The last movie you saw...

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Postby ScarletJester on Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:59 pm

OK, I'm sorry, I should have mentioned the sexy half-naked women in it, and the nipple action going on (spider or otherwise!). Forgot thats all you need to say on internet forums to recommend a film :).
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Postby Jynks on Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:09 pm

and violence.... remeber to mention that.
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Postby dinky on Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:37 pm

potmunky wrote:I watched Serenity last night. SOOOOOO dissapointing. :cry:
I really wanted to like it, but I spose after the brilliant, (imo), Firefly, Whedon had a lot to live up to. (please bear in mind I aint seen the series for a while, so my memory is shat :wacky: )
There were many reasons it failed the series;
Poss Spoilers ahead...
WTF did he have to kill-off two of the best characters!!!??? I loved the pilot, (his name escapes me at the mo), and the Shepherd. The Shepherd had a nice, mysterious quality about him that begged further investigation.
Why did he turn River into Buffy Mark 2!!!??? I realise she kinda was heading into this territory thru the series, but why use it for the film? I would have preffered to see a lot more of the Shepherd and his background, or perhaps Jayne.
Why rewrite so many character-traits!? I suspect a lot of the series' fanbase will be most-miffed at that. They just do/say/feel a lot of stuff that they never would have in Firefly!
Why reveal the Reavers/Rippers (God, my memory sux-like-an-electrolux :wacky: )!?
Good SciFi/Horror Rule Number 1; "Never reveal the bad-guy til reet at the end, if at all, (especially if they dont look particularily nasty/scary!)"

You've gone and spoiled it now :cry:


-umm...killing the characters was necessary. and frankly, my dear, the fact that you give a damn shows me that he did it right. the problem with any serialized entity is that the "star" can't die. it gets downright ridiculous in comic books or the A-Team</i>.

-river was always going to be buffy. did you not watch the final few eps of the series, or did you somehow manage to block them out. that was</i> the big unresolved story arc from the first season. jayne had his "history" ep. the preacher being no preacher was dropped in what? the final ep? it was tangential to the greater story. you can't condense an entire series/franchise into one movie. hey, I think they went a bit overboard on the buffy similarities myself. but puleeeze. it was going to happen. spud was sining that song since the movie was even mentioned. and I still maintain that the movie and series are more about the captain than his crew anyway. he sets out to save her. he has the crisis of conscience.

-the whole "who are the reavers?" thing being explained was perfectly functional. it was never a horror story and the reavers were always - always</i> - humans throughout the series. the only thing new we get from the movie is their origin (how is the "truth" that we learn in the movie worse than "they flew to the edge of the galaxy and went mad?" - I mean, that's the perfect mythologizing of what actually happened. hell, I thought that was the best part of the movie. it was a seamlessly interwoven commentary about free will, the right to choose, individual vs. group, and blah blah blah...the same damn themes that are the staple of sci-fi from brave new world</i> to equilibrium</i> and their ilk

anyway...watched American Splendor</i>. interesting. funny in a very indie movie sort of way, I guess. Paul Giamatti's performace here was lightyears better than what he did in sideways</i>, which was basically play the straightman for everyone else and frown.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:38 pm

you fool dinky, everyone knows the a-team is classic 80s greatness, i pity the fool who dont think so sucka.......... hell at this rate you'll try telling me spud thinks macgyvers utter toss.........
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Postby dinky on Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:57 pm

pity duh fool!
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Postby potmunky on Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:32 am

Calm down Dinky! :-o
Its just a film, matey! :lol:
I just wanted the best, imo, characters to have more made of them. Not to be killed in the first, of prolly more, films! :wacky:
As for River into Buffy; Yeah, that was a denial thing :wacky: :(
The Reavers were pussies. I was hoping for something at least as adult as the TV series had suggested throughout.

Ah well.
I was praying Whedon wouldnt do it... Shoulda known...
Oh, and its 'Pity Dah Fool' I think...
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:19 am

quit yo jibba jabba sucka
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Postby Jynks on Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:41 am

I ain't gett'n in no plane!

