unlike other animated shows, like the simpsons and family guy, i get the impression that they might have actually been to the uk too.
Simpsons english jokes are increasingly lame, they have this deluded view that people are quite like that. I found the first attempt on family guy (with the little girl/my fair lady skit) was quite funny (except for that song
) but that last american football episode... a) like anyone plays that shit game in the uk b) have they never heard of rugby?
Contrast that with the pip episode in south park which is hilarious and its just another thing that makes South Park vastly superior
Their humour is normally bang on target.
I don't understand how people get pissed off when they are getting the piss ripped out of them, i think it makes the episodes better because how close to home it hits.
but back to the welsh arsehole, i think that's the best commentary of the welsh to date