Masters of Science Fiction (2007) (S1-)

Scif-fi Series... Farscape, Star Trek, Sliders, etc.

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Postby MyK on Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:13 am

Heh, that third ep was gayness squared IMO... A guy falling in love w/ a miniature elephant and a needy house-tart not taking an advantage of sleeping with two men, and one being a tireless android at that... C'mon, there ain't a single Brit woman out there they'd survive a night with. Even that miniature elephant would be at dire risk of getting itself boned for the breakfast :lol:
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Postby Da [Fr]OG on Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:32 am

I insist, caricature of gay people, ridiculous, not gay. And about the Brit, I don't know, but I know a few girls who don't give a shit of phallus and what goes with them, who would for sure, never take any advantage of doing whatever you want with "sigrette" the robot and gooffy the idiot.
I need a cure, I guess...

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Postby MyK on Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:04 am

You know I was joking, right? And yes, you're right. It ain't gay per se it's more the lack of hard substance that I'm missing in it. It has this feeling throughout like when you speak with certain sort of /*insert random "f" word*/ ppl that answer questions with even more questions. Blah! :mrgreen: Anyway, love that hypnotherapy link ;)
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Postby Da [Fr]OG on Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:09 am

I know you were (or I guess I do...) and beleive me it works. I'm straight!
My mom will finally be proud of her son... I'm even not far from being a redneck. Works good!

Have you watched the 4th and last (for now) pain in the ass episode? As bad as the others?
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Postby MyK on Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:06 am

Nope, still getting it (half way there) ;) Iunno, I wouldn't say that eps 1-3 were bad at all. They just weren't good enough for the title this show carries and not even close to the quality of MoH (at least those eps I saw). It's the general state of the Sci-Fi within the entertainment industry I guess that's the main cause we're getting mostly nothing less than idiot-proof non-imaginative productions lately :? Cuz the way I see it it's not that there's not enough interest in Sci-Fi within the general populous. And there's plenty of proof supporting that, like top box office titles, most talked about movies, most watched TV productions,... In the end, it's the money and interests of those that have it to burn that define what we watch. With that in mind, could it be that Sci-Fi simply doesn't sell products as good as some other genres?
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Postby Da [Fr]OG on Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:22 am

MyK, a few years ago, I was reading manuscripts for a frog publishing company specialised in science fiction, used to say if the stuff was good enough to be published. I know what you mean. I've seen my company forgetting the real writers to sell Trekkies' shits and other Buffy's stories craps. I had to fight hard to sell the good ones to my manager. But she couldn't do a lot, the benefits were more important with craps so the collection stopped. Now they only translate craps for shit eaters. It's a shame, the company started 70 years ago, I've discovered literature by reading my first books edited by them when I was 9/10 years old, they were the first in frogland to translate Asimov or Bradbury and they were the only one giving a real chance to frogs science fiction writers. Now they only translate shit and guess what... They make more money than ever... Sad world.

And to come back to our subject. I repeat: I was expecting a lot. I thought they would do something similar than MoH (the 1st season, please, the second was far from the first one, to me) and they didn't. They fucked up everything. Or maybe I'm too old? Maybe this series is made for the ones who have never seen an episode of The Twilight Zone 59/64 or the ones who think that Dark Skies is an old scifi series... (I've read that on a forum once, frightenned me....)
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Postby MyK on Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:24 pm

Same here, I used to be subscribed to many of such publications only a few years back but most of them have either devolved into worthless "yellow" crap with hooters on the middle page or were devoured as a consequence of not going with the (smelly) flow by larger media companies by now.

"Dark Skies" was reincarnated many times (like The X-Files, Taken, The 4400, etc)... not literally word by word, scene by scene, just that basic idea (alien visitors + government conspiracy + ignorant masses + search for the truth of the select few) and the more recent that reincarnation is, the crappier it gets. I don't even bother to watch The 4400 any more. It's just plain boring and if they kept up with that pace they had the last time I watched it, it'll get canceled way before they get anywhere anyhow.

This show (MoSF) was canceled (at least that's the rumor) even before the first episode was aired. AFAIK, this fourth ep was the last that'll ever be aired and the remaining two that were already shot will only be released on DVDs. I wonder why did the bother then in the first place? With all that incredibly good Sci-Fi literature out there, the show named "Masters of Science Fiction" can in the end only account for this barely noticeable 6-episode DVD box set? /* #@!$"!?#+*#@! */
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Postby Da [Fr]OG on Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:47 pm

Means you're the same kind of nerd I am. "Enchanté!". ;)

Sad but that's what people expect: shit. If people buy shit, why shall publishers try to sell sometihing else when they'll never do? We've tried to sell literature. at the end, 10% of what the old house used to publish was good, but selling 2 000 pieces of a real book when you can sell 30 000 pieces of shit... They weren't publishers, the last big boss never heard of science fiction before coming in, the old house was bought by a big trust (as most of publishers here, they are now all parts of big trusts as Vivendi Universal...).
It upset me, not only because I've lost my job but because all my childhood disappeared with this new way of doing. But that's life.

Now let's watch this last one (for now) and trash it with the others... If I was told that I wouldn't keep them a few months ago, I wouldn't have believed it... But keeping such craps, no thanks!

See you comrade nerdie... ;)
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Postby Da [Fr]OG on Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:22 pm

Shit! I found this one actually good... But Harlan is not too bad when he wants...
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