Returner (2002)
After an alien invasion threatens to annihilate the human race, a young Japanese girl, named Milly (Anne Suzuki), travels back in time from 2084 to October 2002, and enlists the reluctant aid of skilled Tokyo gunman, named Miyamoto (Takeshi Kaneshiro), to discover and prevent the start of the war. However, trouble ensues when the two protagonists are forced to deal with a Japanese mafia boss, named Mizoguchi (Goro Kishitani), who is somehow involved in the start of the war by keeping the first alien spaceship and its alien pilot cative, while our two heros race against the clock to find a way to stop the oncoming destruction from the vengence-seeking alien invasion fleet on its way to Earth.
File Size(s) : 703.50MB
Video Details : Mpeg-2 480x480 16:9 @ 2658kbps 29.9FPS
Audio Details : Mpeg-1 Layer 2 48000Hz CBR @ 96kbps Stereo English Dub
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