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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:50 pm

dinky wrote:anyway...Alien: Resurrection SE. First cut was far superior. no pace whatsoever to the SE. no wonder Junet didn't want to re-edit. I'm not sure which is a bigger plot gaff: the cloning and its results in Resurrection or the fact that the Alien incubates inside a dead ox. isn't the whole point of a host body that it's alive and nurtures the alien embryo? :?

no you missed the dialogue and implication of the scene in Alien3 i think. The ox *just* died, they pulled it inside, almost immediately (in terms of time frame) it chest bursts when they leave. Think about the size of an ox, its going to take it ages to eat/burst its way out don't you think?

Anyway, its pretty obvious that the hugger grabbed the ox straight away (since they used the oxan to pull the shuttle into the scrap heap, and most likely left the ox with the wreck). It then collapsed, died, they dragged it inside... that's what they say at least. Note the prisoner finds the dead facehugger, now in the first movie, it clearly says the alien has been keeping the host alive, its only in humans that they seem to live short after the face hugger falls off... why would this be the same for other species? Surely if it was a trait for all species, there'd be no point for the face hugger feeding oxygen and nutrients into the system? So I think actually the logic goes in favour of the facehugger feeding the host until it no longer needs it ;)

However, you could be quite right, it isn't alive and it does make sense on one level that the host should be alive until incubation is done, or at least it sounds better that the alien feeds on the host like a parasite. It may be ready to burst, but needs to whatever... its unexplained, but if you need it to be I guess its fair to question. Anyway on the flipside of the questions it raises, I think acknowledgement of a huge contribution alien3 did contribute to the whole incubation cycle... that the alien takes on the 'make up' of the host and when the alien inpregnates a different species, you get a different alien. I always thought this was very cool, infact it was one of the redeeming factors of the normal edition.

There's a lot of incosistancies with the whole series if you think about it, I mean how long does it take the chestburster in Alien? Practically nothing, then in aliens, the colonist that chestbursts has been there for ages (hence all skinny and 'ill' :lol: ) and then in alien3, it takes a substantial period for ripley. Then in alien4 it takes like 40mins :lol: There's a lot of inconsistancies in the incubation cycle in *humans*... its best not to think about these things :lol: But given the size of an ox, I thought it seemed quite logical. As for the dog, I found it a bit implausable, that an embryo the size of the dogburster could live inside the dog without killing it. Its much bigger than a 'puppy' and its living inside its throat :lol: The series isn't very consistant, but then we are talking about an alien species, from different sub-species decent (a queen from a human won't be the same as the queen from those other aliens in Alien), there's going to be these inconsistancies.

And why not go further, given the unlikely hood that any aliens out there will be bipods, and the almost certainty that they will not take form of any terrestrial body, which have evolved to adapt for life on the unique atmosphere of earth.... why are the facehuggers specifically designed to impregnate air breathing lifeforms, with an orafice on their face for taking oxygen and food? Such a thing, in evolutionary standards would be implausable? The thing about alien... its alien, its nothing that we know.

As for explaining the alien's form, I think the ox, despite missing the excellent dog burster which is a better FX imo, the ox much better explains the charging bull sequences in the lead works at the end and for that reason is the better choice. As for the other changes the middle is given much more depth and the ending more meaning by the fact that they can outsmart and catch the alien, but I'm sure you'll agree that those changes were significant and positive.

As for the first cut of A:R being far superior, to be honest, they were both crap and I can't see anything changed significantly to warrant using far, and there was no noticable difference beisdes the changing of the ending and the begining. Pacing was identical. Neither was any significant change or improvement, apart from the terrible earth ending in the second cut... which topped that white piece of crap ending of both :lol:. Saying far imo is an overstatement, out of all the cuts there's the least change between the two. The theatrical version is the better of the two though obviously :)

Incidently, I've met a few people that actually think Alien3 is the best in the series now, although I think its the second worst/3rd best. :o So I guess it does appeal to a lot of people... i personally think the series starts with the best, and ends with the worst as you know.

From that whole boxset, the biggest shame is that fincher didn't want to even bad mouth fox (although apparantly huge amounts of anti-fox footage has been censored from the box set, which is quite shocking on one level, but not surprising on another). Or, do you think fox would want to even ask him? Given the mutual hatred of one another :lol: It's a shame though. I would have preferred more honest extras on both Alien3 and Alien4. All alien4 extras seemed tame, uninsightful and 'pre-screened' promotional material (ie the stuff u see in movie tv programs). Besides Giger bad mouthing the designs, it seemed dishonest. Alien3 extras seemed censored and much less than a lot of a 'anti-fox' presentation as you would expect from more open sources.

