Angels Don't Play This HAARP & C2C (Katrina & New Or

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Angels Don't Play This HAARP & C2C (Katrina & New Or

Postby Masterpiece on Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:37 am

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Audio: Audio sync problem fixed where needed, VHS noise removed and reencoded to 56 kb/s


Angels Don't Play This HAARP : Advances in Tesla Technology by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning is a book gaining wide publicity throughout the United States having been featured on hundreds of radio programs, news reports and television programs. This book was named one of the most important books of 1996 by Project Censored : The News that Didn't Make the News. The book is the subject of talk radio programs six to twelve times a month on both national and regional programs. The book is in its third english printing since being released in September, 1995. Translations were released in Japan and Germany in 1996.

The U.S. Military's first target is the electrojet: a river of electricity that flows thousands of miles through the sky and down into the polar icecap. The electrojet will become a vibrating artificial antenna for sending electromagnetic radiation raining down on the earth. The U.S. military can then "X-ray" the earth and talk to submarines. But there's much more they can do with HAARP. This book (and video) reveals surprises from secret meetings.

This is the video by the same name, and this post also includes "C2C - Charles Ostman (Katrina may have been a manufactured storm sept 1 2005)", so that people outside will at least consider the possibillity, that HAARP and weather modification may be used as means of warfare in the future. And probably already has been.

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Name.........: Angels Don't Play This HAARP DivX5.avi
Filesize.....: 247 MB (or 253,400 KB or 259,482,116 bytes)
Runtime......: 01:36:47 (174,029 fr)
Video Codec..: DivX 5.0
Video Bitrate: 294 kb/s
Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-2 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate: 56 kb/s, monophonic CBR
Frame Size...: 352x240 (1.47:1) [=22:15]

ed2k: Angels_Dont_Play_This_HAARP_DivX5_(AUDIO_SYNC_FIXED).avi  [247.46 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: C2C.-.Charles.Ostman.(Katrina.may.have.been.a.manufactured.storm.sept.1.2005).mp3  [9.15 Mb] [Stats]

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the Angry Klingon
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Postby Masterpiece on Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:37 am

Two Interviews by George Noory with Nick Begich.

ed2k: C2C-2004-07-08-Nick-Begich-HAARP-Mind-Control-and-Technology.wma  [17.04 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: C2C-2004-08-26-Nick-Begich-Geophysical-and-Climate-Changes.wma  [17.14 Mb] [Stats]

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Postby barry on Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:15 am

What a shame that HAARP has nothing to do with weather modification and this is simply utter infantile bollocks. Maybe we should have separate science and science fiction documentary sections so no-one will confuse stuff like this with reality.
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Postby Masterpiece on Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:56 pm

What a shame you don't know wtf you're talking about..
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Postby barry on Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:12 pm

Masterpiece wrote:What a shame you don't know wtf you're talking about..

The grand total of eleven letters after my name to date suggest I might.
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Postby Masterpiece on Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:43 am

No, it only suggests that you're probably just a little kid, who has nothing else to do than lurking posts he don't like, so he can bitch about them like a little whining girl. Such idiots I can find at any forum and they're always a waste of time. Always.
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Postby tweye on Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:40 pm opposed to you waiting for someone calling bollocks on one of your posts just to call him "whining girl", didnt you?
"You are beyond insane!"
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Postby <insert> on Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:28 pm

eeeekkkk! :-o I think that is a case of "don't feed the trolls" :oops: heheheheh

HAARP is more a star wars type application but could be used for weather modification AFAIK
"weather modification" "carbon black" haarp

another old one on the haarp project
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Postby barry on Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:50 pm

Masterpiece wrote:No, it only suggests that you're probably just a little kid, who has nothing else to do than lurking posts he don't like, so he can bitch about them like a little whining girl. Such idiots I can find at any forum and they're always a waste of time. Always.

Or a 26 year old formally qualified astrophysicist who has no tolerance for the lies and ignorance propagated by such ignorant paranoid trash as this "documentary", and accordingly I have only ever condemned the uneducated and anti-scientific content. Never have I objected to any of the other releases even though some depicted criminal activity or other potentially offensive material as they were either depicting real events or arguing a viewpoint. The condemnation was of the contents of the release not an attack on you. But then you should know better than to defend something like this. But instead you resorted to namecalling immediately.

This is the HAARP project.
It's a research project openly conducted by a university. There's no government involvement, no shady activity, no black helicopters or other such paranoid fantasy, and most definitely no lurid nonsense or physically impossible things like weather modification.

This is where crank stuff like this gets listed
in among the "Elvis was abducted by aliens" scum.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:11 pm

Jesus...You still don't know wtf you're talking about. But following <insert>'s advice..."let's not feed the troll".

So talk to the hand.
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Postby barry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:14 am

Masterpiece wrote:Jesus...You still don't know wtf you're talking about. But following <insert>'s advice..."let's not feed the troll".

So talk to the hand.

Then feel free to point where I'm mistaken rather just making personal attacks.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:00 am

barry wrote:
Masterpiece wrote:Jesus...You still don't know wtf you're talking about. But following <insert>'s advice..."let's not feed the troll".

So talk to the hand.

Then feel free to point where I'm mistaken rather just making personal attacks.

