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Postby dinky on Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:27 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:elguaxo, i keep pointing that out but dinky isn't getting it so far.

you can't just discount the full 22 ep FIRST SEASON. it establishes just about everything for any serial, not that it's always the best - although I think it's fair to say most series are on the decline after 2 or 3 seasons. as for the latter part, it IS asking too much for someone to "bear with" 22 eps before a series "gets good." I mean...dude, are you kidding</i>? so don't start with that crap again. I said I'd watch it all, and I will.

I'd still rather watch a friggin muppet adventure than star trek any day of the week. I totally disagree with you dinky, the aliens in star trek are pathetic. The suggestion of serious is a tad too much for me. :lol: Jabba's palace? Maybe, unless you mean post-special edition, then your full of shit :lol:

erm...yeah, farscape is generally better than star trek thus far - just for the fact that something</i> happens and it at least tries to be exciting. ST has always been more "drama" than "action" anyway. and I did build-up ST's aliens too much insofar as I should have framed it like this: ST generally takes its aliens seriously (i.e., TNG and onward). I mean, at least 3 of the eps I've seen so far from s1 are ripped right out of ST (the flax thing and the two eps where zhaan is the focal point - 4 if you count the Aliens/Body Snatchers knockoff) as is the general premise of the show. And the ST aliens primary selling point isn't their appearance. they pretty much de-emphasize that aspect (especially on TNG) and concentrate on more archetypal "human" issues. now you may say that's crap and it doesn't work, but you have to at least give the nod in that their efforts aren't intended to put the henson progeny through college.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:37 pm

it doesn't "get good", it gets amazing from good. Like i keep telling you. I've never said that series 1 is crap or worthless. That's something you've established all by yourself which is fair enough, even though i don't agree with you on it. If i didn't stick through series 1 and get into the scaping, i'd probably still have the misguided view of it being a kids muppet adventure, which in retrospect is embaressing beyond belief that I ever had that view :oops: I enjoy the establishing of the world and story, but it doesn't have the momentum it gains which is why there's the risk of tuning out. The point people are trying to make, is the Farscape of "the best show ever" fanaticism and large scale campaigning for more doesn't establish itself until the last breath of Series 1, when it goes from a very lax chase (Kris vs Crighton), to Scorpius vs Crighton, and then later to Peacekeepers vs Scarrans vs Scorpius vs Crighton.

you keep casting under the rug, the point that it doesn't kick into the style it establishes for 3 series and a "movie", and all we are getting as a rebuttal "meh meh muppet meh meh muppets". its just so fustrating to see people miss the point like that, hence why people keep pointing this stuff out to you. That's why all farscape fans are like this, we all do this:
:roll: ( :lol: )
and then think to ourselves "way to miss the point there".

So its right back at you, you can't just discount ~80 episodes based on the lower budget establishing series. Its like the simpsons, south park, Babylon 5 or countless other shows. Babylon 5's first series was a pretty big stinker. People are going to point out this stuff out to you, you just have to either accept it or ignore the main thrust of the series until you get there and realise what people are talking about.

So right back at you ;)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:42 pm

the only good star trek is tos with its extraordinary overacting of the shat, and the constant childish bickering between spock and bones, anyway they always got into fights in tos, in later series like a bunch of fucking pussies they went all soap opera with tng and ds9 (the early seasons i saw) and as for voyager...... fuck off

i often get into arguements with a friend of mine as he says tos is crap coz its all old stuff and wanking about, and he loves voyager, but i just dont buy that shit
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:50 pm

i don't know.
DS9 breaks the "lets go round and have another pointless escapade" kind of show, but at the same time, its got some real stinkers
TNG in retrospect, it had piccard and he's tha man!
TOS was a piece of crap imo, but once again, retrospect, because of what Shatner has become and did I think its hilarious

