The last movie you saw...

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Postby Blade Runner on Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:03 am

nope, just PC, which is in a different room to my bed
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:55 pm

god damn that sucks lol, my comp is about half a step from my bed, i can reach it jsut by leaning out of bed slightly hehe, and with a 21" flatscreen monitor its perfect for watching movies on :D
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:36 pm

just watched Mortal Kombat 1 and darkness falls, darkness falls was so unbelieveably shit, MK is as great as ever tho, still love the soundtrack too
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Postby Blade Runner on Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:17 am

Just watched 'Screamers', I didnt expect much and was pleasantly suprised.
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Postby tweye on Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:32 pm

i watched Team America World Police today and i ROFLed all the time.
cool references to StarWars, too...
the cantina:
"mohammed, mohammed... jihad, jihad..."

the jedi trick:
"produce your credentials!"
"hey.. you don't need to see my credentials.. i left them at home and
i'm runung late"
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:06 am

maxpayne2409 wrote:just watched Mortal Kombat 1 and darkness falls, darkness falls was so unbelieveably shit, MK is as great as ever tho, still love the soundtrack too

ur a sick sick person :mrgreen:

Not been watching much whilst I get my coursework out of the way, I did manage to finally watch my dvd of shaun of the dead
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:23 am

you dont like mortal kombat???, i should throw you to the faggots for your insolence :lol:

@ tweye - i guess team americas good then? ill have to dl it
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Postby tweye on Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:39 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:@ tweye - i guess team americas good then? ill have to dl it

if you like South Park, you'll enjoy it, yeah. i mean... FUCK YEAH!
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:06 pm

hehe i love south park, and all the other movies those guys have done :)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:51 pm

i think it was on Have I got News for You actually, not seen it but really want to!
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:11 am

just watched stephen kings "misery" was ok actually first tiem ive ever seen it, friend rented it on dvd
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:25 pm

watched Team America - World Police last night and it was great, very very funny
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:57 am

you have too much free time, and thusly as your local labour representive, I'm going to break your legs and raise the terrorist warning level to 'geek', so all nerds will be shot on sight (hint: that's you geeky forum boy! :lol: ). That will teach you to have more free time than me!

:) Been bust as of late, but I did have New Statesman dvd series one playing in the background yesterday. Haven't watched a movie in quite a while, I did watch that Fear documentry on BBC2 that I can't recommend more highly.

Maybe I'll watch some reported drivel like Troy tonight,,,

ps. "Tony Blair likes people like you!" :)
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Postby hagbard on Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:14 pm

Watched "New Rose Hotel" at the weekend - and was very very disappointed. A movie based on a William Gibson story, Walken and Dafoe in it - man, was I disappointed. Only reason for not becoming totally depressed was the really hot lady, that was running around naked and being fucked throughout the whole movie.

Watched "Fahrenheit 911" on election day. Well, Michael Moore ... kind of populistic. I still am unsure, if he is trustworthy in all, what he is telling in his movies. However, all in all - I enjoyed it. Even the election itself was driving me towards depression again ... :?

Have watched "Troy" some weeks ago, by the way. Rather bad. Never getting really exciting - and being quite different from the original Homer story ... e.g. no gods appearing at all ... Cannot understand, why they changed the story so much.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:38 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:you have too much free time, and thusly as your local labour representive, I'm going to break your legs and raise the terrorist warning level to 'geek', so all nerds will be shot on sight (hint: that's you geeky forum boy! :lol: ). That will teach you to have more free time than me!

ps. "Tony Blair likes people like you!" :)

shame i vote liberal democrats then :lol:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:49 pm

oh I am a liberal democrat, out next party manefesto involves getting Charles Kennedy to start drinking again, to reintroduce slavery, and to bring back captial punishment.

lol, I watched, "The New Statesman", all the series over the past week. Funny stuff. I was too tired to watch Troy... I'll watch it today or something.

Watched "Fahrenheit 911" on election day. Well, Michael Moore ... kind of populistic. I still am unsure, if he is trustworthy in all, what he is telling in his movies. However, all in all - I enjoyed it. Even the election itself was driving me towards depression again ...

I don't think so at all, if you watch his other stuff, he's just a very strong liberal and this is threatening to lots of americans because its largely a conservative nation, and don't have enough humility to realise when critism is just criticism, and not an attack on the country. I have to feel sorry, embarressed and appauled for the reception he gets, its shameful that when someone speaks out, they get treated like scum. He really doesn't deserve that. He sure as hell doesn't get that recpetion over here when he's criticising britain (which he has done, and rightly so).

And he's not even suggesting anything bad most of the time, he got this kind of shit right from when he started as a penniless redundant guy campaigning about downsizing (Downsize this and the film 'The Big One', and then onto medical care (or lack of), media control and corporate crime, Gun crime).

Don't judge a person, but what a person says. If there's no truth in your eyes behind his comments about medical care, downsizing, corporate crime, the judicial system, gun crime, tv, terrorism, that's fine... but its worrying that people want him dead just because he speaks out. That's blind patriotism for you.