@potmonkey Yea, I thought the moive was aa bit disapointing with the reavers. I was hoping for somthing a lot cooler than some kind of crap fucked up experiment I always loved the idea that they just went crazy out near the edge of space... you could have played with all kinds of wicked consepts with that... I was expecting more from a guy that is pretty well versed in the other worldly moster type squishy things from beyond reality. As for killing off the charicters.. so wat there is never going to be anymore so why not.

spud: [code][code]
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Postby dinky on Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:37 pm

I don't think he had the time to develop the reavers in the tv series - mystical or otherwise. they really weren't very connected. as I said, I thought what he did with them was great. it really brought them into the actual story in a meaningful way.

but this is far from my favorite movie. I was kind of annoyed that everyone</i> spoke like 'buffy' in the way that isn't, eh? what I loved about the preview was jayne getting off the ship, holstering a sawed-off of some sort and saying, "let's be bad guys." and the impression was that they were going to go kick some serious ass like when you piss off chow yun fat or jet li or rambo or blade. but the action remained pretty TVish.
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Postby Jynks on Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:02 pm

Totaly... like that guy getting speared though the leg and dragged by the revers ship for ages and then being able to walk in the next scene.... lol

I just watched a flick called Saturn 3.... it is pretty good. Just wat I was in the mood for. I totaly recommend it for late night "I can not sleep" viewing. there are a few version of it on this site.

1 cd version
2 cd version

It is a nice little flick with some surprisingly good sets and effects, as well as a neat little story. It has it problems but nothing that you will worry about at 4:30 in the morning. Harvey Keitel is great as the "more robot than human" charicter, there is some real nice future speak in it....

Also when the robot powers up for the first time turn the stero up LOUD!! The sound effects would could make it as a track on a Aphex Twin ambient dub mix... very cool music all though out (except for the 80 rock bits.. they sux still, but scifi music and sound effects... top quality)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:33 pm

everyone see the latest Family Guy? The back to the future joke cracked me up :lol:

Also saw Harry Potter, erm 4 is it? I'd need to see the others again, but i'm pretty sure this was better than the other ones which will mean for the fourth time in a row, the sequel has been better than the previous ones. Quite amazing actually... i have no idea if that's down to the books or not or its the movies. My sister liked it and as far as hollywood movies go its one of the better ones thats come out in a while, which says as much as it says about hollywood.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:16 pm

lol yeah i saw the latest family guy "its your kids marty.... your daughters gonna marry a black man"
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Postby dinky on Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:06 pm

:lol: @ Harry Potter</i>. I'm not sure if it was better than the previous one or not. it was definitely more mature, which made it far more appealing though.

lessee...watched national treasure</i> the other night. ok. it was on while I did some html work and played battlefront 2.

shrek 2</i> last night. love that damn movie. "I am Puss - en boots!"
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:28 pm

Watched Edward Scissor hands, never seen it before and noticed it had finished downloading. Was okay, some scenes looked great, but it was very low budget and a bit less challenging than i was hoping for. Definitely not one of Tim Burton's best, but you can tell its one of his.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:38 pm

been watching the invisible man tv series from 2000 and something, its ok, although the premise seems to not be getting used to full potential, although the banter between fawkes and hobbs is pretty funny

one thing that bugs me tho is it was fawkes brother who put the gland in his head to turn him invisible yet in the intro he says "some scientist"
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:39 pm

urrrghh is that the dreadful one that was on scifi channel and they cancelled like there was no tomorrow?

Damn that series sucked, it was almost as bad as "veritas: the wank" :lol:

Not a fan :wacky:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:56 pm

I also forgot to mention, I got round to see The Devil's Rejects. It was quite enjoyable, pretty violent but at the same time I thought it was enjoyable, it was kind of dissapointing. It was a tad too 'trendy' for my taste, although the diting and style was far more favourable than the first it was just a tad over the top for my tastes, i prefer more traditional cinematography because i think it does more to tell the story (barring obvious exceptions) and relies more heavily on the director's and editor's talents to make movies. All that said, it was still enjoyable and is well worth watching, it was of the better movies i've seen recently, and Rob Zombie more than a competant director in my opinion. Its better than house, and for the horror fans, lots and lots of famous actors.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:11 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:urrrghh is that the dreadful one that was on scifi channel and they cancelled like there was no tomorrow?

Damn that series sucked, it was almost as bad as "veritas: the wank" :lol:

Not a fan :wacky:

never heard of veritas and i dont know what channel the invisible man was on but it lasted 2 full 24 episode seasons so if it was they obviously didnt cancel it like no tomorrow
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Postby dinky on Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:58 pm

super troopers
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:01 pm

that the one with the highway police?, same guys who did club dread isnt it? broken lizard or something
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