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Postby dinky on Sat May 06, 2006 4:07 pm

I enjoyed it. vince vaughn playing his one note pony all the way to the bank. and owen wilson doing the same (always as the insecure buddy). nothing special. but enjoyable.

anyway, latest smallville (next week is the season finale, btw)
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat May 06, 2006 4:29 pm

yeah i think we can all guess what will happen in that finale aswell, big ol' GZ putting in an appearance, sounds like he should be in wutangclan doesnt he :lol:

if it hadnt been for isla fisher i dont think i couldve stomached wedding crashers all the way through

old school i liked, but there was something about this film just didn't do it for me
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Postby dinky on Sat May 06, 2006 6:05 pm

is isla the annoying aussie girl?
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sat May 06, 2006 6:58 pm

well technically shes scottish (born of 2 scottish parents) but she's the one who ties vince vaughn to the bed and jerks him off under the table lol

just watched napoleon dynamite, and OH DEAR GOD napoleon reminds me so much of one of my mates with the way he talks
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun May 07, 2006 3:39 pm

just watched this weeks doctor who, it was ok, although for as smart as time lords are, surely after the time doors were taken offline that means he couldve then travelled to any part of renettes life to see her again in his tardis
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 08, 2006 1:58 am

just watched sound of thunder, it was ok, had a distinctive b-movie feel to it, although being able to see time waves? wtf

and for a 2005 movie that i believe went to cinemas? the effects were piss poor, like something made in the late 90s, dont get me wrong im no effects slut like a lot of idiots are today "we dont care about a story or actors just give us flashy bells & whistles", as u know i love my b-movies but as far as b-movie rankings go this had all the basic signs and with a little more work couldve been better but was only a average level one, would maybe watch it again once more sometime a decade from now.

One plus point was unlike most time travel stories wher ethe past gets altered this didnt all happen instantly, the changes happened in waves, which i know is kinda silly and the fact the characters could actually see the waves approaching was really stupid but i liked the initiative at trying to do something different with it, rather then the usual 'step out the time machine instantly into a different new world' deal, and you got to see the evolution of man if man hadnt evolved into which was a nice touch

overall i'd give it 5-6/10, nice effort but lacked that punch
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 08, 2006 3:08 am

Watched conan the destroyer which is really, really terrible. I just turned on my laptop and browsed the internet half way through :lol:

I did watch blazing saddles, and it is really, really, really overrated. People go on about how clever it is and how its in the subtext of the lines. This is grade a bullshit, there's nothing smart or particularly clever about the dialogue. Its typical "shtick", made funnier because of the ability for all the 'nigger' jokes, which are does make it one of the better Mel Brookes movies by far. But is it as great as everyone goes on about? No. Is it a good film? Yes. Is it funny? It will make you laugh but its not that funny.

Take the Mel Brookes "GOV" for example, I think that just about sums it up. Amusing, but not really very funny :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 08, 2006 10:58 am

i also think conan is very very boring, so boring infact taht after watching the first i didnt bother with the second
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon May 08, 2006 11:47 am

yeah but... but... arnie punches a camel!
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 08, 2006 11:53 am

haha ok so it has 1 redeeming feature
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Postby dinky on Mon May 08, 2006 6:27 pm

latest sopranos</i>. must've liked it, cuz it was over before I knew it.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 08, 2006 6:50 pm

just watched latest robot chicken, and just for spud they even mentioned his favourite director.. Uwe Boll :lol: in the board game movies section where they say "other films starring ben stiller this year" if you freeze frame it and read them all somewhere down the list it says "Another Uwe Boll Abortion"
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon May 08, 2006 11:11 pm

just watched hostel... boring boring boring boring overratted hyped up ubercrap, words can't express how utterly bored i was all teh way through, the only glimpse of ok ness came when the asian chick jumped infront of the train because it was so utterly crappily done i actually just laughed

i definately wont bother giving hostel 2 the time of day
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue May 09, 2006 12:59 am

just watched The Gingerdead Man, not very action packed, not even b-movie standard, but definately z-movie standard enjoyed watching it, which si funny really, i enjoyed a shoestring budget like gingerdead man but a multimillion dollar production like hostel is boring as fuck, really says something about hollywood today

some serious laughable things in gingerdead man -

the exterior shot its dark say 10pm time, then cut to the girl inside opening the back door at the same time... its bright midday sunshine... then back to 10pm

the gingerdead man despite being made of cookie dough can hold (and fire) a gun... a pan, drag a fully grown unconscious girl, and a woman who he can somehow lift into an oven, he can also drive a car and set up booby traps despite NOT HAVING FINGERS

the gun barrel doesnt move round when firing like it should (its a revolver), a 6shot no less which amusingly fires about 18

typical movie error now where someone holds a shotgun to her face and fires with no recoil what so ever and hits a pinpoint target across a wide american street thats also upwards 1 storey and a half (the recoil would take her head off and break her shoulder, and a shotgun could never hit a pin point target from that distance and especially not firing upwards)

theres a scene where the gingerdead mans in a fridge eating food on the floor, and theres a long glass panel running down the fridge door, the gingerdead man is throwing out half eaten cakes... or is he as you can easily see the effects guys arm throwing them out the door through the glass panel, and he throws them too high for a gingerbread man anyway

theres some seriously comical acting (as there should be) although it has got the most realistic looking female fight scene ive ever seen :lol:

and there are so many leaps in logic too

anyway it was still millions of miles better then hostel
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue May 09, 2006 5:22 am

i watched the E3 sony press conference :wacky:

there were some real classics, they were trying to go on about how much sony owns but kept messing up. They showed this eyetoy thing, which was really shite and didn't work and was otherwise pointless.