And spiderman2 I haven't seen. Is there a decent TC yet? :mrgreen:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:22 pm

2001: A Space Travesty (avoid... attempts naked gun without the laughs :o)
Welcome to Planet Earth (excellent :) )
Forbidden Planet (one of the classics, great stuff :) )
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Jul 04, 2004 7:08 pm

2001: a space travesty...spuds review is a travesty :lol: but then again im a leslie neilson fan so kinda biased
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Postby mw2merc on Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:50 pm

dinky wrote:saw 2 min catwoman trailer. movie looks impossibly bad bad bad.

Bad just isn't a good enough description.

dinky wrote:2 min blade 3 trailer was screened as well. looks scary in an "oh no, another comic book flop" way. gonna have a hard time taking ryan reynalds and jessica biel seriously. still, an R-rating might allow for some solid action.

Have yet to see this one. IMHO, Blade 1 was the best comic -> movie. Blade 2 was OK. Wasn't crap cause it had some nifty stuff, had vamps come to him for help, & had Ron Pearlman. :mrgreen:

dinky wrote:isn't the whole point of a host body that it's alive and nurtures the alien embryo? :?


Saw Spidey2. Was, well, OK I guess. Action was good, villian was good (glad they left out the bowl cut), set up for Green Goblin II was good, but lacked enough lead-in for the Lizard. I just hope they don't really screw up & try to do Venom & Carnage in #3. Best if they stuck to GG2 & tL. After that, Mysterio, Electro, The Shocker, .....

Re Alien/s etc: It was a cool twist in 3 to get a 'doglike' alien from a dog, but an adapative lifeform like this doesn't explain how all the eggs are the same, face-huggers are the same, & Queens are the same. I'm just surprised they've never shown a Queen f-h.
Last edited by mw2merc on Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dinky on Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:08 pm

spudthedestroyer wrote:As for the first cut of A:R being far superior, to be honest, they were both crap and I can't see anything changed significantly to warrant using far, and there was no noticable difference beisdes the changing of the ending and the begining. Pacing was identical. Neither was any significant change or improvement, apart from the terrible earth ending in the second cut... which topped that white piece of crap ending of both :lol:. Saying far imo is an overstatement, out of all the cuts there's the least change between the two. The theatrical version is the better of the two though obviously :)

holy shit. if I read as much for my studies as I do on these PBs, I'd have 2 Ph. Ds and 5 scholarly publications that no one but my students would have read!

you're right spud. "far" was the wrong word. the theatrical cut was far far</i> better than the SE version. All Resurrection had going for it was action and some fun lines. I realize it was only a few seconds, but every second wasted in the operating room at the beginning (and on ripley) takes away from the action. and I have to admit, before fast-forwarding through the theatrical release, I'd blocked out the ripley scenes completly. I went straight from the alien birth to the betty docking. at least they had the good sense not to show the other clones at the beginning.
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Postby dinky on Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:30 pm

mw2merc wrote:Re Alien/s etc: It was a cool twist in 3 to get a 'doglike' alien from a dog, but an adapative lifeform like this doesn't explain how all the eggs are the same, face-huggers are the same, & Queens are the same. I'm just surprised they've never shown a Queen f-h.

I've always understood it as the queens (the only ones we've seen) come from human hosts. in fact, aside from the A3 thing, all human hosts. so that's one explanation. but afaik, a potential queen egg shouldn't look any different from a warrior/worker - at least I don't think it does for bees and ants...but it's been a while. human eggs are all the same; I know that. how they develop, obviously, is a different story, once the embryo is fertilized or whatnot.

