anyone knows/has this film?

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anyone knows/has this film?

Postby mxyzptlk on Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:44 pm

i'm looking for a film about a trip to the moon and it has something to do with the bermuda triangle and satan

everybody gets posessed and they all die

i think it was called the dark side of the moon

end 80's somewhere

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Postby El Mariachi on Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:58 pm

could be dark side of the moon
"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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Postby mxyzptlk on Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:23 pm

yep,thats the one,m sure

now for finding it :mrgreen:

problem is:do a search for dark side of the moon ,and you get tons of pink floyd :-o
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Postby El Mariachi on Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:07 pm

mxyzptlk wrote:yep,thats the one,m sure

now for finding it :mrgreen:

problem is:do a search for dark side of the moon ,and you get tons of pink floyd :-o

Searching is easy, getting it is the difficult part.

Most of us took it from our fellow board member

"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
"It has zombies in it, how can you not give a crap?" - Spud
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Postby mxyzptlk on Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:43 pm

ah,so it's on the board here;i must've overlooked it then

kill feed repeat
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