you mean you use dvddecrypter then re-encode with DVDshrink?
What are your other hobbies, anal penetration with barbed wire and aids drinking?
DVDShrink is the biggest pile of shit i've ever used for encoding, I'm flabbergasted that people drone on and on about it. Really, at fh, hhah and here there must be millions of threads where someone says dvdshrink in the same topic as good, and my jaw just drops
I think they just cornered the newbie market early on, and people just haven't been quick off the mark in realising how like the inside of an ass the encodes look.
So I think at this point,
GOOD must be highlighted from the first post
Of course for the purpose of this thread, it is actually okay, DVDshrink does feature stripping and removal of macrovision and other nasties without much problem. But by the sounds of it your recommending its use to re-encode and this, unfrotunately, is where DVDshrinks performance is just below pathetic in the spud-o-meter of shittiness
DVDshrink for stripping out bits and bobs perhaps, but letting it transcode the video just means you really don't have any regard for quality. There's less blocks in all the worlds lego reserves combined, more duplo in terms of size too. Replace that pos app with
DVDrebuilder using CCE for re-encoding and you'll get far better end quality. I'm annoyed that one of my friends used dvshrink on some encodes he did for me because they really do look bad next to DVDrebuilder or even other transcoders.
erm, lets all take it you mean you only use dvdshrink for stripping out features adn copyright, and you then further go on to re-encode in something less shitty.
DVD shrink? *SPUD SMASH*