The last movie you saw...

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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:49 am

well i finally bit the bullet and watched Cube Zero, and while not being near the level of excellence as the original it wasnt as bad as i expected, it tried to explain a bit of what life is like for a couple of low ranking people who work for the corporation/governement whatever that runs the cube program and to be fair it doesnt do too bad a job, if a bit silly on ocassion

the gore level has been taken up more then a notch or 5, although in some instances the added gore makes it seem like an early work of peter jackson in the vein of braindead/bad taste rather then an intelligent thinking mans horror/suspense movie

there is a little comic relief in the form of one of the "higher ups" in the program

and trying not to give too much away the way it ends sets up cube 1 pretty well (as cube zero is a prequel)

if you like the first cube movie (and if you have any form of intellect higher then a chav) then you will probably enjoy this movie, maybe ill rewatch hypercube to see if its as bad as i remember, unfortunately i remember it as being on the same bad bad bad sequel level as fortress 2 was to fortress
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Postby bobbystills on Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:27 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:I saw The Machinist, why do they have to waste basicly good premises (and obviously an actor who's going above and beyond the call of duty).

Sure its been a bit tired down that path these days, but there's been some great films of similar vein. And on the bright side, at least it wasn't awful like Secret Window.

lol yeah
he should of read the script a few more times b4 fasting :lol:

spudthedestroyer wrote:Carnivale is still the best thing I've been watching in the past few weeks i can recall, been some great episodes lately :)

Ive been keeping up with this series and i like it but the whole blue blood black eyes is starting to get on my nerves.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:12 am

hmm the movies ive seen since my last post.....

all dvds too

the scorpion king - really wish i hadnt bothered to be honest, only watched it because it was achoice between the mummy, the mummy returns and the scorpion king and i hadnt seen the scorpion king before

octopus... to be honest i really enjoyed this film, john doe did a rip of it over on hhah but i never got round to watching it so bought ti on dvd for £2 and while being cheesey (but i love that) it was really quite amusing (whether intentional or not) the ending was just classic

class.... good 80s film, enjoyed it

secret agents club... yes THE secret agents club with Terry "Hulk" Hogan from 96, also bought for £2 at the same time as ocotpus (cash converters... dvd heaven) and to be honest while it packs in every cliche in the book it was quite fun to just kick back and let my brain turn to mush for 90mins and watch the hulkster do what he does best... ham it up to an all new level, now if only someone would rip and release suburban commando and mr nanny and thunder in paradise and i know suburban commando & mr nanny are out on dvd stateside, same as road games GET IT RIPPED PEOPLE

Club Dread.... it delivered pretty much what was expected, comical slashing and hot women in bikinis, quite a twist at the end that i honestly didnt see coming, but it had Brittany Daniels whose hot in it (the naughty sexy twin from sweet valley high) which lets face it was the only reason anyone ever watched that show

confessions of a teenage drama queen... i needed my lindsey lohan fix mmmmmmm lindsey lohan /me drools, dont ask me what the films about tho because i couldnt possibly tell you as i dont remember myself lol

possibly seen others recently but nothing that springs to mind
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:16 am

btw bobby... where on earth is your avatar from?
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Postby dinky on Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:46 pm

omg! they ported sweet valley high? :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:34 pm

no they didnt port sweet valley high, the hottest of the daniels sisters who were in svh is in club dread spending most of the time in bikinis :D
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Postby bobbystills on Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:46 am

the incredibles is a pretty great movie imho. probably the best ive seen this month. I skipped the TS because i hadnt read up on it but I liked it about as much as i liked the iron giant . also just watched oldboy again seeing how its finally opening here in the states. its a cool movie, the story lacks a little imo but that hammer scene is a must see for any1 who like movie fights(ilove that fuckin shit). I also watched 11:14 which was kinda cool. I like when writers and directors screw around with the narrative --momento irreversible runlola run ect..
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Postby dinky on Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:08 pm

Clone Wars. loved it. can't wait for more.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:08 pm

Mr. Accident - great aussie movie starring Yahoo Serious (star of international box office hit Young Einstein) about a guy who breaks everything he touches and is generally incompetent but in a roundabout way stops his evil boss of the egg factory where he works and falls for his bosses ex gf

funny film all round worth a watch if u can get the dvd or dl
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Postby dinky on Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:16 pm

carnivale finale, deadwood (funny as hell ep!) and Empire</i>.