I've also always assumed that there was no queen in the original (obviously cuz the idea was cameron's but) because in the mythology as it's developed, she was "born" when paul reiser sent the colonists to check out the huge batch of eggs that were already there. of course, there's a major hole in this theory: how did the cavern beneath the ship get all alien'd up (the walls not the eggs) if it wasn't an alien nest to begin with, where's the alien who brought down the original ship, and where's the queen that did</i> lay those eggs? on the other</i> other hand, the original nest in Alien (which I think is the only time we actually see it) looks like it was actually part of the ship to begin with and the eggs look so neatly and uniformly lined up that I thought they were placed like that by the original "aliens" whose ship it was that crashed landed and set up the warning becon.

in any case, I do</i> appreciate the contribution that host affects the end result of the alien. but I also don't have a problem with it coming from a dog. I mean, it wouldn't be as big (originally) when it bursts out of the dog as in, say, a human or ox, but the original size is fairly inconsequential anyway. they grow at exponential rates once they pop out (I think only 1 & 3 show this - 4 does too, but there are serious time flaws in 4: 12 fully developed</i> aliens less than 24hrs after the facehuggers implant their embryos??? at least they give the queen a little time "until she starts producing")
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:07 am

dinky wrote:
spudthedestroyer wrote:As for the first cut of A:R being far superior, to be honest, they were both crap and I can't see anything changed significantly to warrant using far, and there was no noticable difference beisdes the changing of the ending and the begining. Pacing was identical. Neither was any significant change or improvement, apart from the terrible earth ending in the second cut... which topped that white piece of crap ending of both :lol:. Saying far imo is an overstatement, out of all the cuts there's the least change between the two. The theatrical version is the better of the two though obviously :)

holy shit. if I read as much for my studies as I do on these PBs, I'd have 2 Ph. Ds and 5 scholarly publications that no one but my students would have read!

you're right spud. "far" was the wrong word. the theatrical cut was far far</i> better than the SE version. All Resurrection had going for it was action and some fun lines. I realize it was only a few seconds, but every second wasted in the operating room at the beginning (and on ripley) takes away from the action. and I have to admit, before fast-forwarding through the theatrical release, I'd blocked out the ripley scenes completly. I went straight from the alien birth to the betty docking. at least they had the good sense not to show the other clones at the beginning.

hehe suppose your right.

Anyway, back to that 2001 'review'... it really was bad... they attempted slapstick kind of quirky 'oh we are so funny' but all the jokes were bad. It has the typical 'sexy' incedents you get in these movies, but apart from that it wasn't worth bothering with. I did get through the whole film but urrghhh if i wasn't too tired to get up and turn it off i would have. I found this little review of a different movie, but i think it fits pefectly:

The movie is a spoof of sci-fi movies and is full of "jokes, puns and sight gags"; but I just sat there in the theater and never laughed once. Or, more accurately, I didn't feel the least tickle of amusement. It was more like a string of detached observations of, "Ah, that joke flopped badly." If it had been a live performance, there would have been those crushing dead silences every time the actors paused to allow reactions to their jokes.

ps. this isn't "a bad movie" as in the stuff we all like to watch, its just shit.


I've always understood it as the queens (the only ones we've seen) come from human hosts. in fact, aside from the A3 thing, all human hosts.

The first host we see in the series is the chestbursted alien in the space craft of Alien, which had obviously 'given birth' to something. I would have loved, and previous stated over and over, a worthy sequel to have gone back and explained wtf was going on there. Why linger with a character that had gone full cycle (imo)? after 3 didn't appear as strong as the first two, they should have gone back to the alien craft and the premise. It was a terrible idea to rely on one character. Where do the aliens come from? why do they look like they do.. ie what is the natural source of pray? What the hell were those other aliens doing with hundreds of eggs? Biological warfare? Scientific research? Religious shrine? I believe, as I understand from interviews, its biological warfare or something to that degree, the 'mist that reacts' clearly checks to see if the eggs have hatched (or possible to signal that a lifeform is closed to the egg).

And what's it doing there, has it crashed? has it landed? I think the former is the likely, its imbedded in rock and everything is dead. It makes sense that they were transporting eggs, and then there was an outbreak... but why hasn't this been tackled? The franchise is loved and a huge money maker... what's wrong with FOX???

As for the alien queen, officially I believe the line is, the alien queen comes from the 'queen facehugger' which lays impregnates several hosts and then dies. One is the queen, the others are to ensure its safety. This comes from the background of Aliens and Alien3. If you look at the size of the hugger in alien3, its significantly larger than the others, which would indicate a queen face hugger. That would also explain where the face hugger that impregnated the oxan comes from too, only one egg was needed and as Father says (or more rightly bishop recalling Father, there was an alien lifeform on board, a queen facehugger).