I think most stuff surrounding Mr Moore is smearing his name because he speaks up when there's no strong voice against the kind of shit that happens in countries. He single handedly takes all the shit since theres a distinct lack of any major criticism from what I've seen, and that's deeply disturbing for a democracy. I'm not surprise he wants to discredit bush (who in all fairness doesn't really need any help from Moore to do that), he seems to have done a lot of stuff Moore is opposed to downsizing, war profiteering, etc.

In the uk, we do have some strong critics of the government, but no one would be so stupid as to suggest they don't care about the country, to the contrary, they care a great deal, people just argue down their arguement. They'd probably be abused, and labelled a <s>commu</s> terrorist and anti-patriotic in many other nations. Blind patriotism is one of the worst offenders in modern times, right after religion, in screwing up countries.

So with that in mind, don't think about it as if he's lying, because I really, really, doubt thats even remotely true. He maybe wrong, but thats only because he doesn't agree or just wrong. His motives haven't been to lie in any of the material I've ever seen by him, just investigate what he sees and express a questioning or opinion on the matter (which is why its not counted as a documentry as such btw).

With the whole election I observed a recurring comment when referring to Kerry, and why they didn't vote for him. "I don't trust him". The reason this is the case is a 12 month smear campaign run by every media station in the states. Of course people are going to think that, but this isn't about relevance, its about discrediting an arguement by discrediting a person, which is the cheapest thing you can do. There's a constant smear campaign of his character going on which is really disturbing, because people tend not to even address his material in doing this.

Don't think about him as lying, he's made a movie, you just need to see if you believe it or not, if you think he's wrong or not, not if he's lying or not. People can be wrong without lying, and from my experience of Mr Moore, he gets carried away with the crap that happens, but he's always pointing out stuff that is at least remotely true, or at least relevant.

F911 is a strange one, but I don't recall him talking about george bush being a former alcoholic and a convicted drink driver, etc. He may have done, but I really don't recall that. So it wasn't exactly smearing, its mostly an attack on his alleged misconduct in the office. It would be very easy to totally drag bush through the mud because he's done an awful lot of shit. In that sense it did stick to some kind of attack on the Bush administration, and not a tasteless smear piece.

Bowling For Comulbine was a much better documentry come analysis, because it was more rounded.

Whilst talking about documentries, I would highly recommend 'Fear' the three part documentry that has run on BBC2. Its essential viewing in my book ;)
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:11 pm

damn that was a lot of text, or more likely, it looks like a lot of text with this theme :lol:

Just my two pence anyways :)
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Postby hagbard on Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:46 pm

Hej, Spud. Lots of text, indeed. :mrgreen:

But don´t get me wrong here: I have been involved with the radical left in Germany for quite some years. So it is not, that I am opposed to Moores message in general. I am ciritical only about his way of presentation. That he is not actually analysing capitalism and its basic mechanisms, that way seeing Bush as a mere player following the inner logic and forces of the game. As we say: Fight the game, not the players.

That is, why I feel his movies to be kind of populistic. They tend to personalise and often keep things on a quite superficial and easy-to-understand level. Of course, that does not make them wrong - and they might get some people to start thinking.

In Germany, right now there is a certain problem about the reception of movies like that. The general atmosphere is kind of "anti-american". People focus on the States as the source of world wide problems - and neglect the problems in front of their own doors. The political atmosphere in Germany has been changing since the re-union of West and East-Germany. One of the current tendencies is the move for a stronger position and more influence / power in world politics. That is involving some competition with the USA. My point of view is influenced by that background as well. Even, of course, all these things got nothing whatsoever to do with Michael Moore ... :D

However, there is a German website about "Bowling for Columbine", that is accusing Moore of presenting things in the wrong light and suggesting messages (not outspoken), that do not fit the real situation. There are also statements from people, who were presented and quoted in the movie, and who felt misused by Moore.

Hmm ... lots of text as well ... Too cut it short: I am critical about the way, he is presenting things - and have some doubts about all the details, that he is presenting as facts - while often leaving it to the audience to draw conclusions and put together the big picture-puzzle. But generally, I am still sympathetic with him and his movies ...

Hopefully that does not appear too contradictory and confused ... :mrgreen:

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Postby dinky on Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:39 pm

watched The Incredibles - good movie. not exactly what I was expecting, but a very fine effort (Shrek 2 was better, but could lose points in the oscar race for being a sequel).

Revenge of the Sith trailer looks good. so I'll have to wait a bit longer to declare my hopes and expectations completely shattered by the dark side of papa lucas.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:41 pm

dinky wrote:Revenge of the Sith trailer looks good. so I'll have to wait a bit longer to declare my hopes and expectations completely shattered by the dark side of papa lucas.

That trailer scared the shit out of me.... Its really very crappy. I'd love to laugh my ass of at its cheesiness but its really heart breaking that I can't find it funny :(

I did watch Troy.... hmm same director as Das Boot and Air Force One.... Well, at least it wasn't as bad as Gladiator, even if its much longer, and has just as hammy acting.
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