The other series are pathetic. Voyager i dispise with every bone in my body, i hate it. Enterprise was a collosal waste of money. I think I'd probably go for TNG if i had to watch one now though.
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Postby dinky on Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:01 pm

meh. it's all a bit soapy for me. the real revelation was how BSG took the same basic premise and made it good. I mean, everything about BSG is what every ST series dreams it could to do: humanize a space odyssey. in that respect, they're very different from farscape, which is all about some new creature to look at every ep (but ostensibly in the same frame: "getting home"). I guess Voyager turned into something closer to BSG with the whole borg thing, but iunno. never got into it. it was always a promising conflict in TNG though. Then the movie went and made it yet another stupid ST story. :lol:

honestly, what I always thought growing-up was that ST needed some muthafookin' jedi! :epic:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:19 pm

urrghh, damn it, i gotta finish my posts before submitting.

@dinky, you know from your perspective which i remember being in, its like "how can people think this is the best show ever?", etc. Well from the other perspective, with the power of retrospect, its like... I can sum up the feelings scapers have towards people who've not stuck with the show and make comments. You know in the film Ronin, when Sean Bean tries to pretend he's some hardened army soldier, and then Robert DeNiro puts him in his place and he all but cries? :lol:

Not that i'm saying your viewpoint will change by the end of the miniseries, i know at least one guy that claims to have watched them all and not liked it, although i think he's lying since when i quiz him he usually says "i don't remember..." and can't remember anything about any of the episodes (I hate those people, why say you've done something when you haven't... what the pshycology behind that?)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:42 pm

(I hate those people, why say you've done something when you haven't... what the pshycology behind that?)

i have a friend like that, well i say friend i haven't spoken to him in about 3 years, everytime you mention a film or tv series or game hes seen it or played it, then when u quiz him about them the truth eventualyl comes out as when he says hes seen it or played it hes actually played a demo/seen a trailer, which is obviously the stupidest thing ever. He also told us all he had a massive collection of swords and daggers, when we went to his house once we couldn't see them anywhere and he said his dad had put them in the loft for safety, so when he went to the toilet we asked his dad about them and his dad didn't have a clue what on earth we were talking about. he always gets caught out lying
oh and hes also one of these people who absolutely love cams and swear the quality is no less then dvd, even though its so obviously different and shitter its painful
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Postby dinky on Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:23 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:I can sum up the feelings scapers have towards people who've not stuck with the show and make comments.

yeah...I guess that's a fundamental difference is our philosophies. from my point of view, I'm not going to "stick with" a show that I don't find worthwhile. sure, it can be mildly entertaining and something you might watch if it happens to be on and I'm bored. but iunno...if you watch 10-15 eps of anything</i>, you've given it a hell of a chance to make it into your must see line-up. I you need to see every ep of voyager or ds9 or bsg to know whether you like it or not? I haven't seen half of the ds9 or voyager eps. cuz every time I tuned-in, I wanted to tune right out. but I'm perfectly comfortably standing on the ground of the dozen or so eps I've seen and saying "yo, this show ain't the shit." now if I had said "wow, this farscape thing is happening. let's keep watching." and then it keeps getting better. well good for me (or you), but the fact of the matter is I (or you) were won over to the thing already - before the miraculous season 4 that I'm trying to work my way toward. yeah, mistakes happen. I dismissed firefly after a few eps but loved it on dvd. maybe that'll happen with farscape too. iunno. I'm not closing the door on that possibility. but I do think you're asking too much of someone who has seen a whole season and thinks it's nothing special to see season X, Y, or Z and make the claim that they don't know the series until such conditions are met. again, it's not that the other seasons couldn't be better, but weren't you already hooked</i> by the time you got to that point?
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Postby Jynks on Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:45 am

I haven't seen half of the ds9 or voyager eps. cuz every time I tuned-in, I wanted to tune right out.

Really?? Voyager rules!!!

