe five minutes at the beginning and the end of the episode where something happens. I think the many story is just spread far too thinly. Still watching, but if it doesn't pick up pace i'll just not bother. I fear the problem is the usual one. Too many episodes ordered/planned. Cut it in half and it might be something more.

South Park, not as funny as previous outings. I heard a few people say they didn't like it, i can see why but even the crappest episodes of the past 3 series are still entertaining for the most part to the point where they are clearly better than most other current series.

Lost, Loche's back. He's one of the more interesting characters so that's good. Seems now that lost maybe something about timetravel too now :lol: Oh the and polar bears are back, but we've found out they escaped from a zoo now over the past 3 episodes :wacky:

edit: oh nearly forgot, spud's moment of the week... in jericho where there's the power surge at the library... that was so retarded and overblown i nearly voided my bowels. :lol:
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Postby dinky on Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:15 pm

I get more deja vu moments in this thread than all other boards combined.

got dragged to marie antoinette</i> last night. I say dragged cuz I wasn't averse to seeing it, but WTF? the prestige</i> and flags of our fathers</i> open on the same night and we go see marie antoinette</i>???

it was alright for what it was. no. lemme rephrase that: it was boring as all get-out with a few of those jane austen (comedy of manners) laughs. but despite being painfully long and pointless, it was filmed very well. I know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I was rather impressed by sophia coppola (and I HATED lost in translation</i>). there were a lot of moments where there was no musical score and just a lone sound effect (like scratching a vinyl record or something) that really worked on a micro-level.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:46 pm

"Deja vu? That's a glitch in the forums... it means spud's updating things."
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:34 pm

i haven't got round to watching season 3 of lost yet, after watching season 1 and 2 back to back in 4 days i couldn't really take it anymore, i have dl season 3 so far though so will watch them at some point, i do agree Locke is one of the better if not the best character, that english druggie, what's his name i forget now, anyway i don't like him charlie that's it. Didn't like michelle rodriguez character either.

That southern guy isn't too bad either i forget his name too, but you know the one

i still haven't got round to watching the pilot for Heroes yet, but i probably will soon if i like it i'll dl the rest

yeah a bit of banter back and forth and opinion expressing is good for a forum (Variety is the spice of life after all), we still need to get more people to post in here though

I Still really like south park, infact more then the early series i think.

@ Dinky that deja vu you keep experiencing is because only me you and spud post here, so it's likely we end up repeating
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Postby dinky on Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:52 pm

true. but I was specifically referring to the "hey, I watched the first 22 eps. I think I have the right to say whether it's shit or not" vs "oh no you don't. the rest of the series are not the same" blah blah blah. you could have substituted spud and I saying that exact same thing maybe 50 pages ago. (not just the same argument, the same EXACT thing) :lol:

honstly though, fragpuss has to be the best gaming handle everrrrr. cracked me up every time I looked at yer sig. that's my kind of maneuver. (I'm just dinky dawg on xblive)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:35 pm

:lol: cool glad i spread happiness and joy to my minions of doom haha

it's also a play on words for 70s UK kids tv show BagPuss

just watched latest SV and i have to say i think The Green Arrow has more potential for a spinoff then Aquaman (if they take that route), i've never seen/read anything about the green arrow before but seems like a pretty cool character if somewhat typical "CEO of big company, lives the life of a playboy/masked hero, parents died when he was young" stereotype that of course all real young CEOs of businesses do :googley: i also have to say though that at the beginning when we first see a green arrow being fired it kind of threw me that they played some sort of variation rendition of the Batman/Dark Knight music from the keaton movies rather then the usual superman variation either that or it was such a superman variation it ended up sounding more like batman, I suppose they are both kind of similar
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Postby dinky on Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:18 am

latest BSG. really high quality start to this season.

as much as I was annoyed by the end of last season (the 12 month gap, basically), I have to admit that they've brought things back to formula in a very effective way. in fact, the stupid shit at the end of last season turned into a very nice way to get back to the heart of the series in this season. here's looking forward to next week.

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:20 am

got the first ep of torchwood to watch in the morning as its a bit late now, so will watch drawn together 3x03 and then go to bed
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:17 pm

watched torchwood 1x01, it was pretty good, got 1x02 aswell but i have to go to work so ill watch it later, watched latest robot chicken aswell
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Postby dinky on Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:49 pm

just got back from the prestige</i>. it's very rare that these pg-13 movies impress me. I mean, comic book stuff and the first LotR. but that's different. you kinda have to be a fan of that stuff to begin with. there's nothing particularly "new" about prestige</i>. I guess that's kind of the theme of the movie. iunno. I liked it and was kinda surprised that they kept it pg-13. doesn't reinvent the wheel. just works.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:15 pm

watched torchwood 1x02 - it was essentially a species ripoff episode but it worked better then species, by removing the crapness and making it good, the hilarious thing was the alien didn't just need to mate, the aliens very existence required it to feed off orgasmic energy, so you could say the guys she meets "come and go" :lol:
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