Season Of The Witch (2011)

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Moderator: Movie Mods

Season Of The Witch (2011)

Postby elanze on Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:08 am

hammers66 wrote:Season Of The Witch (2011) BDRiP-AC3-XViD-SANTi


Genre : Adventure / Drama / Fantasy

Plot : A 14th century Crusader returns to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. A beleaguered church, deeming sorcery the culprit of the plague, commands the two knights to transport an accused witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence. A priest, a grieving knight, a disgraced itinerant and a headstrong youth who can only dream of becoming a knight join a mission troubled by mythically hostile wilderness and fierce contention over the fate of the girl. When the embattled party arrives at the abbey, a horrific discovery jeopardises the knight's pledge to ensure the girl fair treatment, and pits them against an inexplicably powerful and destructive force.

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      Û      14th-century knights transport a suspected witch to a      Û
      Û      monastery, where monks deduce her powers could be the      Û
      Û      source of the Black Plague.                                Û   
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      Û                                                                 Û
      Û      þ Duration: 1h 34m 43s  þ iMDB:   Û
      Û      þ File Size: 1.43 GiB   þ Source: Full Russian BluRay      Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û           Codec: XviD                   Codec: AC-3             Û
      Û         Bitrate: 1715 kbps            Bitrate: 448 kbps         Û
      Û         Res/FPS: 720x400 / 25.000    Channels: 5.1              Û
      Û         Filters: BVOP-NoQpel-NoGMC-Default Matrix.              Û
      Û                                                                 Û
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      Û                                                                 Û
      Û      Continuing to provide QUALITY which is our priority.       Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û    * Here is the smaller version of my BDRip of this movie.     Û
      Û      I converted the DTS-MAHD audio from the source to AC3.     Û
      Û      Check sample for quality. Enjoy!                           Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û    * Special filters used which takes a lot of time to encode.  Û
      Û      For those who wait knows what they're getting and we       Û
      Û      do not disappoint.                                         Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û    * Colors, brightness and contrast untouched same as source.  Û
      Û      (We do not touch source to preserve the picture the way    Û
      Û       it was intended to be shown.)                             Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û    * Standard filesize to make this release DVD burn friendly.  Û
      Û                                                                 Û
      Û    * Compatibility: PC, PS3, XBOX 360, Popcorn Hour,            Û
      Û      WDTV HD media player, WDTV LIVE HD media player,           Û
      Û      WDTV Live Plus HD media player and other media players.    Û   
      Û                                                                 Û







ed2k: Season.Of.The.Witch.2011.BDRiP.AC3.XViD-SANTi.avi  [1.44 Gb] [Stats]
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