lol, the fifth element... you have to choose the campest film he's in don't ya max?

well come on you expected it of me surely, of course i couldv'e said aliens but tbh every other film i've seen him in completely blanked from my head at the time
although looking at his imdb page, o've seen mroe of his films then i at first thought
The Day After Tomorrow
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (i saw the first one, it bored me to death so didnt bother with the other 2)
From Hell (turns out i have seen it, i was getting it confused with that worse one ripper: letters from hell)
The Fifth Element (didn't know his voice was used in the videogame aswell... what a lowering of standards for him that was)

and you thought the film was bad spud
Loch Ness (i totally forgot this ever existed let alone had seen it.. DAMN YOU IMDB)
The Madness of King George
Naked Lunch
Brazil (one of his best performances and a good film overall if you watch the real version) cheers to spud for pointing me in the direction of that one
Tales of the Unexpected
Time Bandits
Chariots of Fire