The last movie you saw...

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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:45 am

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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby anarchoid on Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:29 pm

yesterday i saw this:


amazin russian scifi
"- morning starbuck, whatdya hear?
- nothin' but the rain.
- Grab your gun and bring the cat in."
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:23 pm

i (made the mistake of) watching the terminators.... theres nothing good i can say about this film, even by my love of cheesy b-movies this was just shit, the plot barely held together and made little to no sense at all, then i watched Sex Pot last night about a couple of guys who find this haitian love weed called mumbo jumbo (yeah lots of thought and creativity went into that name) who realise its a powerful aphrodisiac and then set aboout trying to get laid... i thought it was gonna be a funny stoner comedy like how high or half baked... it wasn't, if it didn't have lots of hot lady titties in it it would've had no redeeming qualities, then i found out.... it's made by the same people who did the terminators... go figure, also they are the company who did transmorphers and the 18 year old virgin and so on (all dire spoofs of more popular movies).

Anyway also this week i watched Attack of the gryphon, which wasn't actually that bad and it had johnathan la paglia in from Seven Days, and i do like his acting style, kind of reminds me of bruce campbells in a way, but less boisterous.

Kraken: tentacles of the deep was also watched, it had it's moments, and a really hot blonde chick with a fine level of fine.... oh and jerry o'connells retarded brother charle was in it too proving why he only lasted 1 season in sliders.

It's been a very low budget week for me moviewise, dno why just felt like it, oh and Supercroc is anything but super, it was so bad i would rather watch anything else.

Oh watched Blast from the past aswell, havent seen it in years, still enjoyed it, Brendan Fraser plays the role of a niave innocent 30+ who has lived in a fallout shelter all his life really well, even alicia silverstone managed not to be totally shit.

anyway it's my birthday today and got a few games and so on, IL2-Sturmovick: birds of prey being one, which i am currently playing after having completed Batman: Arkham Asylum (which is a freaking ace game by the way, the definitive comic book and batman game ever), also got some classic series doctor who dvds so will watch those too

oh and i found out, they are now making a sequel to not only raging bull as spud states in the newsfeed, but also wall street 2... as if there really needs to be another, next you will probably see kurt russell reprising his role of snake plisken in Escape from Lidl
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:03 am

escape from where? I'd expect something set in Cleveland sometime soon. and I'd be in line for the midnight show too. 8)
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:07 am

Lidl, it's a crappy lower then shit foreign supermarket chain in the UK, it was how i was giving an example of how hollywood is churning out unecessary sequels/remakes
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:32 am

lidl handles more custom than asda, morrisons, etc. so its a piss poor example :lol:
You know its across the whole of europe, all over spain, france,, germany, etc.

You'd be better off with Netto or Aldi :p
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:38 am

anarchoid wrote:
yesterday i saw this:


looks good, pulling it down from newsgroups now on your suggestion :)
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:17 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:lidl handles more custom than asda, morrisons, etc. so its a piss poor example :lol:
You know its across the whole of europe, all over spain, france,, germany, etc.

You'd be better off with Netto or Aldi :p

really? i honestly never knew that :lol:

ok we'll go with Netto because that is shitter then aldi

watched Chamone mo'fo selecta! a tribute to michael jackson, was pretty cool, but then i've always liked Bo! selecta, except series 3 that was a bit shit
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:02 pm

This is just wrong and another reason why big business sucks, also if successful what's to say the movie industry won't try it, and then all media will be even more stagnated and crap, except books wrote:The Music Industry’s New Extortion Scheme

Musicians themselves may just be crazy, but the music labels are dangerously stupid, and need to be stopped before they can do any further damage to the music industry. Case in point: Warner Music, fully aware that the days of charging for recorded music are coming to an end, is now pushing for a music tax.

This isn’t the first time someone has called for a music tax. Peter Jenner argued for it in Europe in 2006. Trent Reznor said the same thing last year (as did the Songwriters Association of Canada). Mathew Ingram has other examples.

But Warner Music is doing more than just talking about a music tax. They’ve hired industry veteran Jim Griffin to create a new entity that would create a pool of money from user fees to be distributed to artists and copyright holders. Lawsuits against their customers aren’t working (The RIAA sent out 5,400 letters in the last year, says Portfolio, settling with 2,300 of those individuals and suing 2,465 who didn’t respond).

The goal? $5 per month from everyone, or fees of $20 billion per year. That’s double the current size of the recorded music industry ($10 billion).