I love the first 3 for the answer and mysteries they bring, its a shame that the fourth didn't attempt to do something, its the least that could have been done. The only things its concerned with is how they've artificially changed the aliens (into giger's 'shit' :lol: ), but what I loved about the franchise was the originality of the aliens. I think that the problems with Alien4 and the 'plot holes' come from the fact its a clone (and more than likely, Joss whedon's terrible script :lol: )... i mean these are experts human doctors and they f*ck up 7 or so clones... its more than likely they still haven't got it right :lol: Brad Douriff is too busy consulting with sauron or being a killer doll to learn how to clone correctly :lol:
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Postby dinky on Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:43 am

spudthedestroyer wrote: Brad Douriff is too busy consulting with sauron or being a killer doll to learn how to clone correctly :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah, the prequel idea definitely sounds like a better direction, especially since the mythology has been expanded and fleshed out so much by the ancilliary stuff (novels and comics). and, of course, there's the question of what happened to the original alien who was chest-burst in the original movie? basically a gaff cuz hey, who really saw Aliens coming, but....
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:15 am

spud what review is that actually from? lord of the rings sounds about right in the way that.... the review is for a shit film and lord of the rigns trilogy are shit films
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:09 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:spud what review is that actually from? lord of the rings sounds about right in the way that.... the review is for a shit film and lord of the rigns trilogy are shit films

well I was going to

@max, why would LOTR be a spoof parody of scifi films? And they are no where near shit, when you compare them to stuff like a space travesty, titanic, pearl harbour, house of the dead, etc. Don't kid yourself :lol:

It's actually from Galaxina that I was going to watch but didn't have time. I wanted to see what it was about, now i have the mkv codec installed and I can watch :)

A strange thing happened the day after I saw Galaxina, back when it was released. The movie is a spoof of sci-fi movies and is full of jokes, puns and sight gags; but I just sat there in the theater and never laughed once. Or, more accurately, I didn't feel the least tickle of amusement. It was more like a string of detached observations of, "Ah, that joke flopped badly." If it had been a live performance, there would have been those crushing dead silences every time the actors paused to allow reactions to their jokes.

The next night, at a party, I was trying describe just how bad the movie really was. This involved, in part, telling several of the jokes. Surprisingly, my listeners laughed at them. I could flatter myself and claim that I'm such a hot comic that I could get laughs even reading the obituaries out loud. But that ain't so. Let's just say that I gave the jokes a mildly competent delivery... and that's what Galaxina didn't do.

Now, a work of genius is indefinable. No matter how much you analyze it, you can never quite pin down why it is so exceptional, while another film - with all the same objective attributes - is merely competent. The same is true of transcendent badness. The world is full of bad movies, with the same objective failures in budget, acting, writing and directing. But Galaxina is loaded with subtle catastrophes. There are nuances that extract the worst possible effect from so many scenes. And I can't quite figure out how it was done. Without this quality Galaxina might actually have ended up acceptably incompetent, a fun cheapo film, and gotten the laughs I did from its jokes.

That is a great work of writing :lol: Some IMDB comments are great, not seen galaxina yet though.
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Postby dinky on Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:03 pm

heh. good writing. but long and short of it is "this movie is so bad because it's so bad." :lol:

he has a point with the objectives and their inability to encapsulate the badness, but that's cuz he's locked in a purely cognitive analysis of the movie experience. but the fact of the matter is that emotional, often irrational feelings dictate our so-called judgments of taste.

I wouldn't bother responding to this except for the fact that there was a recent ruling in the US over internet porn laws. I got really aggitated when they cited a Supreme Court Justice from 40-50 years ago who said "I can't define obscenity, but I know what it is when I see it." I wanted to put my fist through the back of his throat, cuz statments like that are proof</i> that the shit he's spitting out is entirely subjective and irrational.

o well. that felt good. :D
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:14 pm

why would LOTR be a spoof parody of scifi films? And they are no where near shit, when you compare them to stuff like a space travesty, titanic, pearl harbour, house of the dead, etc. Don't kid yourself

house of the dead, titanic, pearl harbour are all shit, but so are lord of the rings, i rarely turn off films but lord of the rings was so shit i took the cd out the drive and threw it at the wall so hard it pleasantly smashed into a lot of little pieces

and the only war lord of the rings can be enjoyed (apart from being braindead usually occuring after reading the readers digest) is to just presume its badly spoofing things because its so shit. in fact i hate the lotr trilogy so much i would rather willingly sit down and watch every episode of farscape ever made then watch lord of the rings so u know how much i hate them :lol:
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Postby mw2merc on Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:00 pm

dinky wrote:I've always understood it as the queens (the only ones we've seen) come from human hosts. but afaik, a potential queen egg shouldn't look any different from a warrior/worker - at least I don't think it does for bees and ants...but it's been a while. human eggs are all the same; I know that. how they develop, obviously, is a different story, once the embryo is fertilized or whatnot.

