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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun May 29, 2005 4:41 pm

which? A fistful of dynamite has nothing to do with a Fistful of dollars.

A Fistful of Dollars is what made clint eastwood and is therefore the movie which will most likely show you why he became as famous as he did, and it does just that. All 3 of the movies with him in are excellent, A Fistful of Dollars, a Few dollars more, and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Once upon a Time in the West is excellent, and he's not in it, and Duck, You Sucker! was retitled A Fistful of Dynamite to cash in with the dollars series, since they are superb.

A Fistful of Dollars is the movie that Last Man Standing is a remake of, A Few Dollars More is the sequel which is pretty damn good, and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is one of the most superior sequels out, and is about the 3 characters, but becomes increasingly and more epicly about the American civil war as it progresses. Duck, You sucker! is about the Mexican civil war which is why its often said to be a remake of Good/Bad by critics who know nothing, its very, very different, even though all the same techniques are used.

Its worthless, or at least unfair, commenting on Clint until you see how good the movies are in this case, since they are exceptionally good. He doesn't say much and its besides the point if he does. The Director of them all really is a genius if you ask me. I don't care for Clint Eastwood in anyway, but those movies are some of the best movies ever made, so there's nothing you can do about it. Its one of those times that it really doesn't change things.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun May 29, 2005 5:17 pm

i hate westerns so i really couldnt care less to be honest, i have given them a chance tho, ive seen gb&u and a few others, i did like last man standing (bruce willis one?) but i wouldntve really classed that as a western
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Postby dinky on Mon May 30, 2005 2:29 am

it isn't. haven't seen/don't remember the original.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 30, 2005 6:41 am

Fistful of Dollars is identical in places; scene by scene Last Man Standing is pretty much a remake ala Pyscho, greatly inferior in the same way too, and amazingly, Clint Eastwood does a far better job than Bruce Willis does. Far, far better.

Fistful of Dollars is a remake of Yojimbo by Akira Kurasawa btw. However, i'd say for definite Last Man Standing is a remake of fistful because as said, its scene for scene pretty much in places

For the record, saying you've given westerns a chance without seeing Fistful trilogy is like saying you've given Sci-fi a chance without seeing Empire Strikes Back. It makes all those movies like Magnificent Seven, clints other crap, John Wayne trash and all those other movies look like utter, utter, shit. Hell, the music alone owns them 8)

Sergio Leone Westerns are nothing like the standard westerns on tv, its like chalk and cheese, its all about the cinema.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 30, 2005 10:59 am

john wayne movies are trash too, i just hate westerns nothings gonna change my mind
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 30, 2005 3:43 pm

John Wayne too :roll: As if that's even remotely comparable in anyway :o

well then i'll leave you in blissful ignorance of the fact they are nothing alike in content, cinematography, story or matter. :D
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 30, 2005 11:35 pm

John Wayne too As if that's even remotely comparable in anyway

theyre westerns, therefore comparable, yes im aware they both did other stuff but mostly theyre western actors, theres just something about clint eastwood i dont trust, kinda like the way robert redford looks really shifty as if he will stab you in the back at any given moment. i might give clint a chance again if just to shut you up, maybe hes one of these actors u appreciate more as u get older, but im still not convinced
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Postby dinky on Tue May 31, 2005 12:27 am

maxpayne2409 wrote: i might give clint a chance again if just to shut you up


I also have a hard time watching old westerns. never really cared for the cowboy mythologies. although I love Tombstone: "I'm here, Huckleberry." Great lines....

I think eastwood has a fairly diverse and, all said, a good resume as both actor and director. for the exception of Unforgiven</i>, the westerns were all early work where he first made his name. and you can hardly group unforgiven</i> in with them because he directed also.

he's definitely mainstream in the way that *gasp* speilberg is. the stuff is usually watered down for mass appeal, but a lot of it is pretty good. of course, I loved mystic river</i> and liked million dollar baby</i> (not best film of the year liked, but it was good). unforgiven</i> was real good too, but it's a fairly tired plot., so you'll prolly slam me for that. :lol:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 31, 2005 1:12 am

old westerns? jesus new westerns are even worse... Unforgiven... yuck! lol @ The Quick and the Dead... how lame is that movie!

I hate westerns that are just, well crappy westerns, they need to be a bit beyond a couple of cowboys eating pudding (South Park right? :lol: )... if its about some bandits or some lame thing, or some bollocks about a corrupt sheriff its not worth watching

Three Amigos! That's one of the best westerns ever :lol: Of course its below all of the great ones :)

Back to my comments on Duck, You Sucker! links. Once Upon a Time in America was a dissapointment (gangster movie), its rated quite highly but its no where near as good as his earlier movies (which Max has judged without even knowing anything about it.... you and your shit comedy movies Max, its like you don't want to be cured of mediocrity or something :lol: Forget all about the bible as any form of salvation, the best form of fiction as salvation is a good classic.)

and i don't care what max says, and whether he's not going to watch it, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is probably the best movie of the sixties. Makes Night of the Living Dead look like a chav suffering from the plague and aids of the face.... scarey thought, but true.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 31, 2005 1:26 am

Infact i'm going to put a picture of it in my sig, just to piss max off and remind him of his ineptitude :lol:

If i can't break you morally, I'll have to break your legs physically... :)

I;m going to watch Soylent Green methinks, can't stand charlton heston but its of little consequence here :)
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Postby Jim123 on Tue May 31, 2005 4:11 am

Hi everyone, I have been away for a while due to school. I have the summer off so I have come back to chat with you guys.

