Babylon 5 (Series 1-5)

Scif-fi Series... Farscape, Star Trek, Sliders, etc.

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Postby Blade Runner on Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:43 pm


Babylon 5 - Season 1 - Subtitles
Babylon 5 - Season 2 - Subtitles English.rar
Babylon 5 - Season 3 - Subtitles English.rar
Babylon 5 - Season 4 - Subtitles English.rar
Babylon 5 - Season 5 - Subtitles

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Postby spudthedestroyer on Mon Jun 14, 2004 10:22 pm

I watched the first TV movie and I have to say, its pretty bad :o It's 'okay' I suppose, acting is quite shocking... like that chinese lass :o

The doctor is trying to sound bright (and failing, that bit where he talking to the chinese lass, yet isn't even looking at her and staring into the camera was hilarious :lol: ) and the c'ptin sounds like he's trying to deliver a punch line in the american pilot of Red Dwarf every time he speaks. The bouncer come security officier is cool though, and I like the idea of the ambassidors to the major empires all in the same place and not getting along. SFX and makeup seemed very shakey too. There's some nice story lines developing that make you want to watch on a bit, but it wasn't too hot to be honest :o

However, I understand this was a pilot (right?), and as far as pilots go it was pretty good.

atm. it seems the same as DS9 (okay different approach and everything). DS9 was a 'ripoff' though if I understand correctly, after Paramount turned B5 down, so that's understandable.
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Postby O.G.N.A.N.O. on Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:03 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:I watched the first TV movie and I have to say, its pretty bad :o It's 'okay' I suppose, acting is quite shocking... like that chinese lass :o

The doctor is trying to sound bright (and failing, that bit where he talking to the chinese lass, yet isn't even looking at her and staring into the camera was hilarious :lol: ) and the c'ptin sounds like he's trying to deliver a punch line in the american pilot of Red Dwarf every time he speaks. The bouncer come security officier is cool though, and I like the idea of the ambassidors to the major empires all in the same place and not getting along. SFX and makeup seemed very shakey too. There's some nice story lines developing that make you want to watch on a bit, but it wasn't too hot to be honest :o

However, I understand this was a pilot (right?), and as far as pilots go it was pretty good.

atm. it seems the same as DS9 (okay different approach and everything). DS9 was a 'ripoff' though if I understand correctly, after Paramount turned B5 down, so that's understandable.

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Someone grab a hold of his left arm and leg while I'll pull from his right limbs !


As posted b4 somewhere , MOST of season 1 is a test of patience....character explaining blabla etc....

It's story arc building......

Oh dear don't let that vorlon catch this ! :twisted:
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:01 pm

^^Agreed, season one takes many episodes to introduce the characters, their backgrounds and spends a great deal of time creating the intricate story arc which is the main driving force behind the rest of the series. When it was first released I had trouble getting through the first season but when season 2 came on, the whole series took off in breathtaking way. Even though I've seen it many times, it still give me a buzz similar to the first run, and I also envy anyone who is watching it for the first time.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:58 pm

O.G.N.A.N.O., you did read it right?
I watched the first TV movie and I have to say, its pretty bad

No mention of any series... anywhere ;) Read, absord, digest, criticise and reply :lol: Anyway, I stand by all comments, that tv movie was pretty crap on most counts, story was flakey, the way it was carried out was really shakey, acting bad, etc. (I covered it) however, premise is very good, and that's normally all is required of a pilot.

I did, however, last night, watch the first few episodes and it was a vast improvement. The movie was quite clearly a crappy pilot... I'm glad I wasn't the only one who realised the criticism, doctor and that chinese woman are gone! nuff said criticisms not only valid but sorted. Great stuff, it was obvious they shouldn't have been there tbh. No disrespect to the actors, but puueeewweee! People are a lot more confortable in their rolls and the I was impressed by the technical aspect of filming, looked like a decent series compared to a 'can we spend less?' budget which I suspect that movie was filmed on.

TV series is better on all accounts, acting is solid enough, crap characters are out of the window and there's a bit of story going on in the background. Good stuff, I'm going to keep watching, its done its job.

Babylon5 itself is bigger, more people and things going on, which is cool and opens to lots of stories :) SFX and makeup are also better, and the rivalries between all the aliens was great. I also picked up on the hint of the friction with earth too, undoubtedly going to get worse :)

Blade Runner, I don't have a problem sitting through 'harder' stuff, for me, for example, farscape was very hard to get into, the pilot was excellent, but the stories were a bit non-commital for my liking to start off with, but it got on a roll mid season. As long as theirs a premise I like, I'm willing to sit through a season or so :) I stuck with Lexx despite its corny and often crapiness :lol: From the first 3 or so episodes I know its going to be decent, now it just has to deliver some wows :)

ps. no defending that tv movie though.... it did stink pretty hard ;)
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Postby Blade Runner on Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:08 pm

Which movie are you talking about?

'The Gathering' or 'In the Beginning'?

