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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:21 am

, I also scoff at the fact that you bitch about simpsons versus family guy because season 27 of simpsons is inferrior to season 2 of family guy.

I scoff at the fact that you think i've ever said such a direct comparison ;) Once again it sounds like your talking out of your ass and misquoting me *again*, I don't think i've ever said such a thing like that. You can cobble together a halfassed statement from scraps of different posts I bet though.

It is true the latest series of Simpsons is PATHETIC. Its developed into an unfocused pseudo-sketch show. I've said that repeatedly, and that's completely true. The latest thing with Metallica is just a prime example, wtf kind of intro to an episode was that? I guess the fact that family guy isn't totally pathetic, at the sketch-story show it does, and simpsons is, probably has led to your brain patchworking stuff together. But your scoffing at yourself if so ;)

I've grown to not like Family Guy very much anymore. South Park kind of had an effect of realisation. I'd not been fond, but it kind of focused on why.

No series of family guy was ever better than S2-~8 of the simpsons when simpsons wasn't a sketch show and relied on story driven jokes, its madness to suggest it is. Its not even worth a comparison. I'd take simpsons (including the shite) over family guy any day, but simpsons should have been cancelled 6 or 7 years ago.

I have rewatched series one of Buffy. Yeah i stand by what i said, Angel is way better :) Its not quite as bad as I remember, and the camera work and setup is better, but its like a slow elderly relative watching buffy s1 in many ways :lol: Angel S1 is ropey, but I'd take the show as a package over buffy. Downloading series 2 since i don't seem to have it on file.

I really don't see Buffy as being "far more complete" and sure as hell any more complex, its completely unfocused in the beginning. Angel in buffy is hella lame in s1 of buffy though, totally mismanaged but that's to fit into this Roswell high crap. His existance as a character is because as a hero he's a lot murkier than the others (or he would have been if handled correctly), although he doesn't pop out as a hero because the series is so slow and tame. As a bad guy he's a lot more effective as the others since he's involved with the main characters. Looks have very little to do with it in the ultimate summation, I realise that they probably played a part in the initial following, but he, like spike has that whole Vampire but not a vampire thing in the end, it was a prime candidate for a spinoff. In fact, the fact that Angel as a series is a perfect example of a spinoff, pretty much sums up why it was done. I guess the fact that 12 year old girls fancied him helped it along :lol: Yet the conflicting bit was, Angel the series was never shown before 8pm in the uk unless it was highly censored. Channel 4 showed it at 10pm or 11pm, and Sky1 showed it immediately after Buffy at 9pm. I'm pretty sure Angel had higher viewing figures dispite the 9pm showing, but as you said, that's probably down to the latter series of buffy. It cut into Buffy's userbase, its obviously going to be smaller than buffy's following, and obviously won't appeal to those that liked the high school crap.

[gunn's] entrance into the series and eventual exit.

Actually his exit was very well handled if you ask me, i think that's exactly how he needed to go. That is, bleeding to death with about 10mins to live. I also thought it was good how he just reverted to his original form of being muscle that was just their to kill vampires :)

the worst of which was prolly s1/2 with the powers that be (powers that be powerless, as it turns out)

No the powers that be weren't powerless, they are the exact same as The Wolf, The Ram and the hart it turns out, it was a counter balance, but the organisation Wolfram & Hart had just meant they were completely overpowered. They were old ones that were on the other side. I think the fact that they were't much help was great, it abandoned the heros, they got the missions but absolutely no real help. They've got the same influence, that is through 3rd parties. The fact that the finale of angel is entirely down to the vision that the powers send angel through Cordelia before her death shows that they were still alive and kicking despite being mobbed by the old one that posses cordelia and the whole connor thing which essentially put a cork in it. But that was later on, in series 1/2 they essentially just give the missions which the good guys being good, follow, despite the little help they get.

but they still kept fiddling and we end-up with lorne who is terribly awkward

He sure is awkward, but the ending scene of his charcater where he shoots Lindsey, and the whole he's just a flunky and he knows it was handled very well. I think like gunn, it ended well.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:13 pm

hmmm just can't find a family guy vs simpsons thing, there's simpsons vs futurama:
spudthedestroyer wrote:
dinky wrote:umm...there's a richard burton version with cleopatra - they were an item then, I believe. but it didn't do anything for me. I was referring to the extant edition of the modernized text. it's a decent play, as layered and problematic as any comedy (give or take a little), but I was really going for the original versus something piggy-backing-off-the-success-of-the-original kinda idea. it also seems like comparing this year's latest fad to the tried-and-true champion. iunno. like I said, definitely liked Futurama, but Simpsons hits on more levels and has done so far longer. don't even see it as a comparison.

