RFID - Tracking Everything, Everywhere (microchips)

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RFID - Tracking Everything, Everywhere (microchips)

Postby red_gonzo on Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:08 pm

This is Katherine Albrecht's shocking 2-part video lecture series RFID - Tracking Everything, Everywhere (2004) and RFID - The Battleground (2005) where this world's leading expert on consumer privacy exposes the plans of global corporations to plant small tracking chips inside each and everyone of their products, even secretly if they have to - and that will soon include human beings. Albrecht is able to take this complex topic and make it very easy to understand, whether you are 8 or 80 and most importantly she explains the privacy implications for all people if RFID technology is implimented unimpeded. These 2 lectures are absolutely excellent in waking people up to an obscure and very serious subject. Find out how an orwellian world is already here, lurking in shopping centres and is soon to hit the streets and sadly our homes. The topics discussed in this fascinating video lecures here may be crucial to understand the not so pleasant future where not only consumer products but consumers themselves will be treated like cattle. Both parts each cca 70 min long. A must see for everyone.

About the author:
Katherine Albrecht is widely recongnized as one of the world's leading experts on consumer privacy. She has testified before the Federal Trade
Commission, the California state legislature, the European Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank on the consumer implications of RFID technology, and given over a thousand television, radio and print interviews to news outlets all over the world. Her efforts have been featured on CNN, NPR, The CBS Evening News, Business Week, and the London Times, to name just a few. Executive Technology Magazine recently called Katherine "perhaps the nation's most outspoken privacy advocate" and Wired magazine calls her the "Erin Brockovich" of RFID. A recent quote in the Montreal Gazette compared Katherine's consumer work to that of Ralph Nader. Ms. Albrecht leads the grassroots consumer resistance to supermarket loyalty cards and RFID chip implantation.

Video specs:
Video codec: DIVX, 512x368
Audio codec: MP3, 44 kHz, Stereo

More info: http://www.spychips.com

ed2k: RFID.-.Tracking.Everything,.Everywhere.Part.1.of.2.(Katherine.Albrecht).(2004).avi  [350.35 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: RFID.-.The.Battleground.Part.2.of.2.(Katherine.Albrecht).(2005).avi  [367.87 Mb] [Stats]

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Please share this video with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.

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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:34 pm

Jesus christ, they might know how much my beans cost anywhere on the planet. Or they might, if RFID transmitters weren't so shitty... :lol:

Looks like you missed a big significant chunk from the about the author I found next to her name. As is needed with most things, you need a big neon "Christian Crusade" signal. Don't have to go far to find discrediation attempts by RFID people in google (her name, hit 3 or so :lol:)

What many may not be aware of, probably due to Albrecht's aforementioned savvy, are her religious beliefs. According to Wired, she worries -- as many Christians with literal interpretations of the Bible do -- that RFID may be the technological enabler of the Mark of the Beast described in the Book of Revelations as one of many signs heralding the biblical end of the world. She has even produced a video on the topic, for sale online.

To non-Christians, such beliefs may seem extreme and could undermine or even discredit Albrecht's arguments. After all, she markets herself as a defender of the citizenry from ever-encroaching control by big business and government, not as a Christian alerting humanity to the impending Endtimes. But perhaps these two motivations are not mutually exclusive. She might well be a Christian that can't help but acknowledge the similarities between the VeriChip and the Mark of the Beast, while also an activist who sees tracking and tracing as the first steps toward a nightmarish Orwellian future.

Regardless of her motivations and beliefs, what irks most in the industry are her tactics. She makes liberal use of the word "spy" when writing or talking about RFID, demonizing it at every opportunity. Rather than an objective assessment, she glosses over the technology's limitations and other facts that make her vision of ubiquitous people-tracking extremely unlikely.

I thought it was unbelievable, but as you can see, seems wired have called her a bit more than Erin Brokovich.
http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,184 ... _tophead_4

And having programmed several systems involving RFIDs I can only say that claimslike this are hysterically retarded, completely beyond reason and that the christian fundamentalist thing really does explain a lot.

How come all these people in stuff like this always end up being some kind of religious screwball?

Glad to hear she's fighting for consumer rights, but I think such a cause in this way isn't really helpful or progressive.

Anyway, I guess this is really a scifi roleplaying documentary, I'll give it a whirl.
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