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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:25 am

taken was a scifi channel series, and also really crap, you are not missing out at all by not watching it
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:22 pm

disc 1 of robot chicken</i>. best line goes to mumrah: "you missed the kids." voltron got served was cool (humping the princess's cat), but I was hoping to see some decapitated "good guys" - more like the scooby doo spoof on d2.

up next is either s2 of 4400 or maybe match point.
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:47 pm

x3 review from harry cavity knowles:
This was shoddy work as a whole. HOLLYWOOD REPORTER calls this the RETURN OF THE JEDI of the X-MEN saga. To me – it’s closer to ALIEN 3, minus that film’s style and ambition. This isn’t SUPERMAN III bad, it’s just a film that never was given the love and nourishment it needed to be complete or whole. It feels like a twitchy abused child of a film.

I'm not much a fan of the guy, cuz he talks a lot of bullshit (like a shill), so I haven't actually read anything on his site in years. well I followed a rant from penny-arcade about the "new original star wars trilogy" (it says that the dvd master is going to be a transfer from laserdisc - ffs!). anyway, thought I'd read the x3 review, and I found myself in 99% agreement with the fat fucker.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:31 pm

who the hell is harry cavity knowles?
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:28 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:who the hell is harry cavity knowles?

guy who started this site many moons ago. afaik, not an industry insider, but the guy who all insiders talk to. like if something gets leaked, there's a good chance he's seen it. if there's a test screening, he's seen it. that kinda stuff. but he raves about stuff that is just utter terrible shite (before it hits theaters) and it was so obvious that I stopped reading. anyway, dunno if he's still like that, and half the news on the site doesn't actually come from "harry" now anyway. but...he's basically the comic store guy from the simpsons who actually gets in contact with writers, directors, producers, and actors.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:50 pm

haha so what your saying is hes a pest with a pen
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:59 pm

oh just remembered, watched Komodo vs Cobra last night, hahaha it was comedy, get this it was a dvd rip from a general release dvd... yet tey Bleep out the words Bitch and Asshole, when i say bleep they actually squawk a parrot, bugger and crap is fine but woah bitch and asshole thats just too much on a certified dvd, its pretty hilarious to hear "god damn that aarrogant little son of a SQUAAAAAWK" :lol:

the night before that i saw Pterodactyl which i enjoyed
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Postby dinky on Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:45 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:haha so what your saying is hes a pest with a pen


watched the 4400</i> s2 d1. it's good. I guess. I mean...I like it, but everything that happens, you see coming from a mile away. but it fits. it's kind of like...iunno...watching a shakespeare adaptation that doesn't actually advertise itself as such. you kinda know you've seen this before, but you can't quite place it. nevertheless, no plot twist is remotely surprising. now hey, I like smallville, but it's not</i> a great show (especially not writing-wise). so when I say even smallville</i>'s surprises are more surprising, it's not a compliment by any stretch of the imagination. a mile away. I kid you not. but I'm still into the show for some reason. go figure.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:01 am

4400 s3 starts soon doesnt it?
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Postby dinky on Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:07 pm

june 11, yes.

finished s2 d2 last night. not as predicatable as the first disc. except there was this one really bad ep. where the detective lives 10 years with a new wife (who is a 44) and then they meet in the real world and know each other. the idea is kinda sketchy to begin with, but the episode itself was so impossibly boring. it was was pretty much a poorly conceived and executed tv series version of dark city</i> or 13th floor</i> or one of a dozen other movies where "there is no spoon." couldn't wait for it to end. very trite. otherwise enjoying the series though.
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Postby dinky on Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:36 pm

finished 4400</i> s2. it's weird. I know every plot move that's going to happen - mostly because that's what I think the material demands - and it proceeds exactly that way. I am NOT good at calling movies as they happen. I can watch most previews and know exactly what you're going to get at the movies. but in general, I'm never surprised but only truly KNOW what's going to happen in stuff that I find to be horrible drivel. strangely, I knew everything that was going to happen in this season (it's not particularly original material - I think I said before that it's a smallville meteor shower away from being J. Michael Strazinsky's Falling Stars comic - but I also think it's really good. not BSG good. but still quite good.

there's this extra called "a stitch in time" where electrical and physics professors talk about the theoretical possibility of time travel and it starts getting really hokey. next thing I know, I'm in a masterpiece docu: "there's 3 categories of civilization: 3's can master planets, like being able to control earthquakes and stuff; 2's can harness the power of solar systems, like blowing-up a star; 1's can manipulate/control entire galaxies. the 3's are the ones who could, theoretically, control enough energy to create wormholes and actually facilitate time travel with accuracy." :o

I hate to point it out, but we mere humans are, in fact, a civilization, and we're not on his list at all. I mean, if he said the top 3 are x, y, z. ok. but he's like: there are 3. and clearly we're a 4th 'level' that the guy somehow neglects to mention. just thought that was funny.
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Postby dinky on Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:20 pm

cars</i>. great movie. easily the best of this lame-ass summer so far. it starts off like yet another owen wilson movie, and they definitely type cast him. but they do a great job on the little things, and even the big epiphany/climax that you see coming as soon as you hear owen wilson's voice in the lead manages to pull off a truly emotional engagement (as opposed to...oh, I don't know the handful of almost carbon copy roles like this he's played - shanghai knights & wedding crashers come quickly to mind). there's a priceless scene with the tractors. I thought I'd hate this thing cuz a world of talking cars looks so uninteresting and childish (moreso than robots</i>), but it was really well done. excellent example of taking a stock story and doing it right.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:46 pm

pixar movies are always good/above par though :)
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Postby dinky on Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:22 am

their animation has always been a grade above the rest. but the little bits I'd seen of cars</i> gave me no impression of an interesting movie. the only reason I gave it a chance at all was pixar's reputation. I think a bug's life</i> was easily their worst, most single-minded & childish movie, and cars</i> looked for all the world to me to be even more childish. and it isn't shrek</i> as far as blending more higher mindedness into it, but it so blows the shit outta a bug's life</i>, I feel bad even admitting that I thought they'd share the same gutter position.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:15 am

maybe its just an insect thing, because both a buggerss life and Pantz sucked huge vast amounts, didn't they come out around the same time too?
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Postby dinky on Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:30 pm

yes - I think a movie about a world full of talking cars sounds far less appealing than the insect thing though. and Antz was a far more watchable movie (more adult), but the animation was blown out of the water by Bugs Life. I dont think either one is actually crap. but compared to the last decade of cgi movies, they might both be better that what? some nickolodean fodder and final fantasy?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:48 pm

but what about toy story
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Postby dinky on Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:33 pm

both toy story movies were great.

caught the shaun of the dead from the point where they meet their first zombie. nuff said.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:36 pm

haha ye si like toy story too (as in both not some sort of toy story/look who's talking too hybrid)

thats the bit in shaun when they leave the winchester isn't it and they sing Grandmaster FLash & The Furious Five - White Lines with the zombie isn't it?

me and my mate Pirate (his nickname) do that scene all the time at work :lol:
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Postby dinky on Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:44 am

nah. the girl in the backyard where they actually realize the zombies. they think she's drunk...take pictures.
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