Farscape gets some getting used to, it is a original show so for that reason it is a little harder to get into as it dose not fit the normal molds we are used to. Personaly I didn't watch it as I helped make it (I did special effects for season 3) and after working on a show you can nvr b bothered to watch it as you have spent all work day staring at the footage... I have the dvd's though and will get around to it one day.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:32 pm

actually dink, i saw a couple of episodes of series 4 before watching series 1, which is what sold me so yes and no. I watched all of series 1, and onwards, but my initial impression was the muppet one (that was before watching any episode but flicking through the channels... i thought it was a saturday morning childrens program, the fact it was on at 10pm didn't click) which is still a point of embaressment because anyone i said it to would have thought i was a moron. Then i saw some episodes on bbc2 and immediately watched them. Then i decided it was awesome and that I wouldn't watch any more out of order (after watching 2 episodes from s4), so downloaded them all. Unfortunately this was at exam time, and the exams took second place to farscape. :lol:

I enjoyed the first series more than the average other scifi show, but i didn't get the addicted vibe until Scorpius comes onto the scene. Its like a high point of series one because its the finalé, and then the writers obviously took a step back and remoulded the show with a much higher tempo for the later series. Maybe its because Crichton isn't in his buck rogers gear till series 2, series 1 he's wearing these cheap ass nasa overalls most of the time :lol:

No ones saying dismiss series 1 either, your missing the gist there if you think that's what people are saying, only Farscape of best series ever fame comes from the finalé of that series. :)

But to me you still sound like Sean Bean talking about an ambush at this point ;) You'll (d?)evolve into Robert DeNiro though :lol:

@ jynks, you've gotta be kidding? hehe... no i'm with max on this one which hurts me inside.

I thought Voyager is a terrible, terrible series filled with mundane and tedious characters. The plots aren't very good either, which Star Trek sometimes needs a little nod for. The only decent character in the entire series was Robert Picardo (the doctor), everyone else was just shite and completely flat. Easily the worst series of Star Trek for me, or the one that enrages me the most, well i dunno Enterprise was a complete mess too.

Janeway is the worst captain ever, her character is just so weak, and its like the entire crew is there not of their own right but to have a "look at me, i'm a bit like piccard" vibe. I hated that show. It always surpses me when someone says they like it, let alone think it rules. But then i don't like Star Trek by and large.

I'd rather watch Lexx than Voyager :)
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Postby dinky on Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:45 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:@ jynks, you've gotta be kidding? hehe... no i'm with max on this one which hurts me inside.

it's difficult to convey, but I actually felt like my gut busted when I read this. it's a good thing I was only chewing gum, cuz anything else woulda been hella messy to clean off my desk. funniest line in a while.
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Postby Jynks on Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:26 pm

I'd rather watch Lexx than Voyager

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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:04 am

hey lexx had an episode with zombies in, and its just too bizarre not to be good... even if it is crap :lol:
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Postby dinky on Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:21 pm

entourage & deadwood.
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Postby dinky on Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:34 pm

material girls</i> - as bad as it looks. not nearly as so-bad-it's-almost-good as raise my voice</i> (or the village</i>), but still quite bad. s'funny to me how the contenders and pretenders work-out with these tweenage alumns. lindsay lohan had done some great stuff. melissa joan hart dropped off the planet after sabrina series stopped (although I do enjoy drive me crazy</i>). what I noticed most while watching this movie, though, was that if you could cut 'n' paste aspects of each sister (and require that they NEVER attempt to act again), they could make a pretty decent woman.

little miss sunshine</i> - hilarious. semi independent movie. think it was a focus feature. but it was good. there's a very suggestive hint toward the hollywood ending, but it's left open at least. which I thought was well decent of them. not as loopy as swimming pool</i> or adaptation</i> overall.
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Postby Jynks on Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:50 am

Went to the premier of Clerks II last night. Yea, I know what your thinking... I mainly went to do the Q&A with him afterwards. I saw those "evning with kvin Smith" dvds and though he was pretyt funny kinda guy...