pretty sad that I only now think about it, but when obi-wan speaks to yoda on dagoba, he clearly states that yoda was his instructor, and it's clearly qui-gon in the prequels. so my question (that MUST have been addressed by all the SW addicts) is what is Lucas's official stance on this? did he simply admit it was a goof/change in light of the prequels, or are they doing some lame-ass spin doctoring to the mythology to account for it? like the master of my master/instructor is my master/instructor kinda stuff?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:40 pm

just watched shark attack 1, wasnt too bad i suppose, watched the trailer for crocodile on the dvd aswell looks hilarious so probably watch that 2moro
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:21 am

I think its pretty clear that lucas' official stance is "I'm making it up as I go along".

I've never been in much doubt about that myself, then again he seems pretty stubborn, he'll probably come up with some shit. Then again, if you look in episode 2 and 3, yoda does give instructions to obi-wan, and even though he's a jedi master (Obi), he still takes orders; where the top gun seems to be samuel l. mother f*cker Jackson, and then the old master is yoda.
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Postby dinky on Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:49 pm

oh. yeah. well...the council is the ruling body. and yoda is the senior member. I still don't like the way that gels with yoda being the jedi who instructed obi-wan since he clearly becomes a full on jedi (knight) after ep1 and takes on anakin as his own padwan at the end. still, the making it up as he goes along is rather obvious, I guess. just figured they'd try to doctor it in the novels/comics/video games somehow so as sense.

too bad there isn't a clone wars-type serial between eps 1-2. that could be intersting. ok, I just want more of that crazy samurai jack animation. hehe

watched jedi. beginning to change my mind on that movie. it's clearly deeper (and darker) than the original. the only real downside is all the muppets. oh - and that retarded jabba's palace song.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:12 pm

also, yoda teaches all the kiddies, before they get a master.

If you watch in episode 2 or whatever it is, they are looking for a planet in one of his classes.

In lucas' mind i bet he thinks that cinematic gold :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:50 pm

in lucas' mind he thinks everything hes ever done is cinematic gold, he ruined star wars by adding btis, he ruined whatever cult status thx had by fixing it up, and he even attempted to alter indiana jones, but, proving that speilberg is actually good for something, stopped lucas and refuses to let him touch indiana jones... in any way
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:03 pm

well in my own true fashion i watched the most hilarious movie ever...Crocodile

u really dont care who dies in it because none of the characters are likeable (usual brat teen american kids), really comedy hardcore cop music when the sheriffs onscreen, the usual drunk old men who get killed instantly, the classic scene where one guys in the lake and the croc is heading for him and he just gawps and goes "OH MY GOD" then it obviously takes a few seconds for his miniscule little brain to go through its machinations before he reacts, also later, said git obviously forgets his lines as when hes trying to get this girl (the gf of his best friend no less, who incidently he got kicked out of college on purpose) while all the while looking directly into the camera

i think it was meant to be scifi horror but it was too funny, infact ive not laughed at a comedy film ina long time as much as i did at crocodile, thoroughly enjoyable tho
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:19 am

and he even attempted to alter indiana jones, but, proving that speilberg is actually good for something, stopped lucas and refuses to let him touch indiana jones... in any way

you sure that wasn't an episode of South Park max? ;)

I watched... Elektra. Just samey hollywood junk, not worth the money to be made to be honest.

But then i watched a film that's pure gold... Forbidden City Cop! lol, Stephen Crow is a genius! All of his films i've seen are absolutely hilarious, so silly but not overly silly. Does anyone have a link to The King of Comedy? The 1996 film, not the us 80s movie. Could only find the wrong movie via an emule search so i'm guessing if its been released its under a foreign title.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:22 am

dl crocodile spud, u know you want too :lol: that would be a funny film, a crocodile spud
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:30 pm

watched Crocodile II - Death Roll, not as good as teh first but still enjoyable and very funny, cant be botehred giving it a rundown like crocodile 1 tho lol
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:31 am

Stephen Crow is a genius, i know I said it already but all of his films i've seen are funny as hell, he's got a better track record that most other comedy film star/director thus far I can recall (barring the likes of Python, etc.).

Anyway, that's enough of him... been watching some Bottom episodes, and just got Hellboy from the DVD place I rent dvds from online, so I'm going to watch that in a bit. I know its gonna be pap, but they normally have something worth watching in these kind of films. I don't think its going to be a AvP bad or anything... :)
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