S1, 2, 11+ have been shocking in the simpsons. The first series or so were really ropey and not funny, but it was just being established. But from 10 or so onwards, its plumitted down hill... much poorer writing and animation imo, and compared to futurama it doesn't hold a candle. However, the inbetween space are top notch for the simpsons, it certainly is a show that's had its day, and what a day!

In contrast, futurama has had 4 extremely strong series, which stays pretty much on the same level (the weakest that springs to mind is the pilot, but I can't think of many pilots to date that do their shows justice).

It's unfair to compare since simpsons has 13 (14?) series ahead, but over that time its had a fair few stinkers being kind. If we are talking consistancy, I'd go for futurama. If we are talking funniest, once again futurama isn't as daft as simpsons jokes are as of late, and even compared to the 'good old days', futurama delivers more.

Simpsons of course, has more memorable episodes, but then again, it has more episodes.

On the character front, I think futurama holds its own, and can fall back on many of the characters. Simpsons is a core 2 cannon afair most of the time (of course futurama is a lot of the time too, Fry and Bender), with Lisa in particular being a weak link for me... of course, then there's all the extras that are hilarious (most voiced by the apu and the spinal tap guys :) ).

Homer overall is a better character, infact the best over the two series, but Fry and Bender are very close :) Dumb dumb has been replaced with retard dumb and alcoholic, a funny double act. Professor Farnsworth rocks :lol:

So although they are both great, I'd have to side with Futurama (if push came to shove) being the better of the two, particularly when you compare the early days (granted, futurama was easy to set up) or the new 3 or 4 series to it. Even on the simpsons best day, futurama isn't far behind :) Fund another 10 series of Futurama and we can have a definitive look at which is the better :)

I know i've commented on Family guy being poor since it returned, and ages and ages ago saying it was excellent, but retrospectively, i think it was just because it was really new to me. Don't think i'd ever have been drunk or as mentally ill enough to say family guy was better than simpsons :?
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Postby dinky on Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:18 pm

meh. I would give simpsons to s9. but boy, it sure is glad to here you pump the better show for once (between the simpsons and the obvious 3rd generation simpsons knockoff).

you're sorely underestimating the image of angel as a motivation for his series. for example, my late 20s (at the time) sister saw him for just a glimpse and said something like "wow. he's really cute." she wants nothing to do with any sort of vampire show. but they clearly created an image that appeals to the ladies. and especially in s1, that's really all he is - this really hot guy who doesn't stalk; he lurks...eventually getting a little backstory. oh look, he's a vampire (getting very close to anne rice territory in the romantic vampire shlock). but at least</i> in the early season(s) of buffy</i>, you get this destiny/true love relationship (which, btw, completely obliterates the whole thing with cordy and reduces the spike stuff wild sex). anyway, the character was</i> supposed to die and stay dead (not sure if it was an s1 or s2 arc - but one of the execs admitted that much).

on the other hand, I don't argue that it wasn't a great spin-off scenario. my argument actually sets itself long before the spin-off (the end of s2, to be precise). I also think boreanaz showed some real chops in s2 and pretty much carried his own show. and you're also astute to note the time slot. angel</i> is/was considerably more adult in its target audience. this makes sense since all the characters are older, and it is a more violent series (although censors might argue that the lesbian stuff on buffy</i> made it more in need of the later timeslot - angel</i> is still consistently more gorey, I guess is the term).

gunn was just a terrible character. his exit being better than his EXISTENCE, but far from an excuse and more offensive (to me) than the token lesbian (tara?) on buffy</i>. I mean, remember your complaint about the black female in AVP? well quadruple that for gunn: hey look! there are black people on these shows too. and they're not always the bad guys. terrible. just terrible.

in a rush. still haven't seen more farscape yet.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:29 pm

Maybe they should have called him Shaft instead of Gunn? :lol:
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Postby dinky on Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:00 pm

heh. "george lucas gonna sue somebody!"
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Postby dinky on Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:27 pm

finally feeling better. chugged-down five farscape eps. just one left in s4. the scarrens stuff is always a bump. the earth video tapes was ok at points, but it felt like an awful waste. like watching real world or something. it was funny the first few times they showed "earth experts" though, especially the anthropologists and psychologists. I just showed one of those time life videos on mesapotamia in an intro to lit class. :lol:

only three complaints: 1) stark just shows-up outta nowhere. it made sense. it just needed to be telegraphed more - as in not just dropping his character off on that planet looking for zhan's ghost. then *poof!* he's a scarren prisoner. it's possible to interpolate a perfectly respectable scenario (he's kidnapped on the planet; zhan's ghost is a scarren bounty hunter gang's ploy). but that stuff hast to happen in the show. it's more to do with the show than the real world parody ep was.