I havnt seen 'The Gathering' for some years now so cant remember much apart from the acting being quite wooden especially by Sinclair.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:24 pm

I'm watching everything in order, so I'm referring to The Gathering:
P-1 22-Feb-1993 The Gathering

Don't be in a hurry to see it again, would be my advice ;)
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Postby mw2merc on Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:14 am

Actually, I'd suggest you watch 'In the Beginning' first as it lays down storyline that takes place before 'ItB'. 'tG' was never shown here locally as a separate movie, but as the pilot at the normal time slot to start off the series.

As for not being exceptional, I have yet to watch ANY series that the 1st ep was the best.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:18 pm

As for not being exceptional, I have yet to watch ANY series that the 1st ep was the best.

That wasn't my comment at all, I said it was a piece of crap, I also said pilots are hardly ever as good as the rest too; but most of the time they are at least decent. This is one of the 'bad ones' I'd have to say.

Luckily its nothing like the series :)

I'm not going to watch 'in the beginning' first because it was made last (!!) I'm watching them in order :) I don't want to spoil the series by getting ahead of myself :)

I'm viewing it as, 'if it wasn't made yet, you don't need to know it yet'... that's how the series was made, so I think i might enjoy any twists and turns better if I watch it that way.

Incidently I did see some parts of these episodes when it was doing its round on Channel 4 :)
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Postby Blade Runner on Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:24 pm

"You locky, locky bastard" :wink: Getting to see them all for the first time :mrgreen:
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:26 pm

lol crucifixtions a doddle
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Postby Blade Runner on Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:28 pm

"They must think the sun shines out of your arse"
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Postby Blade Runner on Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:07 pm

The DVD rip of 'In The Beginning' has been added to the header
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Postby Jynks on Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:22 pm

give it a break Spud, I mena the pilot is after all a pilot and the show refines itself over the next year untill the 2nd season is very diffrent. New captain, the remove some of the black from the doctor, new telepath etc etc. Still rekon thisshow rules....

Just wait untill Londo's Charicter pulls into 3rd gear!!!

Good idea not to watch the begining first as it just casualy throws some facts out that lituraly take watching the show for 5 years to understand.... There is a cronilogical order timetable thing on the official babs www site, but basicaly once you ahve watched 3 mabey 4 seasons you are free to watch the movies with no problems.
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Postby Blade Runner on Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:35 pm

he hasnt seen it all yet Jynks, give him time and he'll be shouting out B5 in the streets of (where-ever he lives)

But yes Londo and his relationship with G'Kar is a wonderfull life growing experience to watch
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:09 am

already its better than most series at this stage in their lifecycle, but as said, I am at the begining, having watched 3 discs, that's 16 episodes. One or two episodes lag a little bit, but they are still solid *** episodes even then :)

That Kosh fella doesn't do much, and seems a bit cheap. I expect a little chinese fella with a torch to pop out :lol:. Should be more black and sinister if they want him to be mysterious. Londo is already the best ambassador, I forget the Lizard guys name, (G'Kar of course, but it slips my mind, btw he's the dude from fugitive with the one arm ain't he?), but he's the campest thing since Lorn in Angel... suits his character atm. 'Evil' and camp? He isn't hitler is he? :lol:

Good stuff so far. I want that black doctor back though, he was hilarious. :lol: :)

ps. following for order of viewing
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Postby Blade Runner on Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:17 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:
That Kosh fella doesn't do much, and seems a bit cheap. I expect a little chinese fella with a torch to pop out :lol:. Should be more black and sinister if they want him to be mysterious.

"Yes" :wink: All will become clear as mud soon :roll: you locky, locky b'staaarr .....

the best place to go for major back up stuff and for an insight is

you will find everything and i mean everything you need to know about each episodes direction and what it means in the story arc
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Postby mw2merc on Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:38 am

spudthedestroyer wrote:I'm not going to watch 'in the beginning' first because it was made last (!!) I'm watching them in order :) I don't want to spoil the series by getting ahead of myself :)

Then DON'T watch it last as it was NOT made last.
TV Movies:
M-1 TNTCF2 04-Jan-1998 In the Beginning
M-2 TNTCF1 19-Jul-1998 Thirdspace
M-3 TNTCF3 08-Nov-1998 River of Souls
M-4 TNTCF4 03-Jan-1999 A Call to Arms

Even though that's how they're listed, I believe 'Timeline' wise, 3S comes before ItB.
In the Beginning (Occurs before 'The Gathering' [PILOT], during 'War Without End' 1-2 [S3], and after 'The Fall of Centauri Prime' [S5])

Thirdspace (Occurs between 'Into the Fire' [S4] and 'No Surrender,No Retreat' [S4])

The River of Souls (Occurs during Season 5)

A Call to Arms (Leads into 'Crusade')

Oh yeah, make sure you watch the UNFORTUNATELY killed Crusade series as well.
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Postby spudthedestroyer on Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:12 am

I wasn't speaking accurately I meant it wasn't made "anywhere near the beginning" ;) Stop nitpicking you! :lol:
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Postby mw2merc on Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:21 am

You first! :facehugger:
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