Yes, agreed actually on the Queens/human hosts. But ... in the comics, Queen eggs are EASILY different, I believe there's like spines, similar to dreadlocks, hanging from the 4 flaps that fold back, AND the facehugger has the same spines on it's airbags. Aliens are asexual, they don't need fertilization. Just gestation time.

dinky wrote:I've also always assumed that there was no queen in the original (obviously cuz the idea was cameron's but) because in the mythology as it's developed, she was "born" when paul reiser sent the colonists to check out the huge batch of eggs that were already there. of course, there's a major hole in this theory: how did the cavern beneath the ship get all alien'd up (the walls not the eggs) if it wasn't an alien nest to begin with, where's the alien who brought down the original ship, and where's the queen that did</i> lay those eggs? on the other</i> other hand, the original nest in Alien (which I think is the only time we actually see it) looks like it was actually part of the ship to begin with and the eggs look so neatly and uniformly lined up that I thought they were placed like that by the original "aliens" whose ship it was that crashed landed and set up the warning becon.

Now, reguarding the ORIGINAL eggs, which looked the same, could NOT have been from human hosts. It was on an alien ship that crashed. Same ship in #2. Yes, the eggs looked like they had been lined up. If you're gonna ship something, don't you line things up? As for the ship & becon, we saw the pilot, maybe only crew member or there may have been more even though we never saw them, who we know was a host as it's ribs were busted out. It probably set the becon when it was having problems piloting & figured it was going to crash. Only makes sense.

dinky wrote:in any case, I do</i> appreciate the contribution that host affects the end result of the alien. but I also don't have a problem with it coming from a dog. I mean, it wouldn't be as big (originally) when it bursts out of the dog as in, say, a human or ox, but the original size is fairly inconsequential anyway. they grow at exponential rates once they pop out (I think only 1 & 3 show this - 4 does too, but there are serious time flaws in 4: 12 fully developed</i> aliens less than 24hrs after the facehuggers implant their embryos??? at least they give the queen a little time "until she starts producing")

Yeah, but still, the size of the alien that came out of the dog? Please, it was like at least 1/2 it's size, it was just way too big on coming out. Let alone it wasn't even a 'chestburster'. It was just a smaller version of the adult. Yes, 4 has way too many time flaws.

spudthedestroyer wrote:The first host we see in the series is the chestbursted alien in the space craft of Alien, which had obviously 'given birth' to something. I would have loved, and previous stated over and over, a worthy sequel to have gone back and explained wtf was going on there. Why linger with a character that had gone full cycle (imo)? after 3 didn't appear as strong as the first two, they should have gone back to the alien craft and the premise. It was a terrible idea to rely on one character. Where do the aliens come from? why do they look like they do.. ie what is the natural source of pray? What the hell were those other aliens doing with hundreds of eggs? Biological warfare? Scientific research? Religious shrine? I believe, as I understand from interviews, its biological warfare or something to that degree, the 'mist that reacts' clearly checks to see if the eggs have hatched (or possible to signal that a lifeform is closed to the egg).

And what's it doing there, has it crashed? has it landed? I think the former is the likely, its imbedded in rock and everything is dead. It makes sense that they were transporting eggs, and then there was an outbreak... but why hasn't this been tackled? The franchise is loved and a huge money maker... what's wrong with FOX???