I saw the new episode of Star Wars on the first night. I was actually disappointed with it. It was better than episode 1 and 2 but I felt that it was not as good as episode 4, 5 and 6. He sucks as a director, I agree with spudthedestroyer in that the lines were terrible. What was with the saber fights and they were filmed going round and round in a circle. Yes I know that this maneuver is common with these scenes but I think it is passé. I think that if someone else had directed this movie it could have been much much better. Overall I enjoyed the movie but I could have enjoyed it much more if it had better lines and directing. I think they are catering to teenagers that is why it was made the way it was. When I saw episode 4 they catered to all ages, there were people in their teens as well as in their 40's. When I went to see this new one there were mainly teens. I think that episode 1 and 2 turned many people off.

In regards to Clint Eastwood, guys he did the best Westerns ever. My favorite was The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Sure he did not say much but at that time that was considered cool. After saying that you have to remember that likes and dislikes are very dependent on the age and decade one was grew up. People growing up in the 50's like John Wayne, people growing up in the 60& and 70's like Clint Eastwood etc... It doesn't matter who you like or for what reason you like a certain actor. I think that a lot of preferences are based on memories of your youth. You young people in your teens out there will see my point later on in life. I am not that old but old enough to notice these things. It's the same as music, play some electric guitar to my grandmother and she will get sick. Play me rap and I get sick. It all comes down to personal choice. None is better than the next just different.

Anyway good to be back and just saying hello.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 31, 2005 11:41 am

We its like Arnie with the terminator, saying stuff is cool when they can't say stuff. :lol

oh rap is for kids that are too mentality immature to comprehend rock and metal... no one actually likes rap! :wacky:

Except dinky, but i hear all the ladies think he's like brundle-fly for a white guy... :D
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Postby dinky on Tue May 31, 2005 5:14 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:Forget all about the bible as any form of salvation, the best form of fiction as salvation is a good classic.


that's the best quote so far this year! :lol:

edit (finished reading the rest of the posts):

spudthedestroyer wrote:Except dinky, but i hear all the ladies think he's like brundle-fly for a white guy... :D

hey! wait a minute... :o

worst quote of the year :spank:
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Postby dinky on Tue May 31, 2005 5:21 pm

Jim123 wrote: I think they are catering to teenagers that is why it was made the way it was. When I saw episode 4 they catered to all ages, there were people in their teens as well as in their 40's. When I went to see this new one there were mainly teens. I think that episode 1 and 2 turned many people off.

you're giving "them" way too much credit. eps 1 & two catered to dayschoolers. episode 3 catered to preteens.

it's the only possible explanation. search your feelings. you know it to be true.

edit: original trilogy had wider appeal, but its basic audience was teenage geeks ages 13-20. then 20-somethings who still think they're teens + the preteen & daycare squad there to see ewoks and r2 squeaking.

"but uncle oweeeeeeeeeeeeen!"
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 31, 2005 6:18 pm

yeah but uncle owen got fried and you got to see his burnt out corpse :mrgreen:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue May 31, 2005 7:06 pm

what about the very shatner like scene in sw3 where anakin goes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO which to me just reminds me so much of kirk going KHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

play some electric guitar to my grandmother and she will get sick. Play me rap and I get sick

Play me rap and i get sick too, amusingly though ive had my grandma listening (and enjoying) the song On A Rope by Rocket From The Crypt

oh rap is for kids that are too mentality immature to comprehend rock and metal... no one actually likes rap!

except for dinky and teenage girls who have left the busted/mcfly era behind and have gone onto pastures new and believe theyre lives have been tough throwing up... erm i mean growing up, and guys who love nothing more then wear a hoody (which thankfully have actually been banned from being worn in my town centre & shopping centres) who think everyone hates them (well i guess they are right) and how they have to fight to stay alive and drag themselves up from the gutter like theyre favourite idol "m&m"

although however annoying and crap rap is at least it isnt as bad as that BLOODY FROG, who according to sources at the sun is now releasing an album with other ringtone favourites such as sweetie the prick, and whatever other ringtone characters are doing the rounds on mtv advertisements at the time, and then people wonder why were trying to bring down the msuic busioness by downloading :lol:

OH GOD i just also remembered something else i read, apparently Sly Stallone is bringing back his character of Rambo to star in a 4th rambo movie, and if that does well he is gonna make a 5th rambo movie too :o
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:53 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:what about the very shatner like scene in sw3 where anakin goes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO which to me just reminds me so much of kirk going KHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

the vaderkenstein scene? that was horrible. almost so bad that if you hadn't scene any other sw movie (or sat through most of ep3), you might</i> think it was a joke.

Play me rap and i get sick too, amusingly though ive had my grandma listening (and enjoying) the song On A Rope by Rocket From The Crypt

best line ever on this topic belongs to bruce willis in Last Boy Scout. shane black has a wicked sense of humor.

OH GOD i just also remembered something else i read, apparently Sly Stallone is bringing back his character of Rambo to star in a 4th rambo movie, and if that does well he is gonna make a 5th rambo movie too :o

from a wheelchair? eesh.
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Postby dinky on Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:45 am

all this talk about westerns....I was channel surfing late last night and came across an premium cable channel called Encoure: Westerns. all westerns all the time. although by the looks of it, they might as well have called it the Clint Eastwood Channel. anyway, I caught the middle of high plains drifter. gotta say, that didn't make me wanna watch another western. :lol:

anyway...the next show was good bad and the ugly...but I was tired and went to sleep instead. :P
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:36 pm

well it is 3 hours of the best cinematic specticle you'll have seen in years, you don't want to be tired for that... nor have adverts in it,
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:50 pm

well it is 3 hours of the best cinematic specticle you'll have seen in years

id much rather spend 3 hours watching gb&u then lord of the rings, ill give it that
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