by maxpayne2409 on Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:34 pm
lol dont owrry about my morals, they lasted about 2 days then i caved lol, although keeping it shared wouldnt help as i got it off torrent
to be honest i was expecting so much more and it was by far not fantastique, it was nice to see they used an old enemy (The Nestene Consciousness & The Autons) that have been seen twice before (pertwee story "spearhead from space & Terror of The Autons) but the wheelie bin that ate the guy from auf weidersehen pet was a bit stupid and the story line in general couldve done to be a lot better, perhaps rather then 45mins they shouldve gone for a 90min special to fit everything they obv tried to fit in in but flesh it out a bit more so it doesnt feel crammed, to be honest i wasnt keen on the way christopher eccleston portrayed the doctor (hell even colin baker did a better job and thats saying something), and billie piper hmmm in places she didnt do such a bad job but in others she was definately crap
perhaps it will improve a little more when we see some dalek or cyberman action and maybe the inclusion of U.N.I.T & maybe some returns of old faces like brigadier alistair lethbridge stewart back in his role as a retired lethbridge stewart like in the mccoy story battlefield, or maybe a came by past companions like peri, sarah jane, harry, tegan or others
and why was there no regeneration? possibly we couldve seen mcgann regenerate into eccleston
either way new who is better then no who so i guess we have that to be thankful for