Akamai’s David Barrett has an interesting angle on the issue (he says he wants to make it clear that he is speaking as an individual, not for Akamai). He calls the plan “tantamount to extortion, because it forces everyone to join,” and “It’s too late to charge people for what they’re already getting for free.” I agree – the music tax is little more than a classic protection racket.

As I wrote two months ago, a music tax will be the last stand of the music industry, and their last attempt to preserve the hierarchy that exists today. Here’s what I said then:

Music Taxes Will Kill Music Innovation

Forcing people to buy music whether they want to or not is not a solution to this problem. The incentives created by such a system are perverse – guaranteed revenue and guaranteed profits will remove any incentive to innovate and serve niche markets. It will be the death of music.

Music industry revenues will be a set size, regardless of the quality or type of music they release. Incentives to innovate will evaporate. There will only be competition for market share, with no attempt to build the size of market or serve less-popular niches. Forget labels building new brands and encouraging early artists to succeed – they’ll bleed existing big names for all they are worth and work hard to keep anything new – labels, artists, and songwriters – out of the market. New entrants just means more competition for a static amount of money. Collusion by existing players will run rampant.

Soon labels will complain that revenues aren’t high enough to sustain their businesses, and demand a higher tax. It will go up, but it will never go down.

As I said before, Asking the government to prop up a dying industry is always (always) a bad idea. In this case, it is a monumentally stupid, dangerous, and bad idea.

If this happens, it will put an end to the endless creative/destructive energy that is reshaping the music industry today. Good musicians will always find a way to make money. Others may have to follow their passion as a hobby and (shudder) get a day job to pay the bills. But if a music tax is put in place, that innovation will die, and with guaranteed revenues and profits, the need to innovate, market and compete will also die. A music tax is a sure fire way to destroy an industry that is just beginning to really blossom.

Yes, blossom. As terrifying as these days must be for music industry players, it’s clear that a golden age of creativity and innovation is ahead of us, all led by the Internet as a nearly perfect distribution mechanism for their product. Music labels must die. Hopefully, before they do any more damage.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:50 pm

is this like a "sin" tax on cigarettes? or a deposit you pay on bottles and cans (w/o getting it back)? or is everyone pays their taxes, they pay this? :lol:

ah fuckit. I don't even care. let them eat cake.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:03 pm

what if you hate music? would you have to pay the tax because you might hear music in cars passing or in shops etc?
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:43 pm

In spain there's a tax on blank dvds and cds.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:53 pm

forgot to mention that I saw 9 (animated feature) in theaters last week. it was good (not great) up until the final 2-5 minute ending, which was rather head-scratching.
Last edited by dinky on Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:25 am

caught the last hour of CHARLIE BARTLETT. I liked that movie. robert downey jr. it's in the vein of PUMP UP THE VOLUME. more toned down but that ilk. it's not very original - the material has all been mined before. but I liked it. rdj was great. 8)

then I finally saw FRED CLAUS. it wasn't as good as ELF. vince vaughn does his thing, and some of it is good. there are some good actors in bit roles that are kind of quaint, but the movie itself is barely watchable. I was putting together a power point while it was on. wouldn't recommend or watch again, but it's not a uwe boll stinker either.
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:08 pm

i grabbed fred claus off the net when it came out, but never watched it, i was gonna watch it this christmas but after your scathing review i might pass on it.

I watched demolition man the other day (again) i do love that film, granted it's not exactly mentally taxing but theres something about it i just love, probably a young sandra bullock to be honest lol. One thing that's always bugged me though.... by what principle do the three seashells actually work :lol:

watched Next (nic cage) the other day aswell, it was ok, wasn't handled greatly but it was enjoyable enough that i wasnt bored while watching it.

Also been watching Flashforward
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:24 pm

I think every american standup comedian has done a riff on that rob schnider line. I listened to/read some movie critics mention it in passing as an example of a joke that goes nowhere in the sense that there never was a concept for the sea shells behind the joke. I have to admit, it is a weird kind of headscratcher...not sure if it's cuz I don't get the joke or it's not funny though. :lol:
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:49 pm

it's a sandra bullock line but i'll let that slide as i'm not that anal and im also guessing it's been a while since you saw it :lol:

But yeah it does give off an odour of something that never actually had any reason behind it, it was just thrown in to seem futury
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby spudthedestroyer on Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:51 pm

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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby maxpayne2409 on Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:10 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The last movie you saw...

Postby dinky on Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:11 pm

heh. nice. :moon: :moon:
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