Then this guy comes out and goes "so we've been basing a game on historical japanese battles" etc. and makes it sound really interesting, then he starts it up and its a really crap dynasty warriors clone with terrible controls. He kill some guys then these crabs come out of the ground. He kills them, then this giant grab boss comes out (and get stuck on the scenary) and he goes "so in this game you can now do combos and switch character midway, so if i smash this crab on its back, i can now switch character to inflict major damage". About 5 minutes earlier he'd just been talking about how they'd "realistically created historical japanese battles". Giant crab bosses? :o

If that wasn't bad enough, they demonstrated another game which was basically a kareoke machine, and the killer feature was... you can buy songs over the internet! erm... wtf?

They showed a series of movies which looked good, but i've been told the best ones are FMV again, or so people are saying on the gamespot forums.

And the funniest thing of all. One of the presidents of Sony comes out and says... yadda... yadda... and now i have in my pocket the playstation 3 controller.. he pulls it out, and its a friggin playstation 2 pad... which is a damn sight better than the boomerang thing they had but it wasn't very impressive a 'new pad'. He then says some bs about it being perfect (presumably they can't be bothered to tweak the shoulder buttons so its more comfortable), and then he announces the new feature... the president of the company goes "we strive for innovation" and "we have this innovative new input device", and what have they done? Stole nintendos pad again. lol, on top of that they've lifted the xbox360 'guide' button so it completes the circle of theft :lol:

The sony pad has a tilt sensor. The only problem is that its not global tracked, its like that microsoft pad from about 10 years ago (the sidewider) so he moves the pad around and this picture of a controller on the screenshakes all over the place.

Then he brings out a game developer to demonstrate it in a flight sim. It was hilarious, he couldn't control it for buggery, it was like Michelle Rodrigez from lost when she got that DUI :lol: He then tries to land the harrier type plane and misses the landing pad so its stuck in the wall..

lol, nice one sony. Some funny crap, this stolen feature doesn't seem to work right since its not global tracked (ie real worl co-ordinates), i think that's why they couldn't use it for anything.

But they really dropped the bomb. The ps3 is gonna cost $499 with a 20GB hdd, but the problem is, that model doesn't come with wifi, a memory stick port and most importantly HDMI. They of course didn't announce this little fact. They just said there's one for $499 with a 20GB hdd and one for $599 with a 60GB hdd. Half of the sony conference was them going on about how great hdtv was, but it seems the lower model doesn't even support output of hdtv properally :o

Was an utter disaster and they are getting the piss ripped out of them on most forums atm. I think the sony fanboys will fight back, but the amount of time sony fans have been laying into the nintendo fanboys for the wii pad, and then they did a cheap ripoff of it :lol: A few bruised egos methinks...

Basically all microsoft have to do is not mess up and they've beaten sony this year's e3.

more here: ... c&start=20
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue May 09, 2006 10:52 am

well of course crab bosses are real spud, dont you remember that fascinating documentary that trey parker & matt stone did about crab people, crab people, look like crab, talk like people"? what more evidence do you need :lol:
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Postby dinky on Tue May 09, 2006 3:17 pm

final two eps of point pleasant</i>. the making-of featurette too - I was really bored. last day of classes yesterday. got more and more interesting in the latter half. all hell breaks loose. still too boxy on the dialogue level. some of the actors are competent too (mostly the "adults" on the show). some of the "teenagers" are pretty insipid.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue May 09, 2006 5:36 pm

well yeah they're teenagers what did you except?

anyway watched latest family guy, it was ok not one of the best
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Postby dinky on Tue May 09, 2006 9:06 pm

no. they're playing</i> teenagers. there's a difference. the youngest actor was born in 1980. and before you make the "no dinky. teenagers</i> are insipid" reply, I was and am talking about the acting and theatricality aspects of the show, which depend on the plot rather than real life, which is only relevant when the script/acting is, in fact, trash, and then suddenly people realize: hey. that's bullshit. wtf would say that?

speaking of real life and plausibility...just saw MI:3</i>. :wacky:

it was decent. much better than two. everything about it was better. it felt more 'real' w/o being so. anyway, anyone who's seen the first few episodes of Alias</i> would recognize the director without any of the credits. if you haven't seen them, then the movie might seem a bit more original. not having so much to do with the general story, but the emplotment - although the former is stock for the series & genre as well. prolly something that would have been avant garde 1986...or '56. :wacky:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Wed May 10, 2006 1:40 am

just watched Beyond The Time Barrier (1960), it looked and felt more like a 30s scifi movie thena 60s one and the usual politics was in at the end where the use of nuclear tests has thrown dust into the atmosphere which has slowly destroyed the ozone layer allowing in cosmic rays which cause a plague and wipe out most of mankind and mutating/making sterile the remaining but 1 girl and the final words are from a (then modern day 60s) military chief saying "well we've really got something to think about"
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