Request sci-fi movies of any quality or format here. Only put movie title and year in the topic title, any additional info goes in the message body. No horror.

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Postby lazarus on Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:20 pm

Anyone remember this....been searching for ages for this one and the other that went with it, crash and burn. with no luck :(
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Postby tweye on Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:50 am

lazarus wrote:Anyone remember this....been searching for ages for this one and the other that went with it, crash and burn. with no luck :(

from FH:

Deadman wrote:Image

Veriified English version. Fullscreen and I think it might be a VHS rip. Very clean though so could be wrong. Might just be an old source that's not been remastered. Sound is a bit quiet so could do with an MP3Gain applied on it then remuxed. But this is the only English version I have found thus far. I have a foreign language version I might try and match the audio with if the quality is any better. I will have to check them against each other (As well as the FPS).

ed2k: Robot_Jox_[Eng].avi  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]

EDIT: I'd say it's definitely a VHS rip. The other version I have is a Spanish satallite rip and isn't much better in terms of quality and runs at a different FPS. It also has a big logo in the corner anyhow.

Steggl! wrote:GSPot stats for Robot Jox:

--- File Information ---
File Name: Robot Jox.avi
File Size (in bytes): 734,355,456
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type: xvid
Video Codec Name: XviD
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 01:24:08
Frame Count: 151303
"Quality" Factor:
Frame Width (pixels): 512
Frame Height (pixels): 384
Aspect Ratio: 1.33
Frames Per Second: 29.971
Video Bitrate (kbps): 995
QPel: No QPel
--- Audio Information ---
Audio Codec: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 44100
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 160
Audio Bitrate Type: CBR
Audio Channel Count: 2
Interleave (in ms): 33
Preload (in ms): 496

Quality and stats look a little bit odd to me but as it's the only rip available... :?

Has anyone ever had a look at these files (found via search)?
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi  [700.70 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: Robot Jox.avi.bc!  [700.34 Mb] [Stats]

:o :P
(just one source for each file)

BTW: Seems like someone ripped the second part Robot Jox 2: Robot Wars and did a 2 CD rip for a <70 mins movie :o :roll: :stupid:

ed2k: robot.jox.2. cd 1.avi  [696.68 Mb] [Stats]
ed2k: robot.jox.2. cd 2.avi  [714.45 Mb] [Stats]

i'm still sharing the first movie (Deadman's link).
of the second one, i've only completed cd 1. i'm out of full sources of cd2 :(

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Postby lazarus on Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:53 am

cheers tweye ....robot jox 2, never knew there was one cooool :) ....unless its crash and burn under a different title thanks again.
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Postby tweye on Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:57 pm

lazarus wrote:cheers tweye ....robot jox 2, never knew there was one cooool :) ....unless its crash and burn under a different title thanks again.

seems like they're 2 separate movies.

Crash and Burn:
Robot Jox 2 - Robot wars:

let's hope we can find Crash and Burn too :)
(and finish robot jox 2 cd 2 :( )
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