The last movie you saw...

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu May 25, 2006 6:13 pm

i read brett ratner then as bill shatner and almost lynched you for not having faith in the man who single handedly sells alpen to the uk masses :lol:
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Postby dinky on Fri May 26, 2006 6:56 am

x-men: last stand</i>. there was some cool stuff to look at. some intentionally funny stuff (but pathetically obvious too). complete butchery of any extant mythology (to be expected). and some terrible writing.

the rundown:
***read on at your own risk***

juggernaut - a mutant
dark phoenix - jean grey's alter ego she never knew she had
cyclops - dead in first 5 minutes (actor hated the role 2 movies ago)
professor x - dead in 30 minutes (contract's up)
mystique - no longer a mutant in 40 minutes (wtf?)
beast - the same basic guy from the comics in 1hr 40mins
jean greay - dead at the hands of wolverine in 2 hrs
magneto - no longer a mutant in 2 hrs
iceman - finally goes full-on iceman from comics in 2 hrs
angel - hardly anything to do with anything for 2 hrs
rogue - no longer a mutant in 2 hrs


juggernaut - bad
jean grey/phoenix - really bad
magneto - wtf?
professor x - wtf?
rogue - wtf?
mystique - wtf?
colossus - good
wolverine - ok
storm - passable
pyro - good
iceman - good
angel - poor
beast - pretty good
kitty pride - good
sentinals - poor (wasted)

this movie was just silly. it was the batman forever</i> of the franchise. it was intended to be the last x-men movie of this era (new stories/casts for any future endeavors), but there will likely be a 4th movie about wolverine, which I forsee being the franchise's batman & robin</i>. this was just dumb. they had a good general plot and fuct it silly. they tried to combine the dark phoenix saga with magneto's war on the humans thing (basically the acolytes or asteroid m material) AND they threw in a bit with Trask and the Sentinals. each one is a BIG movie project in itself. looked</i> good...which I suppose puts it on par with AvP. :wacky:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri May 26, 2006 12:44 pm

I've avoided that post so don't know if you stated this but reading in the paper that Halle Berry has a more prominant role has just abolished all faith i would have had in that movie. She is a terrible, terrible actress and Storm is a terrible, terrible character. Bad move, i'd have just told her to take a walk when she demanded a bigger role.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri May 26, 2006 1:04 pm

spud you forget shes also an ugly ugly monster
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Postby dinky on Fri May 26, 2006 5:04 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:spud you forget shes also an ugly ugly monster

are you on crack? she's very pretty.

@spud - her role is no larger than in X2, but she uses her powers to more effect in fight scenes. I agree, a lame character in any medium. can't say much for her as an actress.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri May 26, 2006 5:44 pm

lol obviously you and me differ in women, to me (and most of the lads at work, yes we have nothing better to do then have contests about women), shes a moose
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Postby Jynks on Sun May 28, 2006 10:49 pm

Juts saw X-Mean 3 and I am with dinky... this movie has some SERIOUS FLAWS. Juggernaut is a mutant?? WTF!!! That just pissed me off!! What is it with hollywood whne they CHANGE the very basica nature of the stories they are fuckn with. I meanthese storieshave been aroundfor so long.. they ALREADY WORK!!


WTF. Magneto picks up the bridge so he canget across to the island?? He should have used it like a baseball bat and just played fuckn golf with that island.. movie OVER. Rouge lossing her powers? WTF

This new version is just crap, not cause the things in the movie are that bad (I have seen way worse) but because they are simply so far off from the comic.. Geebus.

As for X-Men 4, I understand that the actors are alrdy signed up for more X-Mens. They may not happen but they are compleled by contract for another 2 more. If they gaet made. So lets hope.

They should have done what was in thecomic were rouge drains phenox and blasts all the energy into the sky and for a whole year of the comic earth had a 2nd son.. now THAT would have been col on the big screen

So now I await to see if they fuck up Ghost Rider... have to sya the trailer looks pretty good to me so far. Though the transformation at the very end is crap.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 29, 2006 3:44 pm

I saw Xmen3, although i don't think dinky's Batman Forever is quite so accurate, it really is very crappy next to the other two. I think its more of a mangled Die Hard 2, than a walking disaster Batman Forever. Someone was in charge of the project that really had no love or care and fired of a cheap shit cashin movie, as that director usually does. Its not as cheesy a film as Batman Forever. I hate what they did to the characters, they got them all wrong... again, and their personalities were vastly downgraded and changed.

I think the major problem with all three films is they are introducing far too many 3rd party characters. I think the franchise would have served better with either sticking with wolverine solely, or doing spinoff movies for new characters/groups of characters. Introducing vast amounts of new people just was a waste of time because they don't spend any time developing them.

The double take ending was so lame.

mystique - no longer a mutant in 40 minutes (wtf?)

Yeah, retarded but then it showed magneto's reaction which was alright. Plus as you can see from the ending, it doesn't even work so chances are she's still going to revert back to being a mutant and we can wipe this crap movie from our minds :lol: Actually she switches sides in some of the comics and cartoons mostly because of something i'll mention in a tick.

So rogue, magneto and mystique will all revert back to being mutants. I mean Rogue was one of the main X-men in the comics and the cartoons, and magento obviously isn't going away.