Yes, a movie that would go into where the CRASHED ship came from & who the pilot's race is that brought the eggs would be killer. From the comics, it is either said, or implied, that 'aliens' are a geneticly created creature that the Predators use to hunt. Now, created by them, or another race (most likely the one in the crashed ship, taking the eggs to the Predators? Maybe, just maybe???) is the question. I believe the 'mist' is a form of laser alarm used today. basically a warning system. Probably for both 'Stay Away' and 'An egg is hatching' possibilities.

spudthedestroyer wrote:As for the alien queen, officially I believe the line is, the alien queen comes from the 'queen facehugger' which lays impregnates several hosts and then dies. One is the queen, the others are to ensure its safety. This comes from the background of Aliens and Alien3. If you look at the size of the hugger in alien3, its significantly larger than the others, which would indicate a queen face hugger. That would also explain where the face hugger that impregnated the oxan comes from too, only one egg was needed and as Father says (or more rightly bishop recalling Father, there was an alien lifeform on board, a queen facehugger).

I have never heard or read that ANY facehugger can lay more than one. Also it's stated that the facehugger is just a delivery system, then it dies. If it is possible the queen variant can lay more than one, it would explain the 'Queen Guards' shown in Aliens that are smaller than normal Drones.

spudthedestroyer wrote:i mean these are experts human doctors and they f*ck up 7 or so clones... its more than likely they still haven't got it right

What makes them experts??? Just cause they're doctors, hardly makes them experts. Let alone, they're trying to clone 2 different life forms from 1 sample, which makes no common/scientific sense. That's like mixing 2 people's blood & trying to make a clone cross between them, it just doesn't work that easy.
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Postby bobbystills on Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:10 am

damn i feel like im reading luv letters WTF

f-911 was very interesting imho seen it 4x now.
spiderman 2 was good,,,still like the original a little bit better but.
the terminal was alot cooler that I thought it was going to be.
watched punisher 04 again, 2nd time was a little better :?

grabbed and watched a vcd of refections in a golden eye , the day after brando died, was gonna watch on the water front and streetcar named desire but never got around to it. The scifi channel twilight zone marathon had me occupied :rock:

watched a pretty good porn called surfergirls...$$$$$

im thinkin about watching angel heart tonight
got a colorized LQ version of Thing From Another World (1951) i wannna check out - also scored sum cool posters 4 it
gotta check these out 2 sum time soon

..oh i also seen that stargate atlantis preview
i was hoping 4 more
they seem like their just going to copy the sg1 characters :eatthis:

oh yeah i kinda remember watching the notebook
but i was drinkin and smokin alot so dont remember much
i remember deleting it :twisted:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:45 am

cough erm got a link to surfer girls :wink:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:47 pm

What makes them experts??? Just cause they're doctors, hardly makes them experts. Let alone, they're trying to clone 2 different life forms from 1 sample, which makes no common/scientific sense. That's like mixing 2 people's blood & trying to make a clone cross between them, it just doesn't work that easy.

Never heard of sarcasm? :wink: I was just trying to highlight what idiots they were... how can anyone bringing a genetically modified killing machine to life on a space station be an expert at anything other than stupidity :lol:
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Postby bobbystills on Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:19 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:cough erm got a link to surfer girls :wink:

sorry man
grabed the 1600+mb (2cd rip) from a.b.erotica @least a week or 2 ago.
burned as i leeched.
not my style to pack D mule w/ that much smut :lol:

fyi brittney and teagan r pretty easy sluts to find online
and nadia i think originated from (also an easy pay site to find passes 4)
i have a few rm files of her time there -& i dont remember seeing her online b4 the CApimp turned her out but i could b wrong. and the 4th chic in surfergirls, the other blonde katie wasnt really that cute imo she didnt have too may scenes tho

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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:52 pm

Watched 'Hellboy' last night and if Ron Perlman wasnt in it, it would have been a load of bollox.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:57 pm

I'm in no rush to see that *ahem* effort. After seeing Van Smellsing, Blunderworld , and the Plague of Extraordinary Gentleman, I don't know if I could take another one of them :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:36 pm

bobbystills wrote:
maxpayne2409 wrote:cough erm got a link to surfer girls :wink:

sorry man
grabed the 1600+mb (2cd rip) from a.b.erotica @least a week or 2 ago.
burned as i leeched.
not my style to pack D mule w/ that much smut :lol:

fyi brittney and teagan r pretty easy sluts to find online
and nadia i think originated from (also an easy pay site to find passes 4)
i have a few rm files of her time there -& i dont remember seeing her online b4 the CApimp turned her out but i could b wrong. and the 4th chic in surfergirls, the other blonde katie wasnt really that cute imo she didnt have too may scenes tho

nihilists rule :rock:

bet theyre easy sluts full stop :lol: , time to do a search on emule then lol
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