(ecology)Coats & Schauberger - The water wizard (1997)

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(ecology)Coats & Schauberger - The water wizard (1997)

Postby red_gonzo on Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:59 pm

British architect Callum Coats edited and translated this book from Viktor Schauberger's works with the full title The water wizard - The extraordinary properties of natural water (1997). Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, pioneered his own philosophy of water which is based on natural observation of its vortex-like movement. 220 pages, some pictures.

From the backcover:
Viktor Schauberger was a pioneering genius who combined keen observation of nature with intuitive brilliance and a sharp engineer's brain. He made a lifelong study of water - from mountain streams to river flows and from domestic supplies to advanced hydraulics - developed profound and radical theories about its inherent energies, which earned him the name of the Water wizard.
According to Schauberger, water is akin to blood in the human body - the most important life-giving and energy-empowering substance on the planet. Yet, with incorrect, ignorant handling, it becomes diseased, affecting human, animal and vegetable life alike, causing physical decay and, in the case of people, their moral, mental and spiritual deterioration as well.
Schauberger was a fearless exponent of natural energy and a fascinating polemicist, revelling in doing battle with contemporary orthodox scientists. Sadly, the same extractive and water management policies which brought devastation and widespread pollution in his day have even greater consequences today.

ed2k: Coats.&.Schauberger.-.The.water.wizard.-.The.extraordinary.properties.of.natural.water.(1997).pdf  [2.55 Mb] [Stats]

Please share this book with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.
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