2) the divided loyalties and intrigues were getting ridiculous BEFORE the princess lea in jabba's palace ploy (where scorpy changes side at least 3 times and there are a couple other minor diplomatic flipflops as well - taking command from t'pol being the last of them). some of these were needed and good. others were just worn out (all of scorpy's were silly and unnecessary - one worked). the red-head's secret allegiance (not to scorpy) was necessary, but it should have been telegraphed more in earlier eps (whereas all they really let on was that she was strangely interested in scorpy and her loyalties were in question). the civil war bit was fine. otherwise, it feels like playing a game of risk. which is fun in itself. but keep doing it and it loses its punch.

3) the final scene, crichton has this completely superflous and awkward moment of self-loathing for setting-off a nuclear bomb. it was crap. ok. I get the numb feeling/look. and having him sit there like that with aerynn is GOOD. but that left field moralizing. I he destroyed the biggest base of the baddest bastards in the universe, their ruthless (predator knockoff) allies, and their forcibly subjugated allies who are secretly organizing a resistence against them! there's all kinds of moral ambiguity about killing the alternate reality versions of the crew. but for the nuke? that scene annoyed me. it's the only one that really annoyed me. the loyalties thing, I recognize as being overcooked but respectable.

take away the earth tv ep, and it was a really nice series of 4-6 eps in a row.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:58 pm

watching my way through brisco county jr, it's awesome, anyone who disagrees is a pimpley nerd member of F.A.G.
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Postby dinky on Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:15 am

I'm almost afraid to ask but... F. A. G.?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:29 am

have you not even seen team america? F.A.G.=Film Actors Guild, a bunch of do gooding celeb retards
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Postby dinky on Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:58 am

well...erm...yes. I saw it. once. it wasn't very memorable (except the blinding image of puppet sex).
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:18 am

what on earth are you talking about team america has so many memorable quotes in it, etc. maybe too much wuffy has rotted your mind
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:02 am

Team America wasn't memorable and a huge dissappointment. I'd go so far as say it wasn't very good, and certainly not by South Park standards.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:09 pm

meh, i liked it, it made me laugh, i went off south park for a while anyway between season 3-6, orgazmo is still their best movie, south the movie is utter fucking shit
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Postby dinky on Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:50 pm

WHAT!? blasphemy. "punch 'n' pie! punch 'n' pie!" "blame canada. blame canada!"

/me sighs.

that's just insane max. the movie was classic southpark.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:57 pm

the movie was not classic south park at all, it was long drawn out bullshit and i hate and despise it even carries the same name. perhaps its jsut the fact i hate stan and kyle who knows, the later seasons seem to revolve a helluva lot more round cartman which is obviously better, but i still hate the movie
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Postby dinky on Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:27 pm

guess you guys already visit PA (being much more into vg than me), but just in case, thought I'd share. the zelda pane made me laugh.

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:32 pm

the nintendo diehard with the floppy brown hair 2nd from the end reminds me of spud :lol:
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Postby dinky on Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:18 am

just watched the last ep of farscape</i>. it was decent. should have been a lot bigger, but I guess they were planning on at least another 22 eps. tried to watch peacekeeper wars</i> but it sucked badly. nah, just messing. it wouldn't play on the smb. just now got around to nandubbing it. will give another try.

edit: whoever named the eps for these shows certainly has a sense of humor. and shares my infantile sense of punning humor.
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Postby dinky on Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:27 am

:? still not playing.

first I merged the two cds. didn't play.

direct stream copy. save. still nothing.

it plays fine on the box that they're stored. next step? :D
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Postby dinky on Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:34 am

got impatient. streamed it file-by-file.

good news: farscape is far better than I rated after just s1. it's also easily a better series than firefly</i> (although the latter was canned after only half a season and farscape didn't take any kind of shape until 17 or 18 eps - give me that caveat).

bad news: there should never be another farscape series or mini. and they should not</i> make more seasons of farscape rather than more stargate or firefly material. why? simply because it ended well. I wish so very much that buffy</i> and x-files</i> could have ended like that. I don't think the farscape universe is without material. but farscape is the name of crichton's space project. the worm hole is gone. crichton's story arcs are gone. anything new would be like pissing all over the original - in fact, I would imagine something eerily similar to the legend of zorro</i>, the terrible sequel to the great the mask of zorro</i>. of course, this same logic causes me to think angel (and therefore angel</i>) was totally superflous and a slap in the face to the great resolution of his character in s2 of buffy</i>. and (re)inventing a new raison d'etre</i> is (or would be in farscape's case) something of a bizzaro world parody. in any case, mini-series for everything is the way to go. it cuts out a lot of useless chatter.

complaint about peacekeeper wars</i>: the scaren spy. sorry, but that's just crap. terrible. the explanation was ridiculous as well. happy with everything else. oh, and best farscape</i> line ever (even better than the don't shoot, we're pathetic signal):

rigel: you must name the baby after me.

aeryn: I will think about it - if it's a girl.

rigel: :?
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