Childress - AntiGravity and the World Grid (1987)

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Childress - AntiGravity and the World Grid (1987)

Postby red_gonzo on Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:56 pm

In his book Antigravity and the World Grid (1987) editor David Hatcher Childress compiled together and overview of works of various authors who have explored this ancient knowledge of world energy grid. Find out how builders of ancient times used the grid harmonics to calculate the whole geometry and position of their structures, where gravity vortexes are located and much more. It should give you enough reference points for your further study on this broad subject having its application in medicine and technology. Authors presented: Becker, Hagens, LeFors Clark, Cathie, Leviton, Hero, Bearden and others. 260 pages, numerous pictures, maps and diagrams.

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