Alternative 3
On June 20, 1977, Anglia TV in England broadcast a documentary titled Alternative 3. The show, presented as part of a regular series called 'Science Report', began with the announcer explaining that they had originally intended to broadcast a far different show, but something had gone wrong. They had intended to air a show about the British 'brain-drain', about how British scientists were leaving the country to find higher-paying jobs abroad, but in the course of their investigation they discovered that many of the scientists they sought to interview weren't just leaving the country. They appeared to be mysteriously disappearing from the face of the Earth itself.
The disappearance of these scientists prompted the news team to investigate further, and what they ultimately uncovered was a vast, global conspiracy reaching to the very highest levels of the American and Soviet governments. Apparently back in the 1950s researchers had learned that the Earth, on account of man's actions, was facing an unstoppable environmental catastrophe which would result in the almost certain extinction of humanity itself. World governments were left with only three options. They were:
Alternative 1�?