Isn't Mystique the mother of Rogue and the distinctly absent Nightcrawler in the comics/cartoon? I mean, doesn't wolverine kill his wife in X2? That's gonna screw things up when someone tells him :lol:
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Postby dinky on Mon May 29, 2006 4:15 pm

yuriko? I was good with that. her part in X2 was fine. they weren't going to do any morlocks stuff, and she's a very minor baddie imo. even for wolverine, she takes a back seat to the weapon x stuff.

this isn't as neon as batman forever, but it is (almost) as gay. it goes for all the cheap, retarded shit. like that little back and forth between juggernaut and shadowcat. my dog could script that</i>. I felt like I was rewatching robin say "holy rusted metal, batman" or arnnie (next movie) going "everybody - freeze" but prolly more important: third film, new director, completely pisses all over the quality & seriousness of its predacessors, and like BF it will do very well at the box office (but a year or 2 later the masses will realize what a complete fuckjob it was to the franchise). still...not as bad as BF 1:1. I'll grant that.

re: danger room sequence with the sentinal. I thought it was cool. I mean, it's what the danger room should be, imo.

how much better would this movie have been if trask and the sentinals (which can adapt to individual mutant abilities) were enforcing the "cure"? how much better would it have been if they didn't resurrect jean (as phoenix - sigh...dark phoenix, you putzes)? how much better would it have been if cyclops, who is the motherfin' leader was a part of the movie? how cool would it be if the "cure" trask was enforcing was not derrived from a mutant but, instead, planted by apacalypse and it turned angel into archangel? needless to say, killing-off any of the mainstays in this movie was total crap (except jean last movie, who becomes the phoenix - and is not instantly evi ffs!). and even with the screw-up with jean/phoenix, wolverine and xavier argue about caging the beast and the problems it causes later and whatnot, but that thread is just left to dangle. phoenix, btw, was completely pointless in this movie except</i> to do the retarded honors of killing professor x & cyclops. :o

the sentinal head looked pretty cool.

yes, magneto seemed to be regaining his power, which is also crap cuz now what? he'll be back? no. he's eaten up 3 movies already. he's a great character, but move on. the sentinals and apacolypse are clearly my choices.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 29, 2006 4:27 pm

i've never read the X-men comics so i can't really comment on them, and i also have never seen X3 but i have seen X1 and 2, and the Xmen early 90s animated series which was pretty cool (got HQ caps sitting on my hdd of all 5 seasons complete too that i need to rewatch soon), i saw a few X-men evolution eps too and my god it was utter shitly gayness

oh last night i watched Retrograde (2004) starring Dolph Lundgren

it was a time travel movie, not much particularly happens for ages though, tehy travel back in time, get knocked out, etc etc, then a bit of fighting starts near the end, the character Dolph portrayed very much like he did in the Punisher
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Postby dinky on Mon May 29, 2006 6:12 pm

I've only seen the first two seasons thus far, but I rather like x-men: evolution</i>. it's like one of the unlimited comics or one of those limited run series that tells a backstory that doesn't actually have any influence whatever on the core comics. but I tend to like most of what Bob Forward does (he was the main guy behind Beast Wars) and Bob Skir oversaw Beast Machines. I also have a lot more tolerance for a cartoon dicking around with the mythology...not sure why. but the writing is relatively good in evolution. it's not like they took the cyclops I know and fuct him sideways.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 29, 2006 6:30 pm

to be honest i was never a big fan of cyclops really anyway, but talking of comics i do rather like the friday the 13th/jason x comics, and the snake plisken ones are pretty good too
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 30, 2006 12:13 pm

I watched and didn't mind Evolution it was less sporadic retarded and had better voice work than the 90s version. But it was more distinctly for a younger audience.

I watched two episodes of masters of horrors. Episode 9 was awful, except for the creature and the effects which were really awesome. The plot and acting really didn't carry that sole grace though, which is a shame because the effects really were some of the best of the series. Some of the style was a ripoff of countless movies since ringu but the story was really, really bad. Episode 10 was much better, there were some annoying bits, but I really liked that episode. Best that i recall of the series so far.
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Postby dinky on Tue May 30, 2006 7:43 pm

yeah. the 90s animation I thought was top notch at the time. but looking at it looks closer to scooby doo (at least the way they show people walking from the side - like a super nintendo side-scroller of the same era).

but that was a great show. it set the stage for a lot of marvel 90s cartoons that, at least at the time, felt so much more real than the shit on spidey & friends or the hannah barbara stuff.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue May 30, 2006 8:24 pm

yeah i remember over here it used to follow Marvel Action Hour on a saturday morning as part of Marvel Power Hour, Marvel action Hour used to show an episode of Iron Man, & Fantastic 4 (Later replaced by Silver Surfer i think) then Marvel Power Hour was an episode of The Incredible Hulk (all animated) followed by X-men
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Postby dinky on Tue May 30, 2006 11:59 pm

been watching veronica mars</i> s1 last couple days. on disc 5 of 6. I love it. but you all probably won't, since I'd describe is as buffy</i> with a better looking lead and without supernatural enemies (both consciously pattern themselves on scooby doo mystery stuff). it's also a lot like smallville</i>. kristen bell (veronica mars) looks like a petite version of alison mack, and they're more or less the same characters (working for the school papers 'n' all too). and just to really put you all off of the series, it also has a good mix of alias</i> & 24</i> in it (lots of spy stuff - sorry, no guns). it's totally unreal but I love it. cracks me up. I haven't laughed out loud this much since the first couple seasons of buffy</i>. random shit. great burns. ok. I'll spare you more gushing.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed May 31, 2006 1:51 am

just started watching Season 2 of A.L.F watched the first 2 eps, the time jsut flew by, meaning i mustve enjoyed it
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Postby dinky on Wed May 31, 2006 3:04 am

what's the source on a.l.f.?
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Postby dinky on Wed May 31, 2006 2:54 pm

finished veronica mars</i> s1.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed May 31, 2006 8:00 pm

@dinky - the source for alf is dvd, season 1-3 are all out on dvd, currently sason 1-2 are on tvunderground mule links, actually 3 might be now aswell i haven't checked in a while
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