Starwars Holiday Special + Xtras [FORCE EDITION]

Quality VCD and DVDr rips only please. Namely from a non-screener DVD source. Please state any re-encoding methods, particulary for DVDr

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Starwars Holiday Special + Xtras [FORCE EDITION]

Postby Jynks on Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:04 am


After a long time screwing around I have finaly finnished my fan made dvdr of the starwars holiday special. This contains the best copy of the special I have been able to find over the years plus my fav fan films and parodies. Plus some ultra rare footage missing starwars footage of Biggs and "wormy" in Ancher Head.

Please download and share with the world this great bit of Swars history that Lucus said "If I had the time I would smash every copy of it with a hammer, untill it no longer existed" Meaning that this will NEVER get released.

There is a cover I have made for this that syncs with the DVDr release called "Difinitive Edition" That is the release of the original trillogy in dvdr formate ripped from the Lazer Disk set and the ONLY digital version of Swars avaliable... You can grab a copy of that from here!!! :) Star Wars - Definitive Original Edition DVD-R @ FH or here The Star Wars Saga Collection @ scidonkey

This image at image shack is not to scale of the one in the release pack, that is a 300dpi and much larger for better quality printing.

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  .               A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...   .
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  .     .          The Starwars  Holiday Special was a two        .
              .   hour television special (including          .        .     .
                 commercials) broadcast on November 17, 1978   .  .
     .       .  on CBS. In it, Chewbacca and Han Solo visit              .
.        .     Kashyyyk, Chewbacca's home world, to celebrate                 .
   .          Life Day. Along the way, they are pursued by         .      .
             agents of the Galactic Empire who are searching for
          . for rebels on the planet. The special introduces three .   .
   .       members of Chewbacca's family: his father, Itchy, his         .  .
.      .  his wife, Malla, and his son Lumpy. As well as the first    .
         introduction of Bobba Fett. a  full, two years before his           .
    .   his appearance in Empire Strikes Back                        .    .
.        .          .    .    .            .            .                   .
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  |:..                                                      ``:::%%%%%%HH|
  |%%%:::::..                DVD-R Contents                    `:::::%%%%|

                                   __ 1      1 __        _.xxxxxx.
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  Main Features              `===|::::::|  // //~`######b
                                  `--------=====/  ######B
    - Starwars Holiday Special                    `######b
    - Starwars a Musical Journey                   #######b
  Special Features                                 `#######b
    - Stopmotion Effects Info - ATATs (Emp)         `#####B
    - Original Jabba the Hut music Video (Jedi)
    - The Anchor Head Lost Footage (Swars)
    - Original Theatrical Trailers (Trilogy)
    - Casting Session (Swar)

  Xtra Features

    - George Lucus in Love
    - Troopers
    - Triumpth poops on Starwars Fans
    - Extensive Starwars Art Galleries


    - 300 DPI DVD-R Cover

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ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition_-_ed2k.Collection.emulecollec....emulecollection  [819 Bytes] [Stats]

ed2k: [DVDCover].Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.jpg  [2.13 Mb] [Stats]

ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.nfo  [7.3 Kb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.sfv  [608 Bytes] [Stats]

ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.r00  [667.57 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.r01  [667.57 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.r02  [667.57 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.r03  [667.57 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.r04  [587.07 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Starwars_Holiday.Special.+.Xtras_DVDr-FORCE.Edition.rar  [667.57 Mb] [Stats]

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Postby d0c on Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:08 pm

thanks :)
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Postby El Mariachi on Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:31 pm

Thanks, gonna click it
"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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Postby El Mariachi on Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:13 am

Non of the features has sound, just the menu has sound. WTF
"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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Postby Jynks on Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:25 am

?? Works 100% on my player?? and on the 4 other dvd players of imediate friennds.. .. .

Are you playing it on some wierd PC application?
<---------- Top 20 Scifi Captians -------->
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Postby El Mariachi on Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:29 pm

Jynks wrote:?? Works 100% on my player?? and on the 4 other dvd players of imediate friennds.. .. .

Are you playing it on some wierd PC application?

WinDVD :)
is the stream DTS encoded?

I'm gonna waste a DVD to see if it plays on my standalone.
"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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Postby Jynks on Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:03 am

Look.. I have had a number of comments on another board about this problem as well..... I am going to repack this release...

The Repack Will be
  • i will be removing the Starwars Musical Journey from the disk completely so the dvd-r content is higher quality.
  • I will be reducing the Menu system so it is less space using as well.... this should greatly increase the quality of the stuff on the disk... .... . .
  • I will be adding a few more casting couch things (like Kurt Russel's audition for Han Solo
  • I will be making AC3 sound instead of LPCM.
  • I will be doing more extensive testing on various DVD players... as well as PC applications for playing on Desktop.

Sorry about this guys.. this is my first time I have tried to make a DVD from scratch.. it worked for me so I thought it would work for everyone else... . . gues not. Once again sorry about this and I hope you will attempt to get the repack.. . ..
<---------- Top 20 Scifi Captians -------->
1: Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds 2: Captian Kirk 3: Capt. Matthew Gideon 4: Han Solo 5: Capt. Janeway 6: Admiral William Adama 7: Capt Jean-Luc Picard 8: Dr. Hans Reinhardt 9 Freeman Lowell 10 Zaphod Beeblebrox 11 Capt. Dallas 12 Cpatian Sheredon 13 David Bowmen 14 Admiral Ackbar 15 Capt Begimum Sisko 16 Turanga Leela 17 Capt. McCrea 18 Susumu Kodai 19 Flash Gorden 20 Commander J. J. Adams And the Wrost Capt. Carmen Ibanez
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Postby El Mariachi on Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:08 pm

Jynks wrote:Sorry about this guys.. this is my first time I have tried to make a DVD from scratch.. it worked for me so I thought it would work for everyone else... . . gues not. Once again sorry about this and I hope you will attempt to get the repack.. . ..

Don't sweat it. If you release it again it will be appreciated again and people will download it again :)

I know I will.

"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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