Title: Nightfall (2000)
David Carradine
Jennifer Burns
Plot Outline: When a distant planet's six suns slowly disappear, the population is overwhelmed with fear and superstition
Based on the short story of the same name by one of the great masters of SciFi. Too bad the screen writers didn't understand the story. This story was treated much worse than Hollywood treated I Robot. Still, if you're a fan of Asimov's you've got to watch it.
I picked this up off WinMx with no trouble, but I seem to be the only one sharing it on eMule.
Good quality video. Bad acting
English with Japanese subtitles.
Don't confuse this with the Galactico TVRip of the same film.
ed2k: Issac%20Asimon's%20%20NIGHTFALL%20-%20English%20with%20Japenese%20Subs%20DVDRip%20DivX5.avi [702.12 Mb] [Stats]