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Request for feedback

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:36 am
by spudthedestroyer
next time you want to search, can you have a little try of the frontpage search (just go to the frontpage and enter details into the box)?

Feedback welcomed.

( for those that have never been there)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:47 am
by Jynks
Workes great... I can search the horror and the scifi.. when searching for one in both... say ALIEN.. it splits the results nice and neat...

Didn't try the tv/games/news searches.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:42 am
by tweye
great idea!!
one problem: if i search for "bronx" from the front page, it only comes out with:
"Endgame - Bronx Lotta Finale (1983) (sci-fi) (VHSrip)" in HHAH forum.
when i do the HHAH forum search i come with more results, e.g. the "Bronx Warriors 1 and 2" thread.

EDIT: doh! that bronx warriors thread is in Movie requests, and the others are not in movies threads. that's why they dont show up.

alright, so all ok from here :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:17 am
by spudthedestroyer
Didn't try the tv/games/news searches.

They aren't implemented yet, nor is restrict by year, etc. just the basic search.

As for the search, yes it is only release sections. i figured frontpage users don't care if people have requested or have been chatting about it so much, just the releases.

It actually only searching forum topic titles since phpbb searching is rather complicated, it uses word tables and god only knows what to get matches, here its a lot simplar to go by topic titles without searching through huge fields of text.