Absolutely not. I'm not trying to bust any balls here, or act like an arrogant idiot, but if I were to debate everyone who doesn't like my posts and TELL me about it, I literally would'nt have time for anything else. So I don't....with very few exceptions, and this is not one of them. You think this lecture is bullshit - fine. I could'nt care less. But frankly, I think you ought to keep your mouth shut in the future, because in a lot of forums, outbursts like yours would likely trigger a response from a moderator telling you the same thing; shut up. Comment on filespecs, or quality, or problems with the files themselves - but keep your damn mouth shut if your comments don't fit that purpose. Obviously, those rules don't apply here, but luckily, this isn't where I hang out either.
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Postby barry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:35 am

Masterpiece wrote:Absolutely not. I'm not trying to bust any balls here, or act like an arrogant idiot, but if I were to debate everyone who doesn't like my posts and TELL me about it, I literally would'nt have time for anything else. So I don't....with very few exceptions, and this is not one of them. You think this lecture is bullshit - fine. I could'nt care less. But frankly, I think you ought to keep your mouth shut in the future, because in a lot of forums, outbursts like yours would likely trigger a response from a moderator telling you the same thing; shut up. Comment on filespecs, or quality, or problems with the files themselves - but keep your damn mouth shut if your comments don't fit that purpose. Obviously, those rules don't apply here, but luckily, this isn't where I hang out either.

That's a fair comment, that I do agree with. Why didn't you just say that first rather then accusing me of not knowing my own profession, and then make unwarranted presumptions about and personal attacks on me? I'll keep my contempt for such material to myself in future, but this stuff is the equivalent to a scientist as holocaust denial stuff is to a Jewish person. I'll leave it at that.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:41 am

"...but this stuff is the equivalent to a scientist as holocaust denial stuff is to a Jewish person..."

I've got a dish for you my friend. Hang on. I can barely wait to see your comment on that.
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Postby barry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:01 am

Masterpiece wrote:"...but this stuff is the equivalent to a scientist as holocaust denial stuff is to a Jewish person..."

I've got a dish for you my friend. Hang on. I can barely wait to see your comment on that.

You've lost me there.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:05 am

barry wrote:
Masterpiece wrote:"...but this stuff is the equivalent to a scientist as holocaust denial stuff is to a Jewish person..."

I've got a dish for you my friend. Hang on. I can barely wait to see your comment on that.

You've lost me there.

Ok. I think this will clarify my comment: viewtopic.php?t=1720
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Postby barry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:15 am

Masterpiece wrote:Ok. I think this will clarify my comment: viewtopic.php?t=1720

I think you're reading far too much into my comment. I was merely trying to show offensive this is. But then I can't help but think that <Insert> was right and you are indeed just trolling and that being offensive is your only aim.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:23 am

barry wrote:
Masterpiece wrote:Ok. I think this will clarify my comment: viewtopic.php?t=1720

I think you're reading far too much into my comment. I was merely trying to show offensive this is. But then I can't help but think that <Insert> was right and you are indeed just trolling and that being offensive is your only aim.

Not at all. I just like to hear both sides of any story. It prevents one from becoming one-tracked minded - and has even proven (to me) to be enlightening. You see, it usually complicates things a bit, when I actually have to think for myself, rather than relieing on what the "Minestry of Truth" tells me to think. Of course, that is indeed very offending to the "Ministry of Truth" because it undermines their authority, but as you can see, I don't really give a sh**.
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Postby barry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:46 am

Masterpiece wrote:Not at all. I just like to hear both sides of any story. It prevents one from becoming one-tracked minded - and has even proven (to me) to be enlightening. You see, it usually complicates things a bit, when I actually have to think for myself, rather than relieing on what the "Minestry of Truth" tells me to think. Of course, that is indeed very offending to the "Ministry of Truth" because it undermines their authority, but as you can see, I don't really give a sh**.

I have no problem to dissenting against received thought, but in the case of science it doesn't work along the same lines. If there's any evidence against a scientific theory or model, then it's wrong and it's dumped no matter how complete or consistent or widespread it maybe. Take Newton and his theory of gravity. It was mathematically rigorous and it predicted the motion of the planets perfectly. Except one. Mercury shows an extremely small increased level of precession above what Newton predicted. People kept working on this flaw and after some 250 years Einstein arrived at the General Thory of Relativity which did explain gravity completely. For something to even count as a scientific theory it must be testable experimentally, hence even major topics like string theory don't count. You don't have to rely on anyone's word, beliefs or opinion as you can test it for yourself and see. Hence my vehement dislike of the cranks who make such claims as hurricane Katrina being manufactured. If they're telling the truth then they should be able to provide concrete and undeniable evidence, like any good scientist would, but instead all they have are claims. Take the HAARP example originally given, all the data and methods are in the public domain, so why haven't those who made the claims simply setup their own and provided a public demonstration? All they need is a radio transmitter from the early 90's and bit of northerly sky. In science things really are black and white, or until we get a better black and white. Or in quantum mechanics, where things can be both at once.
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Postby Masterpiece on Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:34 am

You know, Nick Begich is actually just repeating, what is already stated as beeing a sought concept. Others say it's already a PROVEN concept, and others say it's just bull. And thats why I don't debate issues like this or 911 - but just stick to posting movies. What some guy on the internet says about HAARP isn't going to provide any real answers anyway. And rebutal by pointing to the HAARP website or common knowledge is about the same (now that you like analogies) as asking George Bush, whether or not evil men in a cave is out to get him with weapons of mass-sticks-and-stones, and blindley accept a "yes", Even though every, normal, thinking person knows by now, that the guy is just an untreated alcoholic with an incredibly dangerous paranoia, hence, he was definetly not right about that, but others might think so, if they blindley accept the "yes" (and some actually do). Thats why a debate about HAAARP or simillar isues on filesharing sites is utterly pointless. Simply a complete waste of time.
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