Christopher Franke - OST Babylon 5

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Christopher Franke - OST Babylon 5

Postby O.G.N.A.N.O. on Thu May 13, 2004 7:40 pm

Will this guy one day be recognised for the genius he is ?

this guy could make an awfull episode of babylon 5 bearable....

I can only verify 2 albums (the best IMHO) , but do a search for this guy and be amazed........



@ JohnDoe - you go and download "in the beginning " and play track 6 - "the war" THAT'S WHATI mean with "Throat-grabbing"

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Postby Jynks on Thu May 13, 2004 11:59 pm

This show ows SOOO much to the music. A real mater TV score.
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Postby mw2merc on Fri May 14, 2004 8:17 am

When I get my comp back up, I'll try to remember to rip my 9 episodic CDs, B5 v1, B5 v2, B5 Best of, maybe In the Beginning, New Music for Films v1 & 2. :twisted:
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