Well the movie was FAR funnier than i thought it would be I had pretty decent time. Still I was in a HEAVY fan base crowd, all there to see him live and spend time on his fourms etc etc. So the fact that the cinima was very louind and laughing may have helped the comedy along.. you know how laughing is infectious.

The flick had nothing really new to say, same old shit as always. Still it was very funny, the main problem is that you can just not belive the sexy bade in this film has anything to do with these 45+ loosers :)

Kevin Smith himself was very very good at the q&A, he wnet on for over 3 hours and the owners of the theater had to turn off the stage lights (this was after they cut the mics and we kept going) and drop the curtian on him while flashing the house lights. He was ment to go for 90mins max. He has some real fuckn amazing stories about film making, if you have NOT seen the evening with kevin smith stuf before i strongly sugest that you do.

here is a youtube copy of one of his stories
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Postby dinky on Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:46 pm

Jynks wrote:The flick had nothing really new to say, same old shit as always. Still it was very funny, the main problem is that you can just not belive the sexy bade in this film has anything to do with these 45+ loosers :)

sure it did. there's a major shift between the respective themes of the two films from meaninglessness into meaning. iirc, they're supposed to be in their thirties not fourties.

watched a couple eps of farscape (durka returns and the bizzaro world ep where critchton returns to earth but it's really a "friendly bug's" test to see if earth is inhabitable). chiana is on the ship. I didn't realize that was first season. or that she's the same species as the guy who died in that ep. cuz she really does look like a character right off a production of CATS. anyway, it was a good ep. not the usual muppet show.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:37 pm

dinky wrote:the bizzaro world ep where critchton returns to earth but it's really a "friendly bug's" test to see if earth is inhabitable

Very important episode btw ;)
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Postby dinky on Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:09 am

:rofl: you chud! just because nobody's interested in farscape doesn't mean we should treat 5 year old episodes as spoilers! :moon:

it's not like I said anything about the subconscious implants.

on that! what a complete and total waste. the last 4-5 eps (with scorpius) were electric. far far far far farrrrrrrrr...more interesting than the muppet parade (except this one lame thing on an asteroid with some botanical something or other - but even that had a much more immediate frame than the other eps). why the fuck would they wait 18 episodes in to get to this?

btw, ALL of the eps I've ever seen were from s1. the stuff with scorpius (the initial escape and the thing with talon were the eps I thought were from a later season).

I can understand some of the first 18 eps. but really, most of them were a complete waste. like their sole purpose was to put people off the show.

and scorpius is</i> gay (looking), and he's a total knock-off of darth vader (also kinda gay looking I suppose, if I didn't love SW so much). and even the scorpius eps were pretty basic (pieces of this sci-fi show and that sci-fi show), but there was some movement, some direction. the last 'cliffhanger' ep really worked for me...somewhat like the first two BSG cliffhangers did (but not the last pos seasons ender).

onto veronica mars now. gotta finish it so I can be ready for s3. it's good. you wouldn't like it. leave me alone. :razz:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:23 am

why the fuck would they wait 18 episodes in to get to this?

I think you'll find that's because Farscape was a tech demo as far as i'm aware. They made the pilot and then sudden scifi gave them the series. There's some awesome bits to the first series and i enjoyed it... its still farscape, especially a lot of the establishing character and the crichton moments with aeryon, but even the most hardened farscape fanboy like me has to admit, they padded it out. Good thing is the padding is very entertaining.

All evil people are gay dinky, gay with an accent that allows them to articulate their genious. Well spoken for the most part. Usually why they have a toffee nosed brit as the villain (or an aussie in the case). Vader's not so gay, but take off the voice and he's made of hilariously cheap plastic. :lol:

Still looking for someone with a fat line so i can rip all my Farscape DVDs into something more advanced for the series.

Watched some episodes from my Simpsons S2 dvds... haven't some of these episodes for years. They've gone out of circulation somewhat because of the sheer number of simpsons episodes :)
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