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Searct h Topic Title?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:10 am
by Jynks
Would be awsome if you have to the time to install the search topic title only function into the search...


PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:59 am
by MyK
Doesn't Search Site form work like that :?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:03 pm
by spudthedestroyer
MyK wrote:Doesn't Search Site form work like that :?

Yes it does, it searches topic titles in the movie sections only. It does not search message body text :)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:22 pm
by MyK
Cool, so you already have the code and would only need to slightly modify it to make it work as an option in the main search form then ;) Cuz as I get Jynks' idea it would be useful if we were able to search only within topic titles and with all the extra options in the main search form IMO. Like say I'd like to search for "Guess the movie" thread and I know it's somewhere in the main section only forgot where exactly.

I've also noticed it takes quite some server time to locate last posts within long threads (like "Last movie you saw"). You're not doing page by page jumps or "do while" loop, are you? Cuz even though I'm not all that familiar with MySQL (I'm guessing that's what this site is on:?) most DBs have either JumpTo or JumpBy (or both) and you could calculate how far it should jump with page number or post number as a parameter. Just a thought.... Cheers!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:39 pm
by spudthedestroyer
The problem with server speed is this: ... php?id=211

I've been trying to get our host to move us to a better box for weeks now, but i get the feeling either the guy who's supposed to do it is on holiday or he's busy. The speed issue is server imo, not software.

BTW, I don't write the board code :wacky:

I modify it heavily, the frontpage is all mine, the header, etc. but the board and the way it displays topics/forums/posts, etc aren't mine. Most optimisations they have already done.

You're not doing page by page jumps or "do while" loop, are you? Cuz even though I'm not all that familiar with MySQL (I'm guessing that's what this site is on:?) most DBs have either JumpTo or JumpBy (or both) and you could calculate how far it should jump with page number or post number as a parameter. Just a thought.... Cheers!

Are you up on modern SQL servers? They do all the optimisation in atomic steps at a lower level, so your sql can be written a million ways, but the optimiser always executes it in the quickest possible way. You may be really crap at SQL but the SQL server saves you and actually translates it into the best form before actually commiting. There's times it will be slower, which are patched as the mysql server software gets better, but its generally 'fixed' on the fly for you :)

There's nothing like a while loop in mysql, that's programmatical.

I believe the query for threads uses a LIMIT BY from, to, to restrict results

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:05 pm
by MyK
There's nothing like a while loop in mysql, that's programmatical.

Yup, I was thinking of PHP code, not SQL/QBE ;)

LIMIT BY sounds like a client side range filter and not DB side :? That could be a problem with large datasets as it can clog systems memory. Don't know though, it might also be index based DB side filter like RANGE or something :?

I'm not strong with MySQL as I mostly work on larger DBs with Oracle, SQL Server, Apollo,... so I'm afraid I can't be of much help on this. It was just a though anyway ;)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:18 pm
by spudthedestroyer
limit is a server implementation. It will only retrieve subsets of the data, which you then loop through.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:49 am
by Jynks
There are hacks you could try out?

Search Topic Title Only Hack

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:12 pm
by spudthedestroyer
that site has a bad security rep, a lot of those hacks are very old and exploitable :(

Is the frontpage search not up to snuff or are you needing it beyond movies?