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Postby dinky on Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:46 pm

latest BG</i>. liked it. commercial breaks are too 'frackin' long though.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:45 am

what was the first tv series to come up with alternative swear words like that btw?

Watched bsg episode 4 and agree it was much better than the previous episodes. Getting episode 5 too since it seems that's been released too :)
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Postby El Mariachi on Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:21 am

episode 5 was quite nice.

for those of you that didn't see it. stop reading

We were introduced to the 5th copy of the cylon and as I was relieved to only count 3 more in the future episodes I was also disappointed it wasn't someone that we already knew. It was a new character.
I just hope this same cylon is on board one of the ships, that would be great.
"Spectacular stunt my friends, but all for not... turn around please, what a pity what a pity." - gay officer in Spaceballs
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:40 am

what was the first tv series to come up with alternative swear words like that btw?

red dwarf wasnt it with Smeg? which they always claimed is a futuristic swear word (although in reality smeg is actually for lack of a better word "bell-end cheese" and thats true)
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Postby dinky on Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:13 pm

I think space above & beyond</i> did it, but like everything else in the series, I'm sure it was picked up from something else.

my favorite is "slag" from Beast Wars</i>. "we're so slagged." "what the slag is wrong with you?" "I'm gonna slag you." :lol:

(I guess since transformers are metal you could argue that it's strictly a reference to industrial waste material from smelting, but they use it every time an expletive would be used ala frack)
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Postby El Mariachi on Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:15 pm

I just saw The Island. It was great. Talky, but when the action came it was good action.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:01 pm

I think space above & beyond did it

came a long time after red dwarf :lol:

I just saw The Island. It was great

i was hoping someoen would give an opinion on it as i was wondering whether to see it or not

just finished watching the last episode of a bears tail, funny stuff, bet im probably the only person here who watchs it tho, bassline might i dont know
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Postby dinky on Sun Aug 14, 2005 5:29 pm

have you seen the princess bride yet, you fool! fly, you fool!

...ok, I just had this urge to use fool in a sentence. now watch it, you fool! :P
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:41 pm

dinky wrote:have you seen the princess bride yet, you fool! fly, you fool!

...ok, I just had this urge to use fool in a sentence. now watch it, you fool! :P

only man that can say fool is the one and only toughest man in the world mr t, crazy sucka :lol: , and no ive not dl the princess bride yet as emule hasnt been running for a few days, trying to get some stuff finished in bt, also seeding the invaders season 1
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:39 pm

El Mariachi, use the
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for spoilers.

BTW, another spoiler from the past two episodes of battlestar:
We know there are 8 cylons in the fleet too

Last two episodes have been far better than the rest of the series imo.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:41 pm

maxpayne2409 wrote:
what was the first tv series to come up with alternative swear words like that btw?

red dwarf wasnt it with Smeg? which they always claimed is a futuristic swear word (although in reality smeg is actually for lack of a better word "bell-end cheese" and thats true)

no because porridge had "scrotes", which was a real word too but not used. For the record Red Dwarf was a huge ripoff of Porridge, they even say so on the audio commentries and documentries for the Red Dwarf DVDs.

Porridge used "scrotes" to dodge the censors. Space above and beyond came out waaaaaaaaaaaaaay after red dwarf, but i know Red Dwarf wasn't the first.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:36 am

holy crap i never mentioned i watched Land of the Dead!

spudthedestroyer wrote:I just watched Land of the Dead (the TS/CAM is more than watchable, its on par with an extremely good vhs or an extremely bad DVD, but you don't notice the 'subdigital' image like you do with screeners), and have to say i thought it was excellent. I'm trying to recall the past 20 years of zombie movies, and I'm going to rewatched some to recheck, but it seemed like it was the best zombie movie since the last Romero zombie movie easily and with very little effort. Its not got any of the "mtv cinematography" of movies like Dawn of the Dead remake, and its a very well made and acted movie. I'd probably have prefered a tad more gore, but its done extremely well and where necessary and no more. Its a bonus to hear they are doing an unrated version but hardly surprising at all.

I had a fear that the "they are learning" was going to be totally stupid but it wasn't at all. They don't make any "The Village" like plot narration of them actually evolving you just see they are using weapons as blugeons.

Its a lot more 'fun' than the other Dead movies, i'd comment, a lot less serious it seems and much lighter on the social commentry. Makes a movie that's easier for repeat viewing but at the same time, it does make the impact a little less. There's some great scenes, I love the beginning panning shot (lol at the zombie band) it actually reminds me of the Deadite army resurrection panning shots in Army of Darkness, in a good way. I also liked the zombies emerging from the river, but its been used a few times in zombie movies.

I only have two "problems" with it, which are really ways it could have perhaps been improved in my view,
1) continuity, given the world came to an end in the late 60s/early 70s, i have a bit of trouble beleiving in mobile phones and pdas with GPS being invented anytime after Dawn of the Dead. Obviously Romero thought 'f*ck it' when deciding on how faithful it would be to previous movies
2) imo the budget was too large, it works well and for it most of the movie, but I think also it might have produced better results if they lowered the budget for some scenes, it would have created something a tad more down to earth.

I'm converting the cam to DVD (cropping the boarders, running convolution3d, fixing the AR and then re-encoding with new boarders back on), i think it will look excellent video quality wise.
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Postby dinky on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:22 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:Its a lot more 'fun' than the other Dead movies, i'd comment, a lot less serious it seems and much lighter on the social commentry. Makes a movie that's easier for repeat viewing but at the same time, it does make the impact a little less. There's some great scenes, I love the beginning panning shot (lol at the zombie band) it actually reminds me of the Deadite army resurrection panning shots in Army of Darkness, in a good way. I also liked the zombies emerging from the river, but its been used a few times in zombie movies.

aye. welcome back to the land of the living. now-pick-up-a-shovel-and-start-digging!

I fail to see how more gore would make the movie better, since the spectacle (which is largely where all the $$$ went) is kinda superfluous to the movie anyway -- the preaching may be lighter than capping the lone black survivor between the eyes, but this was totally a modern/futuristic parable via zombies.

spudthedestroyer wrote:I'm converting the cam to DVD (cropping the boarders, running convolution3d, fixing the AR and then re-encoding with new boarders back on), i think it will look excellent video quality wise.

why? you've already seen it. you'll get a proper dvd when it comes out or maybe even buy it a couple weeks after that.

some speculation for latest ep of BG</i>:
spoilers wrote:They removed a cancerous sist from starbuck's ovary so she'd be clean to impregnate.
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:24 am

cool, where can we get this version of land of the dead spud?

scrotes doesnt really count as it wasnt a made up word, my dads brother who worked in prisons as a warden in the late 60s and 70s has told me before (while viewing porridge) that scrote is a regularly used word, so you cant really class it as a word a show used for swearing.

so currently red dwarf (as far as we know) would be the first show to make a fake word up solely to get round swearing
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:30 am

neither was smeg then, they didn't invent smeg it just wasn't a regularly used piss take. Both of them used them to get round the censors, you learn a lot from these documentries. There's loads of other terms in porridge too that a well harsh if you watch the odd episode.

@dink, because a) its a shit hot film b) its not out in the uk for some months yet c) the quality looks above vhs standard after i've encoded it and as a DVDr i can lend it to my friends

as for that speculation, erm didn't the black guy actually say that? I thought they actually removed the ovary altogether and thought it sounds likely they're going to try and mess with her hed with a baby starbuck... then again i wasn't listening, but its obvious they check her overies for the reason of making a little robot anyway since they were in a fertility farm :)
How come there were two episodes out on friday or am i like a week behind or something? I'm well blagged when i downloaded and watched two new episodes... american tv is gay.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:36 am

awesome: ... urse_words

I didn't know they said cruk in doctor who as a way of saying fuck :o Farscape has loads of them.

Hitchhiker's guide beat red dwarf by about 8 years or something, forgot about that.

edit: hey look what it says about frack
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Also appeared in an early-1980s game on the BBC Micro. A caveman called 'Trogg' would utter this word in a speech bubble when "killed". Presumably same meaning as "fuck". Hacked versions of the game substituted "fuck".

Looks like BSG actually does beat Red Dwarf too.

edit2: nope looks like red dwarf stole it from Monty Python:

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smeg - from Red Dwarf, rooted from smegma. Also credited to the original Monty Python episodes. Unclear whether "art imitated life" or "life imitated art".

edit3: Looks like Porridge did have some fictional words too:
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# naff - used in the same way as [fuck] in the 1970's BBC comedy Porridge
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:42 am

lol isnt it funny tho how people say naff as some sort of everyday word meaning rubbish rather then a swear word

incidently i remember in one episode of tom baker doctor who he says Spack Off to someone as a way of saying fuck off

anyway spud, when uve got this new re-encode are ya gonna release it?
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:48 am

hell no, its a DVDr @ 4.37GB :lol: It was just a way of practicing my re-encoding skills and to get some people to watch the movie.

There's a repack (tiny res though) here: ... vies&id=92

To be honest, i'd grab a torrent of the unrepacked one, and fix it (the AR is wrong obviously in those screens), but the resolution is higher so you can use your player to adjust it.

I used cce to crop, increase, fix the resolution and resync the audio since its -0.20 out (on the xbox, which is -20ms i think i changed it to [-718ms or something, can't remember])

@dinky's gore not making a difference, imo it does for this movie. There's too many shadow shots, and one of the real impacts of Dawn of the Dead was thinking "he's not going to show that?" then he does, which totally dispelled any bar to what you think they can and can't show and the impact the movie had because of it was pheonominal. here i think tis been censored. When i watched the movie I just felt that a censor has sat down and cut this bit, it doesn't edit right.

Then i heard that there's an unrated verison and it made sense. I then read in fangoria from the makeup artist that he shot a 10min long scene of a guy being ripped to pieces and then when you watch the movie, it wasn't even in. I think we'll see a longer and more complete movie in the unrated verison and i think the gore works for the movie. It makes it more brutal and grubby.

I mean i'm not syaing the movie as it is isn't gorey, what i'm saying is it looks censored to me, and that the scenes where the zombies overpower the guards are over in a flash, and that doesn't seem right at all. Not when you look back at Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. Remember the way those are the big scenes in the movie? it will serve to bring this movie more into the fold and earth it a bit more, its way up in the clouds (imo that's down to the big budget).

BTW for those that haven't seen it, there's cgi in it but its not done badly here which is a nice change... you still get the George Romero 'hands on' style sfx feeling you get in his movies, and which is why they work so well.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:54 am

oh yeah, and i say naff as in rubbish too. That's why fictional swear words that aren't so obvious rule :)

Smeghead :lol:
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Postby maxpayne2409 on Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:56 am

To be honest, i'd grab a torrent of the unrepacked one

ok, im guessing torrentspy or something similar has it? any specific release team one i should look for or is there only 1?
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