Fifteen years ago evil creatures from the underworld plagued the Earth with the intent of eliminating mankind. Dubbed the Day of Reckoning by survivors of the hellish holocaust, warriors of mankind again must battle the forces of darkness.
Release notes:
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- Code: Select all
Total Runtime...: 1:25:03
Language........: English
File Size............: 2.18 Gb (1/2 DVD)
Video Codec .........: XviD 1.3
Video Frame Size.....: 1024 x 576
Video Bitrate........: 3225
Video Framerate......: 23.976
Audio Codec..........: AC3
Audio Bitrate........: 448 kb/s (5.1)
Audio Framerate......: 48000Hz
Interleaving.........: 96/96 aligned
Packed Bitstream.....: No
CQM..................: heini_mr
B-Vob/Qpel/GMC.......: Yes/No/No
ed2k: Day.Of.Reckoning.2016.576p.BDRip.XviD-Rogue.avi [2.18 Gb] [